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  1. Haha
    FunStick reacted to DEEJAYKEG in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    You will be better once your immune system exchanges checksums with Bill Gates... 🤡🤭🙂🤣
  2. Like
    FunStick reacted to PHUCKITMAN in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    Sorry about your rough Day Dude, I get my second dose of the Pfizer jab tomorrow at Microsoft so I will get one of the newest tracking chips straight from Bill Gates basement lol. I have seen both of my family members who live with me get their first and second dose of the Pfizer Vaccine and they both had very bad days for about 48 hours after that second shot. That is why I got mine set up for 6pm tomorrow after work so I have the entire weekend to recover. 2 of my co-workers got their second shots this week and they both missed days because the Vaccine was working. When you get the shot you get a mild case of the virus that causes your body to rapidly produce huge amounts of antibodies to fight it off and teach your immune system what to look for if you come in contact with it again. Washington is also a will to work State and while my employer is not making this a issue for further employment it is also a will to live State. I choose to live after already having one of the early cases of it in early 2020 since I live in the early epicenter of the first major breakout at the Life care Center about 2 miles from our home and those residents use the same Market and Pharmacy we use. For those who are choosing not to take the vaccine I understand your lack of education about how these things spread and mutate but your choice to avoid a vaccine that will protect you and anyone you come in contact with and reduce the chance for this virus to mutate beyond the vaccine barriers should feel guilty about your disregard for other human beings. It is your choice since you live in a Country that allows you that freedom but did you know the tech behind this was developed by our Military using what they have learned from vaccinating every single soldier for things they don't even tell us about and they can't say no, it is part of their "DUTY" to their fellow Soldiers and the Country so they don't bring some designer virus back from tours abroad. I am a compassionate person but if I hear of someone who refused to get a vaccine that was started under 45 and his Family all got it and 46 just pushed harder to get more of it out faster and that refusal causes someone to get sick of heaven forbid they pass from Covid after choosing not to get protected I will have zero sympathy. If we don't get "Herd Immunity" we will continue to thin the Herd. Red States are seeing a huge rise in cases and experts say it is because of refusal to get shots when there is plenty of doses for their States. Covid has killed over 575,000 Americans in about 13 months, so Covid-19 kills while only a few people have died after the vaccine and they are not sure those deaths were from the shot they got just like the Officer who died during the attempted takeover of the Capitol on 1/6/21. He died from multiple Strokes the following day not from bear spray or a fire extinguisher as originally thought. Just get the shots and the life you save may be someone very important to you like your parent or your drug dealer
  3. Like
    FunStick reacted to TBB in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    Me either
  4. Fuck You
    FunStick reacted to Icequeen in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    Baaaaaa 🤣😁
  5. Like
    FunStick reacted to Axe in Yoshi Intro   
    Most of you on Freezetag know me pretty well.  I play hard, never moan or complain 😂 ... but at the end of the day, I enjoy letting off some steam with you all. 
    I'm 50ish ... married 30 yrs.  2 teenaged kids.  Protestant Christian.  I own a small appliance repair biz.  Live in the country on an acreage.  Grow most of my own food.  Chickens.  Bee's.  Tap Maple trees.  Heat with wood.
    I do some bookbinding on the side and will slowly move into that as my trade as I wind down being an appliance repair guy.  
    I coach varsity HS basketball at a fairly high level (AAAA is the highest level here in MB and my team was 6th in the Prov in 2019,) but am locked out of my school for covid.  So no coaching for a full year now.  In defiance of the rulz, I ran an underground bbl gym this past winter in a warehouse so I could keep training kids.
    Lets see ... what else?  
    That's all I can come up with.  Sums up who I am IRL I guess.
    Cheers all and thanks for the servers!
  6. Haha
    FunStick got a reaction from NuTzOpaNts in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    I faked the 1st one.  the 2nd one is payback
  7. Like
    FunStick reacted to TheHammer in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    like lambs led to a slaughter 🙂
  8. Like
    FunStick reacted to PimpedOutPete in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    LOL.. Is that all you have?  Thats your argument.  Let me say I’m grateful you left healthcare, and your piers are most likely as well. 
  9. Haha
    FunStick reacted to PimpedOutPete in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    LOL.. you are a drama queen!  I bet your popular at parties. 
  10. Like
    FunStick reacted to Majbasil in AstraZenecz/Covidshield What Is Your Expierence?   
    My dad had covid, had the Pfiser shots later, all with NO SIDEFFECTS, nothing.  So, I kinda thought it would be the same for me as we have the same blood type and I am very much like him.  Sure enough, I had two moderna shots, no problems, A OK.  But now my sister got covid, was horrible for her but not ER horrible.  Then, with both her moderna shots later, she had horrible times, sick in bed, bad fevers, very bad.  She has a different blood type than me and my dad.  So, here is the thing - my point is this - COVID SUCKS.  Avoid it, prevent it, wear masks, help others and yourself.  Take the shot, whichever you can get asap.  Plan for the worst, hope for the best.  We all have to do our part in this global pandemic to make it stop and ineffective.  And yes, as weed and feed wrote about the future, this time frame will be in the history books like the global pandemic of the 1918ish is.  https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/1918-flu-pandemic
    As for results from this pandemic, I think and wonder if it is changing the way folks work, the way folks socialize, many things will probably be different now.  For one thing, all of us are now much, much, much more accustomed to wearing masks, and it is not so strange to see someone in a mask.  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover-guidance.html
    And as a fashion statement, masks have added another opportunity for bling accessorizing to our wardrobes (hehe)       Now get back in those maps silly soldiers!    https://www.livescience.com/ways-covid-19-changed-the-world-2020.html
  11. Like
    FunStick got a reaction from baldie in AstraZenecz/Covidshield What Is Your Expierence?   
    Finally woke up and feel 90% better!! wooohooo!!!!   Worse 48 hours ever though..  
  12. Like
    FunStick reacted to Sharpe in AstraZenecz/Covidshield What Is Your Expierence?   
    Sorry but no, they are fucking awful and need to go. I'm not accustomed to shit. At least in America you have the choice of moving to a mask or non-mask state depending on your preference.

