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Everything posted by RobMc

  1. I've stopped having dogs because it broke my heart every time one died so I know how you feel.
  2. Oh go on might as well start an argument about Harleys seeing as I'm bored! Don't see no 'bikes' there, spot a couple of tractors, do you plough with them ??? (Here we go lol!)
  3. Yes thats a possibility but why?? As you're from Texas on my visits to Houston you could taste the chemicals in the air, the smoke there from refineries and chemical plants was very bad, just like China, so any chemicals from contrails would be insignificant., could these craft be UFO's? as some people think we are an experiment just like a farm?? lets hope we're not Turkeys and Thanksgiving and Christmas aren't far away! ps how do you know which planes they are and where they land (or don't)?
  4. Not convinced that some of this is not normal activity as they alter course in pre ordained corridors, are you saying these are military aircraft (you obviously can't see them properly) as why would civilian aircraft dump stuff, I'll investigate further, what exactly do you think they are doing and why?
  5. Agree, but it seems to be the way we've been going lately, anything that offends anyone (and that will be everything) is banned by these arseholes, you should live in UK, there is a desperation to be politically correct, despite the damage done, beats me how we accomplish anything nowadays, the impetus has been lost.
  6. Son, me and you need to sit down and talk sometime, I'm not quite sure you look at the world the way the rest of us do??? perhaps you are right??
  7. You lucky man, the only thing that gets stiff in my lower half nowadays are my knees, but don't tell the ladies on here that, I dine alone too - my wifes a veggie, for me the dinner plate isn't a meal unless something is dead on it, I must say Jerri awakens distant memories. Women to me are like kickstarts, I know what they're for, but I know my back will hurt and it will need several tries before anything happens, by that time I've lost interest.
  8. Err, cremated?? don't they mean roasted? with two veg, that must be the worlds easiest job 'a rabbit breeder' not much effort needed there eh? beats being Santa Claus or a Coronation mug seller, go to it bunnies! Any nasty contrails over me tonight Hxtr??
  9. She's too much for you 'old boy' you'd have a heart attack, stick to playing COD, Deathwave gives you enough exercise, things like her are expensive.
  10. Back to midget porn then?? or do contrails work for you?
  11. I wish she had her clothes on, I'll have nightmares for weeks.
  12. Aw he's angry? playing with myself as I type this Damage XXX thinking of you!
  13. Texas?? you're getting around, surely not more jury service?, do the authorities not realise how much the rest of us need you as a target? Unfortunately I still shoot bunnies, and birdies and puppy's, puppy's are easy.
  14. The mistake was not sending that bunny business class, he was a large bunny and needed plenty of room, and you're right all forms of women need vast amounts of beer tokens to keep them happy, only yesterday my wife said 'if you won the lottery would you still love me?', 'of course I would' I replied, 'but I'd miss you'. Hot off the press, UK declares war on USA, the killing of our bunnies is unacceptable say Theresa, we have ordered two of our sailing ships to raid Newport News and sink the fleet, we'll use the old method of sailing burning ships among them, worked a treat in France and Spain. We will not let our rabbits go unavenged, North Korea already has offered support, the world is aghast at a lovely fwuffy bunny being extinguished in the prime of life, good God you'll be shooting deer and bison next if we don't stop you now. Giant bunny 'was ALIVE when plane landed': United Airlines disputes claims Simon the rabbit died on board - then why was he spotted in the United canteen ?? - with potatoes and veg??? Hxtr I'm getting into this conspiracy theory business, contrails etc. it only requires a modicum of paranoia, I find blaming the government when my supply of rum runs out to be a lot more satisfying than remembering I forgot to buy some - the bastards it's their fault I have dt's! - cool.
  15. Well a few months/weeks ago we were getting 16+ on a Saturday and 10+ regularly in the week, but overnight they disappeared, I'll try and encourage more by going on around 1700 UK time and sit there for 20 minutes, Labob is right once people see four they join very quickly. The problem with sniping is when you're learning the good snipers (because they're good) pick you off easily, this puts a lot of people off, but I persevered and now I'm getting better and don't get killed so often, I've even won a couple. I personally find sniping to be one of the most challenging games, if you make the effort you get the results, and that includes changing your camouflage at the start, one of the reason newcomers get slaughtered. It is a real team game which most people don't realise, in game you can talk to your own team (other team can't hear until the end) and guide each other onto movement that you cannot see (and don't expect to see much) and the highest scoring snipers move around and don't camp, but that needs skill. I'll get you started, after selecting your weapon the countdown begins, at the end of the countdown you have the chance to change your camouflage but must be done straight away, depending on the map the instructions are there, you then are invisible to the enemy for a period of time until you find a spot when your rifle comes up, if you find a spot early you can bring the rifle up early by pressing melee (delete on mine), V zooms in on scope F zooms out, unless you have those keys assigned to other things. You do not have to steady the gun, the bullet goes where the crosshairs are, keep an eye out over the next few days and I'll go through it with you, we can't talk though unless on same side.
  16. Hey my boy welcome! hope getting your tags improves your aim lol!
  17. Then lets Boogie Angel, as for mating we'll leave that for now, we had a hilarious advert in the local paper recently from a Japanese Company asking for a 'Whorehouse supervisor' instead of warehouse, they must have used google translate too? sadly I didn't even get interviewed.
  18. What's the point, you can't shoot straight anyway?? Lol, it would also be nice to see more people using the sniper server gone quiet recently, even the SOS boys prefer ours.
  19. I played with Deathwave today on the COD2 server and really really enjoyed it, I'll be back, it's the gameplay not the graphics/gimmicks that make the game, I'm new to XI and loving it, but some of the guys on the servers are too serious for me, I'm in it for the fun, I played one game today where not a word was muttered except by me, ffs lighten up some of you, luckily your life doesn't depend on it, chat, joke, tease others but not speaking and worse putting other players down - get a life!
  20. Saw this joke tonight and thought of you Lead Leads wife walked in on him while he was watching porn In a panic reflex he instantly changed to a random channel, the fishing channel. As his wife walks out again she says: "you should stay on the porn channel.. you know how to fish."
  21. I would love to have caught that, I've had a bad start this year.
  22. Hi and welcome, hope to kill you soon
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