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  1. Now we'll see what Yaccster has to say about XI Fest: So, Yaccster, how many XI Fests have you attended? I’ve been to 9 of the 11 that have been in North America so far, didn’t even know about the first XI fest, think I attended the second fest before I was an official XI member. And which location has been your favorite? The last one, always seems to be the last one was the best, they keep getting better each and every time. Do you like staying in a house better than in a hotel room? The house(s) are awesome, much better to chill out in and get to know folks, much more space to get comfortable. Which activity(ies) do you like the most? Fan of hanging out with folks, gambling and of course going to the range and slinging some lead. There are always things to do: Cornhole, Hottubbing, sometimes paintball, boating or go-karting. What would you say are 3 things that no one should forget to pack? Well, Pigs of course, it’s not a party if pigs aren’t there. Cash for side bets. And whatever your favorite indulgence is. Do you have a favorite or funniest memory? There are so many, one of my favorites was when playing paintball I got to ask Bob Barker how he thought my balls tasted. And lastly, what advice would you give to someone who's thinking about going for the first time? Don’t over think it, just a group of folks that mostly like similar stuff, come and have fun! And there you have it folks! Just do it! Thanks, @YACCster, looking forward to seeing you soon!
  2. Today's little chat is with Sitting Duc. Let's see what he thinks about these American gatherings since he is from the UK but he does travel across the pond to join us each year So, Duc, many Fests have you attended? I think it's these ones: 2015 - Bristol 2016 - Gatlinburg, TN 2017 - Berlin 2017 - Niagara Falls, ON, Canada 2018 - Brussels 2018 - Nashville, TN 2019 - Charlotte, SC 2022 - Greensboro, GA 2023 - Gatlinburg, TN So 9 in all; three in Europe, 5 in the US and 1 in Canada. Abd who or what got you interested in going? Honestly, I think the first I went to was because it was close to me and was just attending for the day (the Bristol one). I'm trying to remember who invited me to it, there were a few people encouraging me to go for sure - I think maybe Edd? I had a trip planned to Japan later in the year and whilst at the fest I got speaking to Olive and we discussed travel and the like, and shared that common interest - that then turned into me going with him to South Africa in May, 2016 (which was amazing). But that then (once I realised he was a sound guy) turned into me going to my first US fest in Gatlinburg later in the year. Here I met people like Overkill's male friend Mike, and Bob and I ended up with them and Olive going to Iceland in 2017. As a broke software engineer at the time early in my career Olive enabled me to get cheap flights for my first US fest and one or two others which I can never thank him enough for. I had always loved travelling previously to XI but it has given me a group of friends where I share that common interest and is so much more. I love the fests completely but also love the 'side holidays or meetups' that they have enabled: South Africa with Olive Iceland with Mike, Tina, Bob & Olive A catch-up with Edd at his place in Reading My first trip to New York meeting with deerejon, Bosun, codpiece, Roxy and some of their friends and family (also a BBQ!) A catch-up with Olive in Montreal on the way back from Niagara Falls A random catch-up with codpiece on one of his flight stops in London I was able to stay at Didier's place in Paris.. (Olive's friend) - can't remember when or why but having that connection was great. South Africa with Olive, Reggie, Mike & Tina and meeting more of Olive's friends Las Vegas in 2023 where I introduced my friend Jerry into the mix to meet with Hefe/Starla/The Ruggers/Yacc+missus Doing some traveling in California with Hefe and Starla and visiting Yosemite to *not* take the perfect picture and go on a 'max 2 miles' walk. Las Vegas again tagging onto the Cali trip with the same group and adding some Yacc's friends Hopefully haven't missed any! but also I like that Jerry has ditched me and met up with a bunch in Atlantic City very recently. Likely coming up I'll hopefully be meeting with Mike/Tina in Paris later in the year (and assume Olive lol), also maybe something before the upcoming fest - who knows.... Which location would you say has been your favorite? That's a hard one, it's always the people in the end. The houses have got better and better; and I think that has enabled us to spend more time at them and more time talking, playing games and connecting. The actual location.. less important. But if I had to pick one I like the Gatlingburg ones I think or Georgia, it's been great to be able to get a car and do some travelling beforehand and explore. That's important to me with the distance I am coming. However, never say never to going somewhere new and seeing or experiencing a new place! Which activity(ies) do you like the most? Losing money to Rugger. I love sitting with a beer and playing some card games where the side bets get increasingly bigger and bigger as the time goes on. Corn hole.. a game of which I play once a year and only ever at an XI fest - I kinda like it. The meals out - chaotic, stressful for the servers at bill time, but I really enjoy seeing the group around the table. Equally so though, the bigger houses have enabled us to do more family style which I like. Do you bring anyone else with you, or do you attend alone? I guess I started out as being the person that Olive brought? then I moved to expanding the fests to allow me time to travel either side and enjoying that freedom. Now, I have started introducing my own friends like Jerry. This year I am also bringing a friend Milo to the party! What's your funniest or favorite XI Fest memory? There are a fair amount of these. Honestly - the most fun I have had is the simplicity and stupidity of the high card/low card - really enjoy that. Cards against humanity perhaps? Going for pontoon rides, go-carting, shooting.. would never forget the shooting, that's fun. 'Merica! And to wrap things up, what advice would you give to someone who's never been to XI Fest? (besides always know where your wallet and ID are ) The thought can be a little intimidating at first, lets go meet a bunch of strangers from all walks of life that we have met online through shooting games. Kinda crazy right? But the group is pretty sound, sure there are some oddballs but everyone there has come from different places, different experiences and are in different stages of life and it's fantastic to talk to them and get to know the people. If you are close, come for a day visit - that's a great way just to get into it. It's semi-organised chaos though so be prepared for that. If you are far, make a holiday out of it - stay somewhere close so you can come along and if it's not for you then you can do your own thing. I guess on that, we try and do some activities together but not every day - generally we break off into groups and join together on activities. Some might go for a hike, some the gun range, some chilling in the pool or driving out somewhere. Be prepared to enjoy yourself. Thanks so much @Sitting-Duc, looking forward to seeing you in just about 7 weeks!
