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Everything posted by HarryWeezer

  1. Get your Ph4nt0m knife insurance RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! Just send $19.99 plus shipping and handling to SgtHarryWeezer in care of this server and you, too, can be protected against Ph4nt0m's cowardly, back-stabbing ways. One hundred percent guaranteed. If not completely satisfied, just send your bloody shirt and we'll refund your money - minus administrative fees of $19.99 plus shipping and handling. Don't continue to be a target of this sneaky, sniveling, shiv artist. You, too, can laugh in his face as his knives simply bounce off you. Don't wait - insurance policies are limited.
  2. Word of advice - don't sit near the stage at a comedy or other show or you might find yourself on stage, as was the case with me Wednesday at the Hoot & Holler show at Pigeon Forge, TN.
  3. Oh, and I couldn't find the titty room. I know it's got to be there??
  4. Great map; really enjoyed it today. But I don't live long enough to find all the secrets. Can we get some hints? Thanks for all the work you put into it; it's greatly appreciated!!!
  5. Says this particular spider usually bites in self defense. This conjurs up images best forgotten.
  6. Seems like a lot of wolf hybrids running around here. Need to get 'em all in one spot and shoot the hell out of them. WELCOME!!!!!!!
  7. It's about damned time you moved from Analog. Welcome!!!
  8. I cannot be bought with mere medals (I require hard cash.) So please redistribute all the medals which I have earned to others. And no, there's no need to thank me for this humble act; it's just the way I was raised. Now go forth, and sin some more.
  9. Johnny is a foul-mouthed dude for sure. I was in third grade with him and one day the teacher asked us to say the name of an animal that started with the letter A, then B, then C, and so on. Johnny raised his hand for each one but the teacher wouldn't call on him because he always swore. But when she got to R, no one else raised their hand. Reluctantly, the teacher said, "All right Johnny, what animal starts with an R." Johnny replied, "Rat, teacher." The teacher, much relieved, said "Very good Johnny." But Johnny said, "Wait, teacher, I'm not done. A big fucking rat with a two-foot cock."
  10. Ahhh, another snake to grind under my heel. Welcome aboard!!
  11. Me kill you long time - and your friend Bambi too. Welcome!!!!!
  12. It's "clan members' character," not "clan member's character." Now go fight a foo.
  13. Meantime, the National Council of La Raza, a US-based Hispanic civil rights group - and others - are urging Americans not to travel to Arizona as part of a national boycott they have launched in response to the state's crackdown on illegals. As a consequence, Mrs. Harry Weezer and I have decided to switch a planned August trip to Montreal, to Arizona. We've not seen the grand canyon and this is sufficient reason for us to do it this year.
  14. Rational people fed up with all this shit need a place to go. I don't think anybody's using South Dakota at the moment. I say we take it over, enclose it with machine gun nests every 100 yards, declare ourselves soverign, and invite anyone in regardless of color or creed who is willing to work for a living, speaks English, and believes in the U.S. Constitution and that what you do on your own property in your own home is nobody's business.
  15. Guess that answers the question as to whose freakin' country it is. If that was going to happen anyplace, it figures it would be California (with apologies to any XI who live there.) They need to run whoever made that call out of office, and out of town.
  16. Microsoft said last fall that you couldn't do a full W7 install on a fresh drive using only upgrade media. I did; they were wrong. Then they said you couldn't install Virtual PC/WinXP Mode on anything but Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate versions of W7. Wrong again - just installed it on W7 Home Basic.
  17. B - A - N - G !!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the noise but that was me blowing my freakin' head off cause it's all I can stands, and I can't stands no more...
  18. Guess so and I apologize; not shooting at you, just frustration that we can't seem to get anything done in this country. We know what's wrong; we just seem to lack the will to do what's necessary to fix it. And so it goes...
