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Posts posted by Angelz

  1. I said I was against masks.  I did not say I would not wear one.

    Since March when this covid virus hit Ontario there was no forcing of wearing masks. Now it has been months since any new cases so why all of a sudden are masks being forced?

    The forcing of the masks doesn't happen till July 17. If it was going to mandatory why did they not do it right away? Why set a date for it?

  2. 1 hour ago, lTplkey336 said:

    I would have thought that after 5 months of being informed scientifically  that face masks are worn to protect other people from catching the virus and not you would have sunk in by now. Obviously not. Wont respond to this any more , but am shocked that the question even arose.

    I think everyone gets the fact masks are said to protect people from you. But, what about if an infected person wears a mask and sneezes. It does not keep it in the mask fully. If you watched the video you would of seen that.

  3. I have seen this happen a couple times on PBBans. A shit load of players get banned within 24 hours. It's called a false positive. They have to unban everyone including the cheaters.

    The fact they said they were going to order “thousands of bans” to those with racist usernames is impossible. They are full of excuses because they do not want to do the right thing and unban everyone because they would also have to unban cheaters (just like PBBans did until someone proved the ban was a false positive).

    When the next game that comes out everyone should not buy it. Then peeps will see a change go quickly.

    It doesn't matter what game there is always going to be lame ass cheaters. I love killing them in game and laugh when they comment in game hahahhah

  4. 5 hours ago, Hunter1948 said:

    Did you find out if the dog has had all its shots?

    She did not want the dog (Rottweiler) hurt because it lives with them. They allowed a friend to stay at their house. Yes, he is up to date with his shots. 

    My daughter and her husband told him he has to leave with the dog.

    I am so grateful that the dog did not lock his jaws on her.

  5. My 12 year old grand daughter spent the entire night in the hospital. Last night a dog was chasing a rabbit and my grand daughter was jumping up and down and was in between the dog and the rabbit and the dog bit her on the back of her leg. She was on the phone with me till they stitched her up. I felt so bad for her.

    Before and after pics:







  6. 1 hour ago, MikeB said:

    Canada has some pretty geography.  But come on, nothing beats Cedar Point and Kings Island as far as Coasters !!  And they are both in my home state.  I was at Kings Island when Evil Knievel jumped the Greyhound Buss's !!  Yes Im that old.  Now the $2,000 you Canadians get each month doesn't make me jealous.   Thats one days pay for us. ?   Now bragging your husband drives stoned all the time is crazy.  Doesn't Canada have a DUI ?  First time he kills someone driving stoned, well, that would be sad indeed.  And yes I party at times,  I grew up in the late 60's and 70's.   And I grew up in farm country, so weed was always growing somewhere ?   But I never drive under the influence.  

    My favorite ride is a roller coaster. The only coaster I have been on in the US was bush gardens in Florida. I remember Evil Knievel. I seen a few of his jumps on TV. I am probably older than you lol I was not bragging about my husband I just mentioned it. Yes, Canada has DUI. He just retired a year ago.

  7. 3 hours ago, Bloodyrbeye said:

    Yes i understand that. Same thing here. My point was this is not "FREE" money. We tax paying citizens pay for this FREE money. And we tax paying citizens will be paying more tax in the upcoming years to cover it. Many folks may need the handout, i was referring to the folks who are offered employment and refuse because they are getting more "FREE" money by not working. 

    With the $2000,  those who do not go back to work when the business they work at is allowed to open then they have to pay back every cent they received. Also at tax time you will be taxed on each $2000 you received. Tax payers do not pay any of it. Unemployment is not paid by tax payers. It comes off the pay cheques of every worker. If they get laid off they receive a money they put in through their pay cheques.

  8. 50 minutes ago, Bloodyrbeye said:

    $2000 "FREE"??? Nothing is free. I work in an "essential" industry and cant fill positions because  people don't want to work, not because they are scared of Covid, but because they are receiving this so called "FREE" money. Let the world economy collapse and you will see a lot worse than this pandemic. 

    The Canadian gov't shut down all businesses when Covid hit. This meant all workers were laid off and people had no money for food/ rent/bills etc. So the gov't took over the unemployment agengy giving every single worker $2000 free per month (same as unemployment would have) to enable these people their needs till they can get back to work. The gov't also helped businesses financially so they would not close down.

  9. It's like reading where corona virus started Japan, China and even the US, what one is believable? People have been driving under the influence of weed since the 50's that I know of. It depends on your tolerance level. My husband has been driving transport trucks for 36 years and has smoke weed longer than that on a daily basis. Yes,  he smokes it while driving as long as he has driven a truck. He is not the only truck driver to smoke while driving as him and a group of over 20 stop and have sessions with each other. He knows more about weed than anyone I have ever met. He is also one of the most safest drivers I know. I do not believe anything I read online about the subject as most is written by people who have no clue about weed.

    The weed I grow and turn into oil for medical use is purple kush. It has a very high level of thc (which is what cures) and it is an indica strain which makes you sleepy so you take it at night before you go to bed. While you sleep your body is healing.

    Sativa strains are uplifting meaning it wakes you up, gives you energy. That is the kind people drive on.

    I did a lot of studying before I did this. I read and watched videos on Rick Simpson (who cured over 5000 people) before I started to make his oil. I have given it to a handful of people who had positive results. JohnnyDos and I were pming back and forth about it because he smoked weed for years. If I had known he had cancer at the time I would of told him to go buy 2 pounds of it and make the oil to cure himself (it only takes 60 days to cure). When he died while were talking I was so shocked and it hit me hard. I will miss him for the rest of my life.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Sitting-Duc said:

    I don't know which Google you use but your comment intrigued me.. so I googled it and yep surely enough 1000's of hits about people dying when impaired because they were high from weed...

    Try googling Canada.

    What I just read about deaths of driving high in the US was a mix of weed and opioids.

    But then you take it from where it's coming from (the media) and do you really believe it?

  11. 6 hours ago, MikeB said:

    You believe everything you read online ???   So funny.  

    I do not believe anything that is posted online.

    There has never been anything posted online or in the news about anyone getting into an accident/over dosing or death as a result from weed.

    I am almost positive all those who are against weed would do anything to make that public.

  12. 1 hour ago, lTplkey336 said:

    Actually  that's over a buck more per gallon you pay for gas, you obviously do not live near the border , if you did you would've been coming here. And thousands of Canadians did come over the border before the border was closed. And I really think you are mistaken about there never been an accident caused by the use of weed. If you believe that, I got a bridge Id like to sell you . But tell you what, you may reply to this post , feel free to get the last word in, but I have a feeling this will become one of the never ending posts as there is always too much to debate. Loved talking with you have a great day and I'll see you on the battle field! 

    Actually I only live half hour from Niagara Falls border. Gas would be over a buck a gallon if I got it from the US. Exchange rates are insane!

    I am not mistaken about there has never been an accident or death due to weed. Google the stats.

    I always love exchanging thoughts with anyone. It's been real!

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