  13. Like
    FunStick reacted to Smithers in AstraZenecz/Covidshield What Is Your Expierence?   
    So glad bro, did the fluid problem disappear totally ?  After I had Covid, I tested myself out by walking 4 miles.  I checked to see if I could handle it (post-Covid).  The incessant coughing (9 days) had me worried that I wouldn't be able to perform physical activities or exercise in the future. This was about 3 weeks after my symptoms disappeared and I thought it'd be safe to go out. Felt good, didn't have to stop. Wasn't gasping for air.  Also, a friend of mine is experiencing post-Covid brain-fog where he has trouble focusing and concentrating.  Not to scare you but these and other lingering effects are real and you should watch for after recovering.  Go to your doctor, get yourself a complete check, heart, lungs.  If doctor says it's unnecessary tell him HE is unnecessary and get a new doctor. 
  14. Like
    FunStick reacted to LtLaszlo in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    I'll not be getting the "Experimental Gene Therapy" , thank you. If you got vax, you don't need to worry about me, right?! Or what's the point of risk for a virus with a 99.9% chance over recovery? With theraputics, like HCQ & Ivermectine, I'll take my chances. Never had a vaccine my entire adult life and I'm 62! My body, my choice!
  15. Like
    FunStick reacted to Sharpe in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    Your post above isn't filled with links and citations? I need to provide links to every idea/statement I make but you don't? Also clearly ignoring the several well thought out posts I responded with in the previous thread and now smugly trying to make it look like I can't present any kind of an argument when your own post is filled with conjecture. You are clever and write well, better than me I would say - but don't try and use latin to make it look like I am not saying anything of substance, just because you don't like it. Part of my argument is that we don't know - thus it can't be proven. It should be up to the individual. The vaccines may very well be worth it for the vast majority. The cost benefit analysis greatly improves the older you become. We do have evidence, from the past and currently, about potential harms of vaccines :

    Here is my last post in the previous thread which you didn't respond to :" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56665517

    "Under-30s in the UK are to be offered an alternative Covid vaccine to the AstraZeneca jab due to the evidence linking it to rare blood clots.""
    Current best estimate ifrs from the cdc - although we don't know to what extent the death count has been inflated. In the UK as an example all deaths within 28 days of a positive test are counted in the official tally.
    0-17 years old - 0.005%
    18-49 years old - 0.05% - Although I think this one will be weighted heavily towards 40+
    50-64 years old - 0.6%
    65 + 9% - Would like to see a bigger split here, 65-75 will be noticeably less than 80-90.

    "I believe that people that don't want to get vaccinated should be barred from public venues, so they don't kill others with their inconsideration.  Their attitude is 'fuck them.'  So, fuck them.  Many have blood on their hands just as surely as if they walked-up & shot someone in the head. Worse actually, because at least that'd be a quick death compared to protracted, cascading multiple organ failure or a nice, slow suffocation due to pulmonary interstitial fluid accumulation.  But let's go with the 'I'm being a dick' premise, since it's more convenient."

    I actually thought you were arguing reasonably sanely in the previous thread but this is unhinged. I find it sad if you actually think this. If you are this far gone, there is nothing I can say that you will find reasonable and vice versa to be honest. Maybe this is why it appears you are becoming more aggressive, as you find most of my viewpoints abhorrent.
    I'll state this clearly for you. Even if this was the black plague with an ifr of 50% I wouldn't force or coerce medical treatment on anyone, and still wouldn't have mandatory lockdowns or masks etc. 

