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    Olive reacted to Ruggerxi in Member Spotlight- Sitting-Duc>XI<   
    @Sitting-Duc Thanks for doing this and it was a great read. I still believe I/the clan should get 20% of your wages since we made you who you are today. 
    Sad you couldn't make it to Atlantic City with us, but I will see you in Branson in Sept. Bring lots of money this time for me to win 🙂
  2. Cares
    Olive reacted to baldie in Update about my wife.   
    Hi all as you know a few weeks ago my wife was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer.
    Well yesterday she went into hospital and they carried out a 4 hour surgery to remove part of her lower bowel and intestine that contained the tumour. The surgeon told me it was a lot larger than they expected 15cm across (the size of a large grapefruit). Well they got it all and there were no signs of it spreading. As a precaution they took a few biopsies further up the bowel and intestine to be sent off for testing. Although my wife is in a lot of pain and requires a lot of healing we are all over the moon and she looks better already.

  3. Haha
    Olive reacted to LtLaszlo in God help us!   
    So most of you will write this off as BS (if so, FU), so save the comments and just watch and listen closely! The western world's governments (WEF, UN & WHO) are beyond evil! This is not political, but reality! Do you want this shit is your body? I don't!
  4. Like
    Olive reacted to baldie in New Member of the baldie family   
    Well today we went and picked up our new little boy Kai the Akita. He is cute as hell and he already follows Mrs baldie every where . 

