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Everything posted by Labob

  1. Wow krunch so so disrespectful. You will have all the time in the world to go hug your guns. But please let those who feel the loss here grieve.
  2. Don't blame this on the goverment. This is big oil and pure greed.
  3. Labob


    The 1984 December issue of Hooters. And the classic Penthouse issue 1974 december issue a Christmas classic.
  4. If I'm correct its not a shortage of baby food. It is a shortage of special formula baby food. @ totally different things. And it serious because the babys who need this formula can not eat regulaR BABY FOOD. I because say some people are stuipied dumb just palin ignorant they have bought up the supplly in the store it will be replace real soon.
  5. As a Canadian I am willing to offer 100 million for them all. Thank You
  6. Why thank you very much thats sweet.
  7. It's an hour drive across the state. People do it all the time to date there sister
  8. We truly have a group of fantastic people in our fallen members list. Miss them all.
  9. Yummy sweet sweet ethylene gas.
  10. Haha from what you said you out grew that pc 5 years ago. Time to move on. And you do not need a 5000.00 dollars pc to run games.
  11. Well a cheap test get a ssd. Hd yours is very slow. Then get a dedicated ethernet card. That should help you out.
  12. I do not buy anything unless it works from Google home. Love the startrek feel.. Spock open the. Right garage door . Hey kirk turn the oven on to 350
  13. Not sure. We're thectrees at the organization all big and made of hard wood? Were the hands of the bkoke who made the hard shaft shinny big and strong? How many of those big hard trees were defoliated? Asking for a friend
  14. WoW I BOW DOWN TO THE ORIGINAL MEMBER WHO WERE THE ORIGINAL IDOTS AND TAUGHT THE NEW (caps off now ) idiots how to be the best idiots possible. Sadly on a side note the original idiots would of had some comments about the size of the dozer compared to the size of a frech canadians wanker covered in maple syrup. with a possible side topic of canadian or american wrapped wanker But still well done. a twisted topic well wrapped in a maple coverd bacon coated wanker.
  15. Welcome. Markoff has made a few maps as well. They are fun to build are they not
  16. ask who ? hm hold on here I might not want to know the answer. Holy shit I'm in Florida
  17. Unchileno is so high his nose hairs look like contrails
  18. At the peanut butter took another at the explanation mark and did a fork in the road at the crunchy peanut butter. Not a bad start
  19. The jam is to cover the peanut butter you >IDIOT< I'm wondering why I wondeerd if anybody bought cruncy peanut butter not fully understandigg said use. Jam would of course hide the error which is good I suppose. But still in the end (pun intended)
  20. Woops I did not know this. I give Loaders peanut butter back. Asking for a friend wha is the jam for
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