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    60.00 USD 
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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from Smeggie in Smoked babyback ribs.   
    Trimmed rack of babyback ribs.
    Meat Church Honey Hog BBQ 
    Meat Church Gospel
    Extra Pepper
    No wrap, no sauce. 
    Smoked to 205°.

  2. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from WeednFeed in Smoked babyback ribs.   
    Trimmed rack of babyback ribs.
    Meat Church Honey Hog BBQ 
    Meat Church Gospel
    Extra Pepper
    No wrap, no sauce. 
    Smoked to 205°.

  3. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from Flybyyr in Smoked babyback ribs.   
    Trimmed rack of babyback ribs.
    Meat Church Honey Hog BBQ 
    Meat Church Gospel
    Extra Pepper
    No wrap, no sauce. 
    Smoked to 205°.

  4. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from major-mark63 in Smoked babyback ribs.   
    No propane, electric pellet smoker. I used mesquite wood pellets.
    And no liquid anything, except mustard as a binder. lol. Everything I used was listed above. 
  5. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from major-mark63 in Smoked babyback ribs.   
    Trimmed rack of babyback ribs.
    Meat Church Honey Hog BBQ 
    Meat Church Gospel
    Extra Pepper
    No wrap, no sauce. 
    Smoked to 205°.

  6. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from ALanHim in Smoked babyback ribs.   
    No propane, electric pellet smoker. I used mesquite wood pellets.
    And no liquid anything, except mustard as a binder. lol. Everything I used was listed above. 
  7. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from SnullerDk in Smoked babyback ribs.   
    Trimmed rack of babyback ribs.
    Meat Church Honey Hog BBQ 
    Meat Church Gospel
    Extra Pepper
    No wrap, no sauce. 
    Smoked to 205°.

  8. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from ALanHim in Smoked babyback ribs.   
    Trimmed rack of babyback ribs.
    Meat Church Honey Hog BBQ 
    Meat Church Gospel
    Extra Pepper
    No wrap, no sauce. 
    Smoked to 205°.

  9. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from ShadyBrady in Smoked babyback ribs.   
    Trimmed rack of babyback ribs.
    Meat Church Honey Hog BBQ 
    Meat Church Gospel
    Extra Pepper
    No wrap, no sauce. 
    Smoked to 205°.

  10. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from Timmah! in Smoked babyback ribs.   
    Trimmed rack of babyback ribs.
    Meat Church Honey Hog BBQ 
    Meat Church Gospel
    Extra Pepper
    No wrap, no sauce. 
    Smoked to 205°.

  11. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from VHS2 in MW2 Freezetag Map Testing   
    I’ve really liked a few of the new maps I haven’t played before. Don’t ask me what they are, I don’t look at map names. 
    Personally to would recommend the map testing run for a while. Some people tend to say they don’t like something because it’s not what they’re used to. I adapt pretty fast, so I like change. But, everyone is different.
  12. Like
    Sikon reacted to WldPenguin in MW2 Freezetag Map Testing   
    Hi, all!  BIggie, Totty and I have been spending several hours each week testing out new maps to add to our MW2 freezetag rotations.  We are  testing the maps to make sure that they don't crash the server, and then that the perks, airstrikes, choppers, etc., do work.  However, we don't truly know how a map is going to behave until it's played with a server full of people.  So, here's where we need your help.  We are asking that you allow these new maps to be played when they are first introduced in a particular rotation.  That way we can finish the testing process.  Let's give these new maps a fair shot, and let's try to avoid skipping them without giving them a chance.  We totally appreciate your cooperation, and if you are interested in helping us or would like to make your own rotation, let us know.  We have had several members and non-members alike, submit rotations and would welcome yours as well.  

  13. Haha
    Sikon got a reaction from BigPapaDean in I am playing but......   
    As far as being shy, just join and play. Mic or not, you will enjoy the commentary during your game play. XI has a has a wide range of personalities from around the world. Lasting members and a literal melting pot of the gaming community. Join, shoot, have fun and communicate at your preferred method. 
    Edit: You have better more stats and have been around way longer than me, yes sir, no sir , !fu and a big middle thumbs up to ya! Welcome back! 
  14. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from jointz in I am playing but......   
    As far as being shy, just join and play. Mic or not, you will enjoy the commentary during your game play. XI has a has a wide range of personalities from around the world. Lasting members and a literal melting pot of the gaming community. Join, shoot, have fun and communicate at your preferred method. 
    Edit: You have better more stats and have been around way longer than me, yes sir, no sir , !fu and a big middle thumbs up to ya! Welcome back! 
  15. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from BlackRose in I am playing but......   
    As far as being shy, just join and play. Mic or not, you will enjoy the commentary during your game play. XI has a has a wide range of personalities from around the world. Lasting members and a literal melting pot of the gaming community. Join, shoot, have fun and communicate at your preferred method. 
    Edit: You have better more stats and have been around way longer than me, yes sir, no sir , !fu and a big middle thumbs up to ya! Welcome back! 
  16. Like
    Sikon reacted to ALanHim in What Are You Listening To Today?   
    And one of the best Iranian bands/
    I wonder what they're up to today, Iran that is. 
    Bring ones that work next time. 
    Everyone is...tized
    Makes me wonder what their songs about themselves would be today. War makes money.
    Especially when it centuries old Revenge. 
  17. Like
    Sikon reacted to Timmah! in Happy Mother's Day   
    R.I.P. Mom.
  18. Like
    Sikon reacted to Ruggerxi in Finally got my plates for my new car   
    Finally got my plates for my new car after 2 months of waiting 
    Love the car and love the warranty I got with it. 
    15yr unlimited miles bumper to bumper!! 
    My son works for Subaru and he hooked me up😁😁
    2.4ltr cTurbo 
    Fully loaded and has self driving
    @StormCrow you will appreciate the plate theme 