  3. Today, let's hear what Angus has to say about his XI Fest experiences: So, Angus, tell us, how many Fests have you attended? 5 Which location has been your favorite? That's a hard one, They all had something about them that made them all special. Nashville was a great party. Charlotte was best location. How do you usually get there? Drive. Do you bring anyone else with you, or do you attend alone? I bring the women! I think there might even be a shirt somewhere that says that lol What is your favorite or funniest memory from a Fest? That I can share? hehe. Making a cheese run with Syckle will never be forgotten! And seeing how many idiots we can get in a hot tub in Nashville! And being cornhole champions every year! Which activity(ies) do you like the most? Truly just hanging out with all of our XI family, Gun range with all skill level is the best of times. O and side bets when Syckle passes out and who will end up in Pigdog's bed lmao. And finally, what would you say to someone who's thinking about going this year? Do it! Don't hesitate! You will truly be surprised at the awesome time you will have and will never regret it! We plan it every year as part of our vacations! Unfortunately this year for the first time in five years Gatorgirl and I cant make it. Family member health issues. But til next time my friends!! Thanks, @ANGU5! Truly going to miss you & GG this year - it won't be the same without you two! VID-20180929-WA0041.mp4.c3cc03cdddd2333acce1d7e6bd08c739.mp4
  4. So today, let's get the perspective from a female XI Fest attendee, BurnnBright, affectionately known as BB: So, tell us BB, how many Fests have you attended? 6, I think And did you bring anyone else with you, or did you attend alone? I used to bring a senior admin with me but now I just bring Bama>XI< with me Do you remember what or who got you interested in going? Being able to meet other members in person is what got me going. Spending time with those members, who are now friends, keeps me going. Which location has been your favorite? That's' a tough one as they've all been great. I guess I'd have to say the one in South Carolina that was on the lake and we had use of the pontoon boats. I can't recall the name of the town but it was near Ft. Mill, SC just south of Charlotte, NC. Which Fest has been the furthest for you to travel? How far was it? Nashville and Indiana were both 7 hours away. What is your funniest or favorite memory from a Fest? A goodness! I can't pick just one!! Watching people nearly choke on moonshine was funny in Gatlinburg. I enjoyed learning to salsa dance with Roxy. Seeing Duc experience anything for the first time is always a highlight for me. The games are always a lot of fun. There is always a constant roar of laughter. I'm smiling just thinking about it all. What would you say to someone who's never been to a Fest before? Do it!!!! It's always a good time!!! It's great to put faces with names. People are usually very different when you meet them in person than from who they are behind a keyboard. I've been blessed to make great friends through these Fests. Thank you so much, @BurnnBright! XI Fests are always more fun when you and @Bamaare around!
  5. Today, I've asked Olive some questions about XI Fest: So, Olive, how many XI Fests in the U.S. have you attended? I think maybe 7 or 8? And tell us where are you traveling from when you go? Paris, France Oh wow! That's from pretty far away! What or who got your interested in going? I was curious to meet the guys I was playing with on the COD5 servers - JohnnyDos in particular Which location has been your favorite? Gatlinburg for the location, Charlotte and Nashville for the location and the gorgeous houses we stayed in. What would you say is your funniest or favorite memory from a Fest? There's a lot, but I'll pick that night in Vegas with JohnnyDos and Captain Tenneal where we went on adventures on the strip. Good memories. As the weather is so hot in Vegas we took this 'stay hydrated' thing a little too seriously and I'll never forget Johnny making weird zigzags between slot machines on our way back Were you nervous to attend your first Fest? Not at all, and I was right. Everybody is easygoing and they make you feel comfortable. And finally, what would you say to someone who's never been to XI Fest? What are you waiting for? Thanks so much, @Olive, it will be great to see you again in Branson!
