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Posts posted by BudSr

  1. Thanks all great ta see i am not forgotten and this dam website still fucked up my B-Day is this tuesday. and Dew i am on my 12th need to get to 48 still have time only halftime on the stupid bowl lol. go paton. just one week closer to Daytona 500.

  2. Yup to play that game I would have to spend a bunch of money for upgrades as well. And as always what happens is that if you dont have the map packs you get booted off the servers. Pretty much forces you to buy them all.

    i see what ya mean beers i would have to spend another $50 bucks not. thanks but i will not pay to play a game every time a new map comes out. thanks all will keep playing my old games. beers cya in cod 5 soon.

  3. lata shit changed around here blu but great ta hear you are doing well. and congrats on the new life. i am sure you will have no issue getting your tags back. been trying to get back to the game also butt life as it is here just keeps me away. again great to see you are getting your life in order you will always be an IDIOT. SR :guitar:

  4. Love how just like the gun issue certain people in the media go strait into how can we stop these cars crashing and throwing debris into the stands.  These dumb asses think that everything can be fixed so we can live in a fairy tale world where no one ever gets hurt.  The fact is that sometimes scary crashes happen in Nascar and shit happens.  The catch fence did what it was supposed to do.  You can't prepare for every possible outcome for all tragic experiences.   I'm sure the people in the stands will sue the owners of the track and Nascar and Tiny Tim and God and everybody else they can put into the lawsuit.  That will just make the ticket prices higher so less and less people can enjoy racing at the track.  I do believe the lase time I went to a Nascar race the ticket had a disclaimer clause on it stating watch at your own risk. Sorry to be on my soapbox and don't get me wrong,  I hope all the people recover soon and have no lasting effects from the crash.  I just cant stand the media every time something happens they go into a frenzy about how to stop all bad things from happening.  

    i could not have said it any better. shit happens and it won't stop me and my family from going to michagan speedway this summer. we know the risk there is and i have stood taking video and photos at the catch fence if i get hurt there is only one person to blame my IDIOT ass for standing there.

  5. we here at the Porter household are learning that when mom is layed up. us men here have no idea what to do. so any man who thinks a womens job is easy you can all kiss my ass. the shit these women do on a day to day basis will kill the day to day man. so to all the women and mothers out there i say you can take this job and shove it. i have only been doing house work for 4 days and man it feels like forever. in the end i can only say i love you Kelley and will never say house work is nothing. now time to check the laundry and feed the kid. oh crap the dam dogs need water. LOL.

  6. Thnx Rugger! I can't wait!


    Wondering if anybody remembers the name of that one map we played the last couple yrs.....it has several big houses....a cemetery on one side....and an open space...? We played lib on that map....and between the game, and teamspeak...was some of the greatest Killa memorial games we've had! So Daaam Hilarious!


    If I remember right.....someone like BudSr, or BlackBart has a video......OMG! So Funny! :w00t:

    It must be BudSr that has the video...I know what map you are talking about but don't remember it's name...Everybody needs to join in fun we have every year as we pay our respects to Killa... :) :)


    This is a screen shot from last year (2011) I think this is the map you are reffering to...



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