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About pancakes

  • Birthday 07/22/1994

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  1. Ive got 2 7day keys valid until Jan 4th. If you want one pm me. First come first server
  2. ill have those two 7-day keys when they give them out. ill give them to whoever wants them
  3. still closed beta. very few if any at all for crashes and they are adding features every big patch. definitely playable and fun right now
  4. Been playing it since early alpha. its a fun game. especially with other people
  5. i play ground forces but i have a horrible ping.
  6. has anyone created an XI crew on GTA5 yet?
  7. I played it before It was on steam and it was ok its pretty much a Diablo type game
  8. pancakes

    GTA V

    its ok we all know he secretly plays consoles lol
  9. pancakes

    GTA V

    it is supposedly coming out for pc sometime early next year
  10. pancakes

    GTA V

    I really don't like consoles but GTA V was worth it to play on console
  11. pancakes

    GTA V

    Anyone else play on Xbox360? im tired of playing with the random people. my gamertag if you do is a_big_ace_gun
  12. i do from time to time to just screw around
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