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  1. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from LilMord in introductions   
    Have been playing you for a while always a good time. I don't get on much due to slow internet but I might be getting cable in my area soon look foward to olaying you again.
  2. Sad
    VANHELSING reacted to BlackRose in ***2022 FALLEN MEMBER MEMORIAL***   
  3. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from lTplkey336 in Did anyone hear about some food shortage???   
    Ok so more of a media help the left scare tactic crap again Gotcha
  4. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from Izumi in Please welcome Izumi as a COD4 moderator   
    Congrats Izumi !!
  5. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from Blackbart in Being Robbed   
    Sorry to hear that happened to you guys . I just moved out in the country away from the city I need to get some web security cams installed just in case some fool decides to rob me.   Maybe I should just get a German Shepard, but wife doesn't like dogs.
  6. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from PHUCKITMAN in Noam: Video proof that I'm not using scroll wheel or scripts to shoot rapidly   
    I used to use a   .cfg file that helped me on COD2 I haven't done that in years. No wonder I'm so bad at COD4 lol
  7. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from major-mark63 in Merry Christmas to all my >XI< Buddys   
    Merry Christmas to all Hope 2021 Beats the Hell out of 2020 !!!!
  8. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from J3st3r in Noam: Video proof that I'm not using scroll wheel or scripts to shoot rapidly   
    I used to use a   .cfg file that helped me on COD2 I haven't done that in years. No wonder I'm so bad at COD4 lol
  9. Thanks
    VANHELSING got a reaction from Super Max in Noam: Video proof that I'm not using scroll wheel or scripts to shoot rapidly   
    I used to use a   .cfg file that helped me on COD2 I haven't done that in years. No wonder I'm so bad at COD4 lol
  10. Haha
    VANHELSING reacted to WeednFeed in Noam: Video proof that I'm not using scroll wheel or scripts to shoot rapidly   
    Rob I’m likely guilty of talking too much. I was likely traumatized when I was a kid. You know I had to respect elders, not act like a spoiled kid do what I was told, got a whack or a slap when I acted up. You might remember Rob when kids weren’t allowed to be complete little shits. When they were they had consequences to pay. 
    Oh those things my parents taught me paid off. I’m self sufficient, have zero dept, own everything I have, have a great loving family. I guess those slaps paid off. 
    Wow I guess I can stop seeing my virtual Therapist. I just cured myself. 
    I’ve also been rambling too much in some of my posts but hey again I’m old lol.
  11. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from TedsofBeverlyHills in Face masks   
    Very Intersting Ted Thanks for shareing the info .
  12. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from BlackRose in cod 4 tournament ladder   
    If you need another player I am in
  13. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from Chris in Please Welcome Chris back to the COD4 Admin Team   
    Congrats Chris
  14. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from Blackbart in **Mr and Mrs Blackbart >XI<**   
    My prayers to you and your wife buddy get healthy again. Well now you guys are feeling better stay safe.
  15. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from Hoth in ***2019 FALLEN MEMBER MEMORIAL***   
    R.I.P. My Fallen Brothers, I remember these brothers all too well . Didn't know about Mac Dadddy till now . Fallen but not forgotten.
  16. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from AngerIssues in Its with a heavy heart that I have to announce Dadda passed away at the age of 59   
    So So Very sorry to hear about Dadda never met a more helpful Admin . Rest in peace my fallen brother. And my condolences to his wife and family.
  17. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from *fry* in Its with a heavy heart that I have to announce Dadda passed away at the age of 59   
    So So Very sorry to hear about Dadda never met a more helpful Admin . Rest in peace my fallen brother. And my condolences to his wife and family.
  18. Like
    VANHELSING reacted to Ruggerxi in Its with a heavy heart that I have to announce Dadda passed away at the age of 59   
    I still can not believe it, but Dadda passed away at the age of 59. I don't have any details but I know we will miss him dearly. Dadda was a great friend and a great clan member. My heart goes out to Sandra his wife and his family. RIP Dadda we will always honor your name here at >XI<
  19. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from BlackRose in ***2019 FALLEN MEMBER MEMORIAL***   
    R.I.P. My Fallen Brothers, I remember these brothers all too well . Didn't know about Mac Dadddy till now . Fallen but not forgotten.
  20. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from Ruggerxi in ***2019 FALLEN MEMBER MEMORIAL***   
    R.I.P. My Fallen Brothers, I remember these brothers all too well . Didn't know about Mac Dadddy till now . Fallen but not forgotten.
  21. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from BOB in ***2019 FALLEN MEMBER MEMORIAL***   
    R.I.P. My Fallen Brothers, I remember these brothers all too well . Didn't know about Mac Dadddy till now . Fallen but not forgotten.
  22. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from *Prle* in Please Welcome *Prle* To Our Clan   
    Welcome to the Clan!!
  23. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from Giggles in New baby   
    Congratulations!!!! Giggles 
  24. Like
    VANHELSING reacted to PimpedOutPete in HAPPY NEW   
    Happy New Year... All the best in 2016.
  25. Like
    VANHELSING got a reaction from Gam3rGurL in Hello Everyone!   
    Welcome to the forums!
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