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Everything posted by DEEJAYKEG

  1. SgtHarryWeezer DeeJay, can you refresh the list of all Internet servers? Yes, Harry - not a single XI server shown.
  2. I have a problem that is preventing me from connecting to any of the XI CoD4 servers. The game loads up and I select JOIN GAME. The server list does not contain any XI servers and when I try to add them as favourites, they do not appear in the continually blank Favourites list. Any ideas or remedies gratefully received. System is i7-860 based running under Windows 7 Home Premium.
  3. I thought Chile invented that... Oh no, that was deep fried Beers! Scotland is the true home of the fried delicacy e.g. the deep-fried Mars bar!
  4. Here's a treat for RickJames! Nigel goes to China to do some panda hunting and lovin'! They are so cute!
  5. Since the "fun" I had with their First Aid 98 product, I haven't touched anything from that company and will never do so. I have bought machines with trials pre-installed and the first job on powering them up was to remove the software. ISPs and anyone else are in no position to dictate what AV program one uses and there are some much superior alternatives available.
  6. You're very skilled - that's a fine piece of work, Bud! Where will this memorial be placed?
  7. Just had some trouble displaying the Home page - an error message was returned: Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ee' Expected ')' /core/classes/class_template.asp, line 153 arrSSections = split(arrSections(18,0) --------------------------------------^
  8. Welcome to the forums, Scoarch! Like the boats!
  9. WHEN LOVE FADES... Last night I was sitting on the sofa watching TV when I heard my wife's voice from the kitchen. "What would you like for dinner my Love? Chicken, beef or lamb?" I said, "Thank you, I'll have chicken." She replied "You're having soup, asshole. I was talking to the Dog!"
  10. It's gone viral; this is just one of the versions on YouTube. The little fella's got the moves, though!
  11. As you know, we Brits love our fish and chips...
  12. It's a miracle they're still alive and in relatively good shape. This made the headlines here too and we're all praying for a successful rescue and happy reunion for them with their loved ones.
  13. Let this be a warning to you... Don't drink and walk!
  14. (I see Chile is being as "helpful" as usual...) I have a Radeon 4870 that manages 91FPS in CoD WaW (but probably a lot lot less in Crysis...). It was a mid-range card but can now be bought for around £100. The 5830 series seems to match your budget, mate. Here's what CCL have to offer: http://www.cclonline.com/product-categories.asp?category_id=1152 When shopping for a new card, I make a shortlist then go hunting for comparative reviews online. That strategy has worked to date. You may find this review and the benchmark data interesting: http://www.techspot.com/review/249-ati-radeon-hd-5830/ Good hunting! Hope this has helped.
  15. Kulula is a Johannesburg-based budget airline that doesn't take itself too seriously. Check out this livery on one of its aeroplanes! (No, this isn't a fake or joke!)
  16. Happy Birthday to all! Hope you enjoy your special day!
  17. Happy Birthday to our tech guru! Hope you get time away from the keyboard for some fun, today!
  18. Pity EA doesn't bring out a game featuring politicians, the stocks and custard pies...
  19. Pwr, I reckon you ought to change your name to Confucius! How very true this is!!!
  20. Local (UK) To USA: PING: Local (UK) To USA: Would like to get that ping down but ye cannae change the laws of physics, Captain! We're under one kilometre from the telephone exchange so the connect/download speed is about as high as it'll get and we have no prospect of being able to hook up fibre as, when they built our home and those around it, they didn't put cable under the ground. Stuck with <8 Meg ADSL until the 21CN network is enabled for our area in a year or two bringing it up to around a 20-Meg connection.
  21. How unusual - a politician talking out of his arse... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/video-games/7960031/Liam-Fox-calls-for-Medal-Of-Honor-to-be-banned.html
  22. As I had some difficulty finding this thread, I am adding the player's proper name SAVEGSAM so he can find it when he rejoins us.
  23. Hadn't seen you in-game for ages so asked after you and was directed to the forum. Shocked to hear you'd had a crash, mate, and sorry I didn't hear sooner - maybe I could've been of some practical help/support being a couple of hours' drive away. Anyway, I hope you have friends and family locally who've been keeping you supplied with fruit because we all know that whatever is wrong with us, boxes of fruit aid recovery (it's always been a bit of a mystery how loose bowels help one heal but bunches of grapes seem to work miracles!). No doubt you'll soon be telling us WTF happened - looking at those injuries, I'd guess some twat in a car pulled out on you?? (Had a major bike accident when I was 17 when a van driver opened his door as I was passing - right wrist, back and leg inuries resulted.) Wish you a speedy and full recovery, fella!
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