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Everything posted by DEEJAYKEG

  1. ...who thought men were heartless...
  2. greywolf2 As defrosts are very important to a team yes------------- But defrost/kill its all the same...... Myself i have no need for how many i kill or defrost it how much fun i have............. It's a team game so, while we can "LOL" during play at some of our achievements and mistakes, I don't see the need for any individual competitive element, personally. I'm with you, completely! I think that's compatible with the clan ethos of "have fun, it's only a game".
  4. The awards have been handed out and here are the best jokes from the festival... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-11053202
  5. Fazer set to kill! Looks superb! Well, I do captain Enterprise from time to time!
  6. Every time X-Fire starts up it says I have to alter administrator settings so it can support CoD2 then I get a Windows 7 prompt asking if I want it to alter my computer. What's going on? Didn't have this with CoD4 and CoD5 so I'm puzzled and would be grateful for any hints.
  7. "42" (I thought I'd get that in before anyone else!) Seriously, we are placed here to love and be loved (though, looking at the shitty things people do to one another, one may not guess this...).
  8. Thanks for wasting five minutes of my life - that's a big deal when you're an old fart like me! What a load of sh-- that was!
  9. Over here, the guy with the bat would be chased down by the law and prosecuted... Amazed these drunks were still standing after solid strikes like that. Where there's no sense there's no feeling, perhaps?!
  10. Here's a treat for you Brit-rock lovers. The band's back at Wembley next month. MUSE ROCKS!
  11. Look after them, fella! Are you having to cope with the lady's crazy appetites? My wife had a thing for tinned peaches, orange juice ice lollies and beef and onion potato crisps (potato chips outside UK). Wish you both a continuing problem-free pregnancy and a short, easy labour.
  12. Some may need reminding that challenges need to be completed before they have a free choice too, perhaps?
  13. You're not a joker, pwr', you're a philosopher! Very good!
  14. BlackOp8 DEEJAYKEG Here's what we use in the UK... I think you mean one of these Looks far too realistic! We aren't even allowed realistic looking imitation firearms here. This article, published after the last massacre in the UK, in June, says it all. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10220974 Oh and for those wondering how we defend ourselves and our property against intruders, harsh language is still permitted provided it cannot be heard outside the premises (no I am NOT joking!!!).
  15. Welcome TBB! Hope to see you on the CoD5 servers sometime.
  16. Put me in touch with this architect! (For some reason the embedding of YouTube videos no longer works on this forum...)
  17. Here's what we use in the UK...
  18. I think that maybe the time is coming when I really ought to go back to see the specialist at the hospital. Lupus ain't pretty...
  19. UnChileno Dont look any further...Knifing...Phantom...anytime....u 2 Shadow....How about Sniping...How about Rockets...or Bolts...Flametrower..I master all of themm...sooooooooooooo.LIKE SOME 1 SAID UP THERE...IS ALL ABOUT HAVING FUN AND NOT BRAGGING...THATS WHAT MAKES A GOOD PLAYER ..SIR..if you look at my ratio..is the shitties...but I have a hell of a good time doing it.and you will have a hell of time trying to kill me........soooooooooooooooooo.. EAT ME!!!!! The good players are those with whom one enjoys playing and the best are those who make the games even more fun IMHO. So I'll congratulate the Chilenos, the Beers, the Digglers, the Olives et al who do more than hole up in some sweet spot on a map and take out opponents from a distance. The sweet kills with a knife, grenade or satchel charge are worth more than ten times the snipes from campers, say I, and to hell with k/d ratios. If you're laughing at the end of a game, you've played with some of the best!
  20. So funny! I can't believe he went fishing in his socks!!!
  21. Welcome! Plenty of nuts here to cut but we aim to blow you up first!
  22. Welcome all! Remember as you shoot that I'll get back to you eventually!
  23. A WOMAN'S POEM: Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man who's not a creep, One who's handsome, smart and strong. One who loves to listen long, One who thinks before he speaks, One who'll call, not wait for weeks. I pray he's rich and self-employed, And when I spend, won't be annoyed. Pull out my chair and hold my hand. Massage my feet and help me stand. Oh send a king to make me queen. A man who loves to cook and clean. I pray this man will love no other. And relish visits with my mother. A MAN'S POEM: I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with big tits who owns a bar on a golf course, and loves to send me fishing and drinking. This doesn't rhyme and I don't give a shit.
  24. Thanks for the info. I've been practising with the Solo mode and Zombies maps in the meantime but it ain't the same... Hope it's back up again soon. I checked the Treyarch site but, of course, no comment there - the fact that hundreds of thousands of players have been pissed off probably doesn't matter to them as long as we buy their next game!
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