  6. Today, let's see what wildthing has to say about his experiences with attending XI Fests: So, wildthing, many Fests have you attended? 11 Oh, wow! That's all of them so far! What got you interested in going? Meeting the faces with the voices in the game. Do you travel by plane or by car? Car Which fest has been the furthest for you to travel to? How far was it? Who cares they are all worth it and a blast. Which location has been your favorite? All of them. The best group of idiots you will ever meet. What is your favorite or funniest Fest memory? When everyone was sitting down for breakfast and sitting was asked how he would like his eggs. A confused look on his face he replied “cooked?” What is your favorite Fest activity? All of them for not only do I get to spend time with idiots but also the friends and family I have made of the years. Why should someone go, who's never been? If you don’t go you miss out on the good times with everyone and how these people have also stepped up to the plate and have helped members out in need. It is a family reunion every year and a lot of fun for everyone. Watch out for Wildthing; he always has his chicken or monkey handy. Thanks, wildthing, looking forward to seeing you this year at Fest #12
  7. Today, we're going to hear from GhostFaceJim: 1. So, GhostFaceJim, how many Fests have you attended? I have attended two Fests! Georgia and Tennessee. The last two years! 2. And who or what got you interested in going? I have always wanted to go, but it was always seemed too far for me to travel or just not a great time for a vacation. "I like to drive on vacations rather than fly" 3. Which activity(ies) would you say you like the most? Going to the gun ranges are at the top of my list. Both times I was able to fire guns I have never gotten my hot little hands on before! 4. Do you bring anyone else along, or do you attend alone? The first time no, but the second time I dragged my Brother along. 5. So, were you nervous to attend your first Fest? I was nervous as I am an introvert, but had the best time ever making friends in person! 6. That's pretty awesome! So, what is your funniest or favorite memory from a Fest? My favorite memory was going and renting Humvees and shooting all kinds of amazing machine guns and that freaking flame thrower! I was in the military/infantry and had more fun that day on the range than ever before! 7. Finally, what would you say to someone who's never been to XI Fest? You should come and have fun! Even if it is for one day if you are in the area! One year Extremekille showed up just for the afternoon and we probably had the bestest time ever just making friends, going to lunch then the range! Yes, I do remember that! And, to let everyone know, XI Fest isn't just for XI members. There have been several non-XI members who have come to meet us, or who have stayed the whole time with us and had just as much fun as all of the XtremeIdiots
  8. @Bing , I think you should make it to this year's
  9. We're going to be interviewing various XI Fest attendees to get their perspective of XI Fest. It is our hope that more of you will consider joining us this year after hearing about their experiences Let's start off with asking a few questions of XI's founder, Rugger: So, Rugger, how did the idea for XI Fest come about? After 6 years of the clan running, we thought it was time to have a meet up and see how it went. It was a huge success and we've been doing it ever since (except Covid years) How many Fests have there been? 11, this year will be #12 What has been the biggest turnout? 57 Nashville, 53 Niagara Falls - a close 2nd Does everyone stay the entire time? Some come for a day and just visit and leave, others stay the whole time. What sparked the switch from getting a block of hotel rooms to renting a house? Once the Fests started getting bigger, we couldn't hang in hotel rooms anymore without security coming up all the time. That's when we knew it was time to switch and look for larger houses and man it was the best thing we did. These houses we get are massive! Who's traveled the furthest to attend? Bosun (AU), Olive (FR), Duc (UK) Have you ever missed a Fest? I missed one in Canada What's your favorite or funniest Fest memory? There are so many, Side Bets come to mind first. Syckle tripping down the stairs, Johnny Nashville have a little too much to drink, hanging with Johnny Dos and hearing his vast knowledge of weed. Trying to find Bob Barker in the camp ground and using his game name and not his real name. Seeing the stars and planets with ghostfacejims telescope, seeing Angus and Syckle leg wrestle. I could go on and on. Do you think it's worth spending the money for 5 days/4 nights? I would do it without hesitation if you can, or just come make a visit for the day it's so worth it. The house actually works out being cheaper than a hotel room in most cases. What would you say to someone who's never attended before? There are so many people that were nervous to come, like I'm sure everyone is that is thinking about coming the first time, but within 5 mins you will understand why 90% of those same people come back year after year. The comradery you get at these Fests is what it's all about, you just hang with these people and have great conversations, you get to know the personally, you get to know their spouses or friends who ever they bring if they bring someone. You don't have to drink, we have plenty of people who don't drink and have a great time and keep coming back year after year. We plan some activities but you don't have to do them, you can just chill at the house or go off on your own. I can't be more clear on this, if you like this clan and the people you will LOVE these Fests, we have the greatest times, we laugh our asses off, we play yard games, we play cards, we watch sports, we jam out to music, we have camp fires. If you're on the fence about coming to one, just do it, you will not regret it
  10. Here is the translation: Hello, I don't know why he banned me, I like to play the freeze tag 146 server, there are great people there, I don't speak English very well, so I don't know why I'm banned
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