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Posts posted by Angel

  1. I appreciate the work these guys are doing to make the servers better and the game enjoyable.  Sadly with that, comes bumps and hurdles but I have good faith that they will sort it out.  And yes I know from reading this, its server and not so much mod.  But either way, Its not like they put it up and said, "well this is it, you play it or you don't".  Instead I do recall seeing a post for people to comment about any bugs they find and I have seen for the most, Sammy replying back..it was this or that and its sorted now.  I don't play freezetag anymore cause for one, I cant but if I wasn't willing to be patient and let them sort the bugs out, rather it be mod or server, I just go play on one of our many other servers, there are some not having any issues.  I will give a little warning, the zombie server..is having issues as well. 


    Thank you fellas for the working your doing, great job!!   And of course I will be reviving @@Sammy (he dies a lot lol)  in zombies, I could let the zombies have their way with him for a lil bit if it would make y'all feel better :)  lol

  2. So far, I like the changes made.  I like that the stuff costs a lil cause it makes it more of a challenge :)  so thank you Rugger.     There are a few maps I would like to mention for possibly adding but I don't know the exact name of them but I can email to you once I look over the list of maps and get correct name.  They are fun maps to play :)   Thanks for the work your doing :)

  3. @Spartacus--once you reach level 55, hit your escape key and you will see prestige..once its unlocked then you can start moving up.  Everytime you reach level 55, escape out and move up. :)



    I would like add that what  @@AyaqGuyaq is saying is spot on, be nice to have something to announce the round is starting.  I like his suggestions bc it makes the game a challenge.  I dont want this mod to be easy, if you want easy then play on the other zombie mod we have.  It gets boring really fast, trust me lol    I like the challenge this one has but some things do need to be a lil harder to get. 

  4. I am actually liking how it is.  I like the challenge honestly and this mod is meant to be more for a group.  The other zombie mod is just toooo simple and got boring really fast so that's why I had asked Rugger for this version or any other version of the zombie mod to play.  I get bored easily so keep it challenging :)  


    And yes blaze, get more friends :)  lol   (now I do feel bad about tripping you on that one map, tho lol)  


    And always blame ice when you fail ;)

  5. You have very pretty hair.   I am jealous!!   :)

    I have natural curly hair but I did used to keep in length down to butt.  I donated to locks of love one time and I cut it to my shoulders now I leave it just long enough to put in a ponytail and its a lot less time to straighten it  lol 

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