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Posts posted by Angelz

  1. 21 minutes ago, lTplkey336 said:

    Ahh , you must be the only Canadian to have never shopped or trashed my country, or came here for cheap gas, or shopped here for clothing , groceries or visited our  casinos where you could legally smoke  cigarettes indoors. Go figure you can smoke weed, get in your car and go run over some one cause your stoned, but cant smoke a cig in the casino. I believe you never got gas here before the border closed otherwise you would know that the gas is a lot cheaper than in your country. A LOT CHEAPER . But  enough trash talk , I do like Canadians as long as we don't talk politics, or comparing the lifestyles of each others nation, as there is good and bad in both, enough to go round and round and only national pride gets in the way. As it should. If you don't love your country then you should leave. Oh, you already did that . Oops sorry , national pride kicking in.   I do not like talking politics with people  in my own country .  Just not a good thing to discuss at all except if your looking for an argument. But I do sincerely hope you have a great day today and no hard feelings.

    Actually there are thousands of Canadians who have never purchased anything from the US unless they are down there on holiday. Right now our gas prices are on average 85 cents a liter which is probably a hell of a lot cheaper than driving to get it in the US. Clothing, groceries here are cheaper than buying in the US (exchange rates). A person has to smoke to want to go to a casino? I do not gamble so I would never go to a casino. I do not smoke weed I make oil from it for medical reasons. There has never been a car accident or any deaths related to weed EVER!!  I do not talk politics, too many cry babies get all butt hurt if you do not agree with them LOL Backatcha on having a great day. No hard feelings on my end either.

    21 minutes ago, lTplkey336 said:

    trashed my country

    I have never trashed your country!!!!

  2. 31 minutes ago, lTplkey336 said:

    Ahh yes , and where do the canadians go when they need to shop. They cross the border to the US because they cant afford the prices and taxes they have to pay in their own country. Oh and yes please fill up your gas tank while your here shopping, because I'd hate to have to see you pay three times the amount for gas in Canada. You want to trash my country? Well right back at you lady. Oh and happy independence day!

    I have never shopped in the US. I used to go meet my friends there every week end to go to the bars. Had a blast. I used to live in Williamsville and on Grand Island. When 911 happened I never went back. Our groceries, clothing and gas are not that expensive here. I never trashed your country. Oh and Happy Canada Day to you LOL I hope you had a great day today on your holiday.

  3. 4 hours ago, MikeB said:

    And where is that $2000 per month Canadians get coming from !!!!???  Must be all that money Canada saves by relying  on the US to protect it !!!   ?  

    Jealous much? Yeah ok keep dreaming lol

    4 hours ago, MikeB said:

    Why on earth would anyone go to Canada to holiday !!!!


    They can smoke their brains off here, IT'S FUCKING LEGAL hahhahahhahahahahha

    Just a few reasons why Americans come to Canada....













  4. Unfortunately in the US with all the riots, protests, partying and celebrations going on by stupid people not practicing safe distance and the majority not wearing masks  or gloves I am surprised the entire nation is not effected by this virus.

    Then a shit load try to come through the Canadian border to holiday. Us Canadians are like FUCK THAT you aint coming in our country to spread it. Go home and stay there!! When y'all can take it seriously and your numbers drop drastically we might allow some of you here. Trudeau has said that the US/Canadian borders could be closed for the next year.

    It sucks for all the Americans who are following the rules because of the jerks that are responsible for all this mess.

  5. In my opinion this corona virus is just like every other virus that kills people every year. This virus got out of hand because people did not stay in their houses for 2 weeks. I have been in my house since March 1.  I get sick maybe once every 5 years and I do not want to catch this virus, so I am staying put for now.

    Yeah lets open the work places so it can spread even more. I get the fact that people need money.

    Thanks to Trudeau he gives $2000 free per month to anyone who has no work due to closures. He is also helping business owners.

    Governments world wide should be doing the same but unfortunately that is not the case.

    I believe the media is over playing it and they need to be shut down. Friggin idiots who believe any of them.

  6. Last friday I went to use my adobe photoshop cs3 and a pop up showed up in my program saying, "Adobe Photoshop cs3 is no longer being supported". I went to their website and found out they shut all the servers down for it.

    So, sunday I decided to purchase Adobe cs6 extended 2020. I paid for it and I downloaded. Welllllllll OMG it was working ok for about 12 hours, then all hell broke loose.

    So, I uninstalled it, tried to reinstall it and it really messed up. I go on their website and spoke to support. He sends me a link to download the software again. So I click download and it made so many errors I was like WTF!!!

    He sent me a download for Adobe photoshop 2018??? Now I have 2 copies of it on my hard drive and they are conflicting with each other.

    And it also installed Adobe creative cloud. I was livid.

    I am not going to say what I said to him. Too long and not pretty.

    I went to my registry and there had to have been over 10,000 folder and files in there. I was so pissed.

    I typed adobe in the search on my c drive so many just so fucking many came up.

    About 6 hours later I am only not near half way done deleting all the shit and I took a break.

    This morning I wake up and start again. Try to delete files and get message you need administrator permission to delete this file. That started my ranting of cursing lol

    I said to myself, self, calm down and think. hmmmmm

    I am a great fan of open source programs to fix shit.

    I found 2 registry cleaning ones. I have 3 now. Ran them one at a time. The 3rd ones actually deletes folders out of the registry.

    It took 3 days but there is absolutely nothing left left on my c drive or registry that has the name name adobe attached to it.

    Any Adobe products embed itself in c drive, even in the windows folders. It is everywhere.

    I received an email from adobe support this morning giving me their phone number to call so they could help me fix my issues. My reply to them was, " Don't need your help, I owned your shit and it's all gone!!!".

    I just ordered a physical copy of adobe cs6. They said because of the covid crap it should be here in about 3 weeks. Coming from USA to Canada.



  7. 8 minutes ago, Merlin007 said:

    Inside the player profile folders will be another which is where the player data is stored for that mod ie. Rank, ect.

    The mods folder is the server mods. The players folder is for player data/stats (which is not a mod)




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