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Bamm last won the day on January 11

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About Bamm

  • Birthday 07/04/1995

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    The Netherlands

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  1. You and your family are and will be in my thoughts. I wish you all much strength the coming time
  2. Heya guys, So two days ago I made a traditional Dutch side dish. We often eat it on the side with Christmas dinner for example, but i like it all year round. So it's made of a Dutch variety of pear that is made to stew. Those pears are a lot harder (kinda like they aren't ripe yet), so they don't fall into small bits when you stew them. So we had some of those pears left from the holidays, and I decided to make some stewed pears of my own based on how mom always made them.. aka with LOTS of red wine (NO water), cinnamon and sugar ^^ And then I just left it to simmer for four hours. Most people do that a lot less long, but from my experience this is the only way to let them really take up that wine, you can taste the difference. They taste great, even if I say so myself Oh and they can be a lot prettier when you just peel them, but leave the pears whole otherwise, but I always feel like the taste suffers from it with the wine not reaching the inside. Think something like this:
  3. Just please leave chess alone (We're already full with Kramnik going on)
  4. Yesss there we go! Congrats Marshall and welcome
  5. I'm mostly salty that I'm never called a hacker...
  6. Also, the pie looks amazing!
  7. That looks like the book my mom had If so, there's an amazing recipe in there for spaghetti bolognese where you use wine and let the sauce simmer in it... that has been my favorite meal for kinda my entire life. It was the dinner I asked for on the last night before my surgery too. I remember a stone dove depicted on the picture with it? Maybe?
  8. Not really, but let's say close enough? lol
  9. Congrats guys, you played well!
  10. Just stay on standby i would say. We're with 14 women in the end, and I don't think every guy will show up. Already two dropped out and I believe that Sour said somewhere that he wouldn't be able to join if it would be the 2nd? Some might have forgotten too.
  11. Looks like you had a lot of fun
  12. Maybe we'll do multiple rounds, cause we have too many guys now? Or flip a coin to decide who can join?
  13. Be sure to play with your hardwired on I'll be joined by widow, so double the party
  14. Who says they want me civil
  15. I believe that Snuller said in the old post that she wouldn't join, but correct me if I'm wrong
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