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Posts posted by Bama

  1. 13 minutes ago, Streetcleaner said:

    There is so much I want to say.....first, I am so sorry for the loss of both  your parents I know how that is...I have lost both of mine...my mother when I was 27 and my father when I was 41 and that was tough for me.I can't imagine losing both in a short span of time,I know it's rough and about your Grandfather too  but wow 97 !! 

    I knew of your internet situation but did not realize it's been soooo long...How do you do it? I would be climbing the walls....but yes, you need to get back into it, so I can kill your ass some more....lol  :2guns:

    you were the first one I really connected with way back in 2007 on Ace and we had many good laughs and matches and hope to continue doing, so get your effing internet up Dude !! :blink: and don't be a stranger or your better half (Bright)   I want to see both of you playing again !!

    I'm also sad to hear your leaving the senior Admin position ,hopefully they find someone worthy of taking your place but don't look at me....first, I'm not XI and second....well...there is no second ....I don't want the job....hahaha

    I wish you the best  to getting things in order

    Looking forward to playing against you soon Bro


    I have missed playing against you most, Street. I sure do hope to get back up and running soon.  You always made Acemod that much more fun.

    Looking forward to it brother :)

  2. To all Idiots everywhere,

    I apologize for my absence. Life has a way of being difficult. I lost the ability to play on any of our servers almost 2 years ago. Time flies, but it just doesn't seem that long since I've played. I only have satellite internet at this time, and the latency is too high to even log on to a server, much less play. Some good news, Atlantic Broad Band tells me that they will provide me with cable service soon. I sincerely hope they do, and I can get back on Freezetag and Acemod servers for some fun.

    In the last 60 days or so, I have lost my Father and my Mother. My grandfather, who is 97, was also admitted to a retirement home due to failing health. I have been very busy, and it has been tough.  Everything, however, is going to be OK. The future is bright. However, the time has come for me to step down from my position as Senior Admin with the clan.

    I have enjoyed the time that I have been able to serve as Senior Admin. It has been a pleasure to serve XI and I know I will miss the job. Life situations, however, dictate that I step aside and allow a spot for someone who has the time, desire, and energy for the job. I am not leaving XI, I will be around. I hope to be helpful in any capacity that XI needs.

    Thank you to Rugger, for giving me the chance to serve. I also want to thank all of the Admin team for the countless hours spent making this the best gaming community in the universe. If I can be of any help, to any of you, do not hesitate to call on me.

    XI till I die,


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