  5. Like
    Olive reacted to Labob in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Ya do not need a pistol of any kind in Canada. In the US of A ya need to be fully armed at all times. Your children in the States need a swat escort between classes. In Canada we do not.   In Canada were still a safe country. I'm happy that pistols are going to disapear over the many years it takes to happen. I do not want my grand kids to go to a locked down intitution to get an education. This is how you stop something before it gets to the point of no return . Unlike  like the US of A where it is sadly way to late .   
     And yes I know the criminals will still have guns. So now the cops will know there criminals by the precence of the gun. 
  6. Like
    Olive got a reaction from Hoth in >XI< Fest is finally coming back!! 2022 Fest is happening, get your spot now!   
    I can't say yes or no right now due to to other trips sheduled and work but even it's a last minute thing i'll be there and find a motel nearby.No problem.
  7. Like
    Olive got a reaction from YACCster in >XI< Fest is finally coming back!! 2022 Fest is happening, get your spot now!   
    I can't say yes or no right now due to to other trips sheduled and work but even it's a last minute thing i'll be there and find a motel nearby.No problem.
  8. Like
    Olive reacted to Ruggerxi in Hoping for some good results from my surgery   
    The results came back negative for any cancer!  Happy Dance!!!
    I'm so glad they came back before the long weekend. 
    Thank you everyone for the posts, it meant a lot reading them.
  9. Like
    Olive got a reaction from PHUCKITMAN in Hoping for some good results from my surgery   
    I'll keep my fingers crossed my friend !
  10. Thanks
    Olive got a reaction from Ruggerxi in Hoping for some good results from my surgery   
    I'll keep my fingers crossed my friend !
  11. Like
  12. Like
    Olive reacted to YACCster in 5 years ago, there was an XI fest... here are some highlights   
    @Ruggerxi @Sitting-Duc @Olive @Bama @Ov3rKi11 @wildthing @B-Murda ...and many others that I'm failing to include (apologies!)
  13. Like
    Olive reacted to Roxy! in What career are you in?   
    Hello Froggy, I have been a lawyer for 20 years ... in 2013 I got my doctor of laws degree in my country. I was professor at the University for a few years.
    I dont think to many know it but also as part of my hobby and investment  I flip houses... yeap I love to do that is my creative side, I just done last one a couple month ago. I see beauty in the most horrendous pleaces....I like to pick every details and decoration to transform them. 
    But this beautiful pandemic 🙄 changed the style of work that I made at my firm... it became less exciting so I guess it came to make me renew myself like the phoenix ...thats why I have started working on a new project that will radically change what I do ... if everything goes well I will sell my part of my firm and became to a eternal traveler sooner that I thought, so wish me luck.
    PS. XI MEMBERS my malefic plan it is like Julio Verne, Around the world in eigthy days hehehe and visit your countries/cities ... get ready!!! @Sourtap @P!nk @Lunkster @Sitting-Duc@Exe @FRENCHI @Oliveu r gonna to be the 1st ones =D 
  14. Like
    Olive reacted to 24oz in What Are You Listening To Today?   
  15. Like
    Olive got a reaction from baldie in Very sad news to report 7Toes has passed away   
    Very sad news RIP Toes we had some good laugh around the pool tables at XI fests.
    Small vid featuring Toes and Johnny in 2013
  16. Like
    Olive got a reaction from Tw33tle_Dee in Very sad news to report 7Toes has passed away   
    Very sad news RIP Toes we had some good laugh around the pool tables at XI fests.
    Small vid featuring Toes and Johnny in 2013
  17. Like
    Olive got a reaction from KaptCrunch in Very sad news to report 7Toes has passed away   
    Very sad news RIP Toes we had some good laugh around the pool tables at XI fests.
    Small vid featuring Toes and Johnny in 2013
  18. Like
    Olive got a reaction from WeednFeed in Very sad news to report 7Toes has passed away   
    Very sad news RIP Toes we had some good laugh around the pool tables at XI fests.
    Small vid featuring Toes and Johnny in 2013
  19. Cares
    Olive got a reaction from YACCster in Very sad news to report 7Toes has passed away   
    Very sad news RIP Toes we had some good laugh around the pool tables at XI fests.
    Small vid featuring Toes and Johnny in 2013
  20. Like
    Olive reacted to Sitting-Duc in >XI< Fest Date and location   
    You ever thought it could move even more East for some of us? @Olive what do you think?
    I don't think I will be there this year; what with short notice, travel complications etc. We will have to next make year a good one!
  21. Like
    Olive reacted to ANGU5 in Just a few reasons for not being around.   
    GG and I have been enjoying the world as it should be, Getting out. Recently we got a new Ride.. Ruby SS is her name.. She is 3 months old and doing great. This past week she went for her first outing.  My best friend and I took her out to the mountains for 5 days. Went less the 5 hours away to a Camaro Rally with over 180 cars and put over 1700 miles on her, Over a 1000 of that was just being in and around the Tail of The Dragon in East TN and NC.. If your not familiar with the TOD you should look it up.. 318 turns in 11 miles, and other great roads.. 129, and Cherohala skyway and few more.. A few of our other stops included Vengeance Racing, potential  place for Ruby to get some upgrades some day. And Deals Gap ..Any way here are some picks for you to enjoy.. God  I love the road and getting out... And we only had one causality out 180 cars and most likely over 150000 miles between us all, We had 26 states represented, long haul was from Oregon.

  22. Like
    Olive reacted to Markoff in For JohnnyDos   
    Wanted to put something in my lastest map for   johnnyDos R I P  my friend.............................

  23. Like
    Olive reacted to AusiGirl in Nats over the weekend! some pics of the cars.   
    On Friday we had the biggest car parade in Australia,over 1200 cars.They were here for the drags,burnouts,drifting and show and shine.

  24. Like
    Olive got a reaction from Power! in Sonovabitch ?   
    Anyone knows how to contact Sonovabitch ? i received several messages from him on Steam asking me to visit an email adress ( fetown.net) and vote for his csgo team.
    It appears to be a phishing scam and it probably means that his steam account is compromised,or this sonovabitch is a scammer himself but i don't think so 😅
    If somebody could let him know about the problem,not using steam of course,it would be great !
  25. Thanks
    Olive reacted to TheCheeseyCrusader in Sonovabitch ?   
    It's ok i spoke to sonovabitch. I spoke to him last night to warn him hes steam account has been hacked and spamming everyone with scam link for cs:go and as Hunter said he's claimed his account back
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