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***- Inactive Clan Members
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    200.00 USD 
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    73,000 [ Donate ]

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  1. Like
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from BUDMAN in Affairs in order   
    Good advice. Please take it. When COVID emerged, we finally got our financial affairs in order. I can't imagine leaving my family in such a state.
  2. Like
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from major-mark63 in Affairs in order   
    Good advice. Please take it. When COVID emerged, we finally got our financial affairs in order. I can't imagine leaving my family in such a state.
  3. Thanks
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in Affairs in order   
    Good advice. Please take it. When COVID emerged, we finally got our financial affairs in order. I can't imagine leaving my family in such a state.
  4. Like
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from tsw 8.5 in monday was a very sad day   
    Deepest sympathies TSW.
  5. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from ALanHim in Wanna See My Nuts?   
    We all know you lost the real ones to Stage 5 Syphilis.
  6. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from KaptCrunch in Wanna See My Nuts?   
    We all know you lost the real ones to Stage 5 Syphilis.
  7. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from Sourtap in COD4 Problem   
    My favorite weapon in COD4 MWD DM is the Sarich 308. But where is it? The only way I can use that weapon is to take it off a dead guy. Players tell me to simply select it from "Choose Class" but it's not in the list. Here's what I see after I select Auto-Assign.
    I reloaded COD 4 on a new system last year. Did I perhapps leave out a file/upgrade?  

  8. Like
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from Shadow in COD4 Problem   
    Shadow/Wild Penguin: Thank you so much. Really appreciate that.
  9. Like
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from BlackRose in COD4 Problem   
    Shadow/Wild Penguin: Thank you so much. Really appreciate that.
  10. Haha
    HarryWeezer reacted to Labob in COD4 Problem   
    Grave robber 🙂 
  11. Like
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from loaderXI in COD4 Problem   
    My favorite weapon in COD4 MWD DM is the Sarich 308. But where is it? The only way I can use that weapon is to take it off a dead guy. Players tell me to simply select it from "Choose Class" but it's not in the list. Here's what I see after I select Auto-Assign.
    I reloaded COD 4 on a new system last year. Did I perhapps leave out a file/upgrade?  

  12. Like
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from BlackRose in COD4 Problem   
    My favorite weapon in COD4 MWD DM is the Sarich 308. But where is it? The only way I can use that weapon is to take it off a dead guy. Players tell me to simply select it from "Choose Class" but it's not in the list. Here's what I see after I select Auto-Assign.
    I reloaded COD 4 on a new system last year. Did I perhapps leave out a file/upgrade?  

  13. Like
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from WeednFeed in Weed’s Dad Has Passed Away!   
    Deepest sympathies Weed.
  14. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from Hoth in Member Spotlight - Rugger >XI<   
    I also looked it up. This is what I got...

  15. Like
    HarryWeezer reacted to PHUCKITMAN in Member Spotlight - Rugger >XI<   
    I Love you my BROTHER for so many things like following your dream to make this not just the best Gaming Clan ever but also the largest PC Gaming Clan in the world. You stuck it out when people were coming at your character and saying cruel things about your motivations for growing this clan and they were false then @Ruggerxi and history has shown you are a man of real integrity and on of the coolest heads I have ever known. You have settle more personal battles than any person should ever have to and dealt with way to much drama (Sorry). This Clan would not be what it is or even around for 17 plus years. It would be a memory with your dedication and vision that it could work. Please accept my THANK YOU FROM ALL OF US STILL HERE< THOSE WHO LEFT US LOVING YOU AND EVERYONE WHO HAS PLAYED MORE THAN JUST A FEW ROUNDS ON OUR SERVERS. i HOPE WE COME UP WITH A "MEMBER OF THE YEAR" AWARD AND YOU GET IT FIRST AND IT IS NAMED AFTER YOU. PS Most people dont know our servers have never been down because we didn't pay the bills or money was mis-spent. In fact I bet we still have funds in a account to cover any rainy days or changes we want to make but our monthly donations won't cover in the short term. YOU ROCK MY FRIEND and tell C-Bags I said to blow me and he never beat me it was a tie
  16. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from RobMc in Member Spotlight - Rugger >XI<   
    I also looked it up. This is what I got...

