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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/23 in Posts

  1. Good day friends, I am getting excited about this game due to release Nov. 2nd. Very nice looking!
    4 points
  2. AthenA

    New Rotation for OWFT

    Thank you Skuzy !
    2 points
  3. thank you Skuz
    2 points
  4. Thank You Skuzapo!
    2 points
  5. Dot80

    New Rotation for OWFT

    Thank-you skuzapo
    2 points
  6. skuzapo

    New Rotation for OWFT

    New rotations maps are map mp_78compound map mp_agx_castle map mp_agx_market map mp_backlot_night map mp_bahnhof map mp_beuvron map mp_communique map mp_contrav2 map mp_cw_rocket map mp_ddd_wet map mp_dogville map mp_enigmaoff map mp_homeroom map mp_lao_cai map mp_panzerschlacht_02e map mp_remagen map mp_snr_gijon_cod map mp_stronghold map mp_yomi
    1 point
  7. Ruggerxi

    2023-09-04 Birthdays

    XtremeIdiots would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Richo (56)moonpie (48)Bing (46)
    1 point
  8. Intruder

    Dayz Revisted

    and of course there are some other vendors in the game as well, Angus has the whole YMCA thing going on , cant leave ripper out.. ohhh no @P!nk @Roxy! got the new cool camo's
    1 point
  9. Intruder

    Dayz Revisted

    Wildthing will even park your car for you
    1 point
  10. major-mark63

    Robocop Rogue Streets

    Will need a biggerand nwer CPU and GPU to run this quality graphics!!!
    1 point
  11. TBB

    Robocop Rogue Streets

    I looked at the trailer - good graphics as you said - has possibilities
    1 point
  12. Merlin007

    DM3 Rotation #6_3_5

    @Mad Doc Saw your message in chat. I've re-uploaded both the map mp_clum and the following map to see if this corrects the issue you were seeing. If you have continued issues, please post here and I'll check it out. Thanks
    1 point
  13. Merlin007

    New Rotation for OWFT

    This maps has been played already so not sure why the issue. We have been seeing many DoS attacks on the server again this past few days, perhaps that may play a part of the problem. As well, there is an updated version of this same map so to be sure it's not a map confliction of whats on the redirect and the server, i've re-uploaded this map to both. @skuzapo For your own files, you'll want to grab this map again to be sure you have the latest. Thanks, hope this helps.
    1 point
  14. E-raser

    New Rotation for OWFT

    @skuzapo @Merlin007 @Essssieeee @Biotech Skuz/ Merlin - Can you check the download section for the COD5 OW FT map mp_snr_brunete_cod - Getting multiple complaints when this map comes up, it starts to download and then never finishes. Happened this afternoon(Eastern) multiple players and again tonight. Those who already have the map are able to play with no issues... Thanks E
    1 point
  15. Let start with your clan name? P!nk>XI< Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? no When and where were you born? 29 june in Heerlen, the Netherlands When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? i can't recall, i think secretary Where have you lived? the Netherlands What got you into gaming? moving to Belgium my husband started with gaming shortly after i started during the daytime. Your first game you played? F.E.A.R. was my first shooter And what do you play now? COD 4 Why did you join XI? Because i was playing a while in the XI servers, when i was asked to join. What do you get from being in this clan? Friendship What is your favorite hobby? my dogs and swimming What is your favorite travel destination? Croatia Are you married? Yes Do you have children? Yes, 3 daughters What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? 3 Newfoundlander dogs, bitch is Bailey, 2 boys Storm and Bentley Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? No What causes are you passionate about? Nothing Do you volunteer? If so, where? No What is an interesting fact about you? Nothing Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind? - Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? Yes Did you belong to any professional organizations? No What is your current job title? Medical secretary Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? No Where do you work? MUMC+ What other job titles have you had in your career? Receptionist, administrative assistant Where else have you worked? Lots of places, but only in the Netherlands Why did you choose to work in your industry? I love it! Was always drawn to the hospital. Why do you like your job? I love helping the doctors to manage their agenda's How would you describe your career? good What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? Nothing Describe a time that your career was rewarding. Everyday, i would say, if you love your job If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Put all your effort in learning, get the best out of yourself What is your favorite thing about your career or industry? My collegues What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? It is never too late to persue your dreams What do you hope to accomplish in your career? To get higher up Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? No What is your favorite sport? - Do you play any sports? I swim once a week If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? For my family to have a long, healthy and happy life First picture is me, the second picture is the whole family including the boyfriends of my 2 oldest daughters, the third picture is my all three my dogs (bitch is all the way in the back, behind the window) and the last picture is of my biggest pride, my girls.
    1 point
  16. WldPenguin

    COD4 Ban Appeal

    Nothing else can be considered unless your bans are lifted by pbbans, so at this point I am going to close this topic
    1 point
  17. X-RayXI

    COD4 Ban Appeal

    To be honest, it is more a "sob story" for our Admins too. They have to fucking waste their time, monitoring the servers. Some players would be leaving the game, because "that guy" is back at it again and not only you. To be honest, your record is kind of more than crap. Involving others and going on for 10 years. If an Admin is willing to open an Admin thread about this situation, that is fine by me. You threw in your glasses by yourself, and to have eyes on you every single time when you are playing in our house if that happens.
    1 point
  18. WldPenguin

    COD4 Ban Appeal

    Luke, while we appreciate your appeal and understand what you are saying here, the issue still stands that you have active pbbans which you need to address directly with pbbans. You'll need to appeal your bans and show that they've been lifted in order to have us consider allowing you to continue to play on XI servers. In the meantime, I had to ban your Luke profile as well.
    1 point
  19. Ov3rKi11

    Dayz Revisted

    Hey to all I have never played this game but I do have hours of watching live and pre-recording of it….lol what version do I need???
    1 point
  20. Milky

    Farts still smell

    And Milky is still here.. But for some reason real life takes up time.. 2 kids. One just started school.. Playing golf and what do I know, doesnt leave much time for gaming or remembering passing by and saying hello. But Im still around.. Easing my son into playing cod 4 soon. fingers crossed he likes freezetag! Do hope the great big family is doing good.. And to all the new.. I can't remember how many years im been a member. And I will be to the day it ends.! once an Idiot always an Idiot.. Or well thats how it was back in the days I know times are hard here when @Sitting-Duc keeps breaking stuff.. @Ruggerxi confusing everyone, because he is getting old. @Unchileno stabbing everyone.. @wildthing rage quitting from time to time and shouting lovely as always! And then im wondering.. Is everyone still here? @P!nk? @Chris? @StormCrow? I know ButtCrow is playing guitar and playing golf, so wondering if he has the time to game also? I forgot to mention a lot.. And I don't even know if you all still are here.??
    0 points
  21. Milky

    Farts still smell

    @google are you still around?? @P!nk nice to know some really old members still are here! hahaha This is not a clan, you are not here for fun, Oh wait you are here for the fun.. Fugg.. Family for life. And now im going to be a pain in the ass writing here once a week, just so @Ruggerxi the buttplugger doesn't place me on inactives again.. Or wait.. no I know.. It's @Sitting-Duc that keeps breaking stuff.!
    0 points
  22. TBB

    Farts still smell

    @Milky ? @Milky ?? @Milky WHO???
    0 points
  23. P!nk

    Farts still smell

    Hey Milky! I am still around, starting to belong to the group “oldtimers” soon i guess . And like storm trying to Jump in game once a day.
    0 points
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