  19. Are you shitting me Tball: it's "my responsibility" to see to it that foreigners get jobs, even at the expense of American citizens? You know, I don't blame our corrupt gov't on the crooked politicians; I blame it on the uninformed electorate that keeps them there. To repeat myself, no, Americans will not pick lettuce for $2 an hour and neither should anyone else, including illegals. A fair wage should be paid for any work as per federal law, and when it is, out-of-work Americans will pick lettuce. Will I then pay more for lettuce? Probably. And that's fine with me if it shuts down the illegal workforce. And why do I want to do that? Because I am not inclined to pay for all the government services their children and their families back in Mehico steal from us when we've plenty of American families in dire need. 12 million illegals is understated; it's much more. And they're costing our ass. They are being paid under the table by greedy assholes who are lining their own pockets at the expense of working Americans who pay the bills. Throw those bastards in jail and confiscate their businesses; close the fucking border and put up a double fence with hungry dogs running through it; and spare me the bullshit about good people needing to feed themselves. I am not willing to spend a penny to save any nation from itself. What I will do is put an M16 in the hands of every illegal I ship back across the border so that they can shoot the crooked police and overthrow their government. Tell ya what though. If you're really concerned, just send me 20 percent of your paycheck and I'll run it down to Home Depot and pass it out. If all you bleeding hearts aren't willing to do that, then shut the fuck up.
  20. Another Reb eh? Me kill you'all long time.
  21. Welcome fellow Idiots!! Camping Ron, good to see you in tags. You've been camping on our servers for years and we appreciate ya! Now speak up once in a while, OK?
  22. Thanks for putting that up Ted and I'm with you Blackbart. Long ago, I resolved not to debate people who either had nothing of substance to contribute, or, would not listen. Every now and then, I slip up.
  23. And a PS for CHKN: Americans clearly understand where they come from and most certainly we have the right to "stop and control" people who sneak into our country and saddle our taxpayers with the expense of educating their children and pay for their health care, even as they take jobs away from us while failing to pay back into the system through payroll taxes. Yes, we know conditions aren't as good elsewhere in the world; that's why we're protective of our system. "Go live in their country first?" No thanks. Our government doesn't "collapse" as your's did last week. It gets off kilter occasionally, as is the case currently. But we'll fix that this November and in 2012. I don't mean to sound harsh CHKN but it sounds like you've got a chip on your shoulder when it comes to the United States - as does much of the world. I'm sick to death of other nations trashing us because we're successful, because we live well (most of us anyway) and because they're jealous of what we've achieved.
  24. Bonjour Olive: You wrote that controlling immigration is importantant. Americans think so to, but the problem is not with immigration, which is the legal process by which someone takes up residence in your country and in time, becomes a naturalized citizen. America remains the most generouos nation in the world for legal immigrants. The issue here is illegal immigrants. You suggest helping them in their own country. First, they need to help themselves. If you're speaking of Mexican citizens, their country is absolutely corrupt and the citizenry needs to do what Americans did in 1776. Otherwise, I'm not interested in spending one thin dime of taxpayer money in foreign aid to any nation. Most foreign aid is stolen; all of it is wasted. If a nation needs help, America always has been first in line but foreign aid ought to be replaced by a system of loans and purchases. We taxpayers will give you our money, provided we get something for it. But your labeling the Arizona law as racist... "controlling people because of their appearance; the color of their skins; because they speak Spanish..." is absurd. It is nothing of the sort. Please do the research before you post such nonsence. Essentially, it says Arizona police, when otherwise legally engaged with someone (as through a traffic stop for instance) may then ascertain if the person is illegal. How do they do that? They ask for identification - just as they ask any citizen for ID in a traffic stop. If the person doesn't have it, or, it appears bogus, they'll check further - just as they would for any American citizen. That's it. OK? Your comparison to Nazi Germany is ridiculous. I'm also a student of history. Tell me how an American state enforcing laws already on the books has anything to do with persecution of Jews in a previous century. Arizona is taking this action because the federal government won't enforce those existing laws. Why? Purely for political reasons - to buy votes. Let's hope Texas follows suit, and then New Mexico, etc.
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