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Everything posted by deerejon

  1. OH OH can I have one too....very cool....he must be thrilled....
  2. Glad to hear things are turning....now get to work so you can get back here!!!
  3. Testing 1 2 3 PS. you had to know this would happen
  4. Happy birthday hope it was / is awesome..... And based upon your post above you have 1 hour left till beer!!! Enjoy!!
  5. I'm an anonymous alcoholic too...not to be confused with alcoholics anonymous...
  6. Awesome....I know it aint easy....congrats to the graduate!!!!
  7. The dates seem to be lining up so the wife and I will be coming up to the fest...cant wait to meet you all..!! Going to book a room this weekend....
  8. That's the attitude....you voice your opinion, get responses from those who have addressed this many times before, aren't happy with the answers then post the hissy fit. And just for the record your "opinion" , as Labob said, borders on personal attacks. There is good discussion and then there is the other kind....
  9. I'm not sure I know anyone I'd give a kidney to....maybe the wife....I'll have to think on it..... And left lane dodo's have a special place in hell.....
  10. Under his avatar it says registered user....over says member....but he is not on the rolls as a member...hes on the registered user list....
  11. I think this has gone on long enough dont all of you? The ADMINS have gone over this ad nauseum and he is not banned....what does that tell you...?? I agree that especially in freeze tag his KD is annoying but I /we have seen no proof of hacking in the many videos / spec sessions....let this go here in public as it doesn't reflect well on the clan or some individuals... The Admins are diligent...if something is wrong its taken care of. My personal opinion is that this has gone on long enough and can only go down hill from here....
  12. Didnt do the whole yearbook thing but was class of 83 and this is 1984
  13. Dead: Julius Caesar & Tesla Alive: This is the hard question....aside from friends I was trying to think of someone intelligent, famous, important or political and for the life of me cant think of a single person like that who isn't too far left or too far right or too far out there to have a decent conversation with...I think I'll stick to you idiots....
  14. All good and thank you!!! I had a blast....I was there once before in 1983 when I went cross country....but I don't think its the same place...lol...it was mind blowing....I had a real party... I cant talk about it all without permission from the wife but I can tell you I had to get out of vegas for 2 day trips....first one was a helicopter trip from Vegas to the Grand Canyon by way of the hoover damn and the Strip...we landed in the canyon and had a champagne lunch....unreal.... Next trip was Razor (dune buggy like) through the Mojave Desert checking out gold mines and wild burros....to the Colorado river for a swim and then back to the place to live fire a f'n huge variety of weapons. I hate to tell you the ammo bill I rung up but I couldn't resist. Some of the ones I fired are: FN FAL - Sten - Thompson - M1 - AR - RPD and the favorite of all gun fanatics.... Barrett 50 cal....that was unreal.... The RPD was wild....I'm like "another belt that was fuckin wild...." Sure thing Mr Deerejon we'll add it to the bill.... I couldn't stop firing the Barrett...another clip garcion and while your at it put up another 2 or 3 of those exploding targets please.... Sure thing Mr Deerejon.... What a bill but what a blast.....
  15. And one other thing....at a certain age you really should switch to softball...just sayin'...
  16. Are you F'n kidding me?? That musta been some set.... Ouch...
  17. Thanks all...had a great birthday in Vegas...!!!\ Just so happens my 26th wedding anniversary was the 3rd and birthday was the 4th....planned it so I wouldn't forget my anniversary....lol... So it was 7 party days, a week long celebration....I think it was awesome...I'll be looking at the pics on my phone to confirm....!!! Thanks again all!!!!
  18. Thanks all....It was in fact a great day.....spent it in vegas~!!
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