  19. Like
    Sikon reacted to AlphaDog in Member Spotlight -AlphaDog >XI<   
    I posted Pictures with the story. they didn't seem to go through

  20. Like
    Sikon reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight -AlphaDog >XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? AlphaDog
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Billythekid
        When and where were you born? 1962 Buffalo NY
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Police Officer
        Where have you lived? New York and Florida
        What got you into gaming? Mario Brother's (Nintendo)
        Your first game you played? Super Mario
        And what do you play now?  Play alot of VR games on my quest2 and COD4
        Why did you join XI? My other clan folded and was looking for a new clan, really liked the FT format
        What do you get from being in this clan? Get to meet new people
        What is your favorite hobby? Golf and Bowling (suck at both) lol
        What is your favorite travel destination? Switzerland
        Are you married? Yes twice
        Do you have children? 3 and 2 step
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? No pets
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? Yes, and Buffalo Bills
        What causes are you passionate about? MADD and BADD also hate to see any animal abused
        Do you volunteer? If so, where? I used to at our local Cancer center  
        What is an interesting fact about you? I light the night for your safe flight

        Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind?  No
        Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? Yes
        Did you belong to any professional organizations? IBEW
        What is your current job title? Airfield Electrician
        Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? Yes, I am ACE certified Airfield employee
        Where do you work? Buffalo Niagara International Airport
        What other job titles have you had in your career? Electrician all my life
        Where else have you worked? Local 41 IBEW
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? pay was fantastic
        Why do you like your job? I get to drive a vehicle down the runway at an airport, also i know my job is extremely important for the safety of the flying public
        How would you describe your career? crazy in the winter! not so much in the summer
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? Airfield certification
        Describe a time that your career was rewarding. It is every day that planes land safely at night, I know I done my job correctly
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? do something you love.
        What is your favorite thing about your career or industry? changes daily
        What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? Don't be complacent, electricity kills!
        What do you hope to accomplish in your career? retirement (next year)
        Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? I am the president of our HOA, and Treasurer of our Union
        What is your favorite sport? Football, Golf
        Do you play any sports? Not anymore
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? For my grandchildren to live in a peaceful  world
  21. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from WeednFeed in Weed’s Dad Has Passed Away!   
    Sorry to hear this and sorry for your loss. 😔
  22. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from Hoth in team balancing   
    I think it's better than being short 1-3 players if a group of people don't like the map. That's what auto balancing should be like for muti-player. However, we play freeze tag, so it's pulling active (unfrozen) players. The main issue I seen with it is that is also does it during overtime. Butttt, I would still rather that than short players the entire round, pushing hard as hell just to keep my team defrosted with no time to enjoy playing. Don't get me wrong.. When it's a good match up and even teams.. The defrost struggle is fun, but not when you have half a team. 
  23. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from MtDeW in Need intake manifold. Northern California.   
    In Northern California, looking for a new OEM intake manifold.
    2010 Ford F150 Lariat 4x4 5.4L
    All of the parts dealers including the dealership have it on back order. Any help appreciated. 
  24. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from BlackRose in team balancing   
    I think it's better than being short 1-3 players if a group of people don't like the map. That's what auto balancing should be like for muti-player. However, we play freeze tag, so it's pulling active (unfrozen) players. The main issue I seen with it is that is also does it during overtime. Butttt, I would still rather that than short players the entire round, pushing hard as hell just to keep my team defrosted with no time to enjoy playing. Don't get me wrong.. When it's a good match up and even teams.. The defrost struggle is fun, but not when you have half a team. 
  25. Like
    Sikon got a reaction from Labob in Home color scheme.   
    Wish we could. The entire house is textured, including the ceiling. Which makes it annoying every time we’ve repainted. On the other hand, this is the last time we have to paint this house. We’ll officially be moving to Ohio at the beginning of next month. 
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