  17. Like
    HarryWeezer reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight - Rugger >XI<   
    Welcome to the Xtreme Idiots Member Spotlight!
        Let start with your clan name?  Rugger
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? No nicknames
        When and where were you born? August 1976 in Minnesota
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? professional athlete
        Where have you lived? Only Minnesota, but I want out of this shit state 🙂
        What got you into gaming? My friends got me into it at a very young age.
        Your first game you played? Probably Oregon trail
        And what do you play now? COD4, COD5 and COD2
        Why did you join XI? I created the clan in 2006, I started it because I wanted to create a place where people
        could be themselves, and say what they wanted. This place isn't for everyone but for some its a perfect fit.
        What do you get from being in this clan? I got a place where I could be myself.
        What is your favorite hobby? Bowling and golfing. Recently got back into trading cards, specifically the
         1986 Fleer basketball set
        What is your favorite travel destination? Las Vegas
        Are you married? Yes 1 time since 2000
        Do you have children? 1 Step Son
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? We had 4 when we married 1 dog and 3 cats and we
         just lost our last cat last year. Not sure I want to feel that heartbreak again so we are not getting another
        animal at the present time.
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? Big sports fan, Minnesota Vikings are my team, even though
        they suck, I just hope they make the Super Bowl 1 time before I die
        What causes are you passionate about?  This Clan
        Do you volunteer? If so, where? I volunteer my time taking care of a bunch of Idiots 🙂
        What is an interesting fact about you? I was one of the people that create >XI< Xtreme Idiots, and the last of them
        still around
        What is your current job title? Tool Grinder
        Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education?
        Where do you work? Complete Tool Grinding
        What other job titles have you had in your career? IT
        Where else have you worked? Arbys, Ge Capital
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? Friend got me in and I loved it so I stayed.
        Why do you like your job? Something always new to figure out.
        How would you describe your career? I make carbide tooling for the medical field. The tools I make are used to
        create all sorts of medical things from knee replacements to heart valves and pace makers.
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? Started out as a delivery guy, now I run 3 CNC grinders
        Describe a time that your career was rewarding.    At yearly bonus time 🙂
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Be open to different things, you just never you what
         you might like
        What is your favorite thing about your career or industry? Knowing what I make is helping save peoples lives or
         making them feel better
        What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? Patience
        What do you hope to accomplish in your career? Early retirement lol
        Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations?
        Bowling and Golf leagues
        What is your favorite sport? Tie between golf and bowling
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? To go back in time
        If you won a very large amount of money what would you do? Buy a bunch of land and build houses for all
        my family members so we all could be close to each other.

  18. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from J3st3r in Hi Idiots   
    Yo Death, you crosseyed son of a Macedonian whore. Welcome to the land of Idiots...
  19. Haha
    HarryWeezer reacted to TBB in I'm sorry, so so sorry   
  20. Like
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from Labob in Ace Mod jumps limited   
    Rugger, can't thank you enough for jumping in on this. The folks in that server greatly appreciate it.
  21. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in Name change RobMc to RobMc   
    Hey, leave Rob's wife out of this.
  22. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from RobMc in Name change RobMc to RobMc   
    Hey, leave Rob's wife out of this.
  23. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from TBB in Name change RobMc to RobMc   
    Hey, leave Rob's wife out of this.
  24. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from jointz in Name change RobMc to RobMc   
    Hey, leave Rob's wife out of this.
  25. Haha
    HarryWeezer got a reaction from loaderXI in Name change RobMc to RobMc   
    Hey, leave Rob's wife out of this.
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