    I wonder where such posts were with the flu all these years (which actually kills more young people) and other various maladies. How about traffic fatalities? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_vehicle_fatality_rate_in_U.S._by_year

    "For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[1]"

    Looks like we better get rid of driving immediately - wait no that would be ludicrous. You could make the argument that you are a brilliant driver, that you have never been in a crash. Unfortunately humans are error prone. Didn't sleep well last night? Better not drive the next day as your risk of killing someone has definitely gone up.

    Life is inherently risky. You are going to die. It would be better to live in as free a world as possible not run by tyrannical loons trying to control everything you do.
  16. Like
    FunStick reacted to tsw 8.5 in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    man it would have been cool to see what people had to deal with back in 1919 .1 more thing that is going to end the world .the big covid 19.. with a 99% survival rate ..and do we really have to be told every day about it .we know whats up ..
    as for this idiot never took a flu shot in my 60 years and you damn sure are not putting that shit in me ..
  17. Like
    FunStick got a reaction from LtLaszlo in mRNA Resynchronization Underway   
    48 hours passed, and I am 90% back to normal.  I don't know what moron made the microchip in the vaccine theory up, but i don't believe that one bit, however, what I do believe  is that Covid was done on purpose and intended to create more doorways to invade our lives, privacy, and was weaponized for political gain and control over the people in all countries.   Now this is just my opinion, and I don't put anyone down for what they believe in and I support those who want to be vaccinated and wear a mask, and those who don't.   However, the fact of the matter is that this bastard covid is a virus that's already spread and mutated, and eventually lawmakers will enforce us to have vaccine passports and mandate it bypassing any human rights we have left.  It's just a matter of time and Covid is just the beginning.  Imagine that informercial late at night... "But wait, there's more.. order by this time, and we will send you 3 more for free"  There is more covid like viruses that will eventually be released into the population again and become much more worse than covid.  
    Before we put each other down and pretend one is right over the other, try to think in multiple perspectives and outside of the box.  There are bigger things at play and debating each other over stupid shit just keeps us divided instead of hearing each other out and understanding one another.  
  18. Like
    FunStick got a reaction from GhostfaceJim in mRNA Resynchronization Underway   
    48 hours passed, and I am 90% back to normal.  I don't know what moron made the microchip in the vaccine theory up, but i don't believe that one bit, however, what I do believe  is that Covid was done on purpose and intended to create more doorways to invade our lives, privacy, and was weaponized for political gain and control over the people in all countries.   Now this is just my opinion, and I don't put anyone down for what they believe in and I support those who want to be vaccinated and wear a mask, and those who don't.   However, the fact of the matter is that this bastard covid is a virus that's already spread and mutated, and eventually lawmakers will enforce us to have vaccine passports and mandate it bypassing any human rights we have left.  It's just a matter of time and Covid is just the beginning.  Imagine that informercial late at night... "But wait, there's more.. order by this time, and we will send you 3 more for free"  There is more covid like viruses that will eventually be released into the population again and become much more worse than covid.  
    Before we put each other down and pretend one is right over the other, try to think in multiple perspectives and outside of the box.  There are bigger things at play and debating each other over stupid shit just keeps us divided instead of hearing each other out and understanding one another.  
  19. Cares
    FunStick got a reaction from YACCster in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    Stop being a dick. You do that enough in the server.   🙂   I understand what Sharpe is trying to say.  Your just being an arrogant douche nugget.  Still love you though.  
  20. Like
    FunStick got a reaction from BlackRose in Pfizer 2nd shot   
    I thought the 1st one was bad, but holy shit the 2nd one is a complete asshole.   Anyone who is yet to get the 2nd shot (Moderna, and Pfizer), be warned and take an entire day off and do nothing.  The chills you get from this is unspeakable.  I got 4 layers of clothes, and 3 blankets and 2 warmers and im still cold as ice. Eat light foods like cereal and soups.  You'll thank me later.
  21. Like
    FunStick got a reaction from RobMc in AstraZenecz/Covidshield What Is Your Expierence?   
    Finally woke up and feel 90% better!! wooohooo!!!!   Worse 48 hours ever though..  
  22. Like
    FunStick got a reaction from loaderXI in mRNA Resynchronization Underway   
    48 hours passed, and I am 90% back to normal.  I don't know what moron made the microchip in the vaccine theory up, but i don't believe that one bit, however, what I do believe  is that Covid was done on purpose and intended to create more doorways to invade our lives, privacy, and was weaponized for political gain and control over the people in all countries.   Now this is just my opinion, and I don't put anyone down for what they believe in and I support those who want to be vaccinated and wear a mask, and those who don't.   However, the fact of the matter is that this bastard covid is a virus that's already spread and mutated, and eventually lawmakers will enforce us to have vaccine passports and mandate it bypassing any human rights we have left.  It's just a matter of time and Covid is just the beginning.  Imagine that informercial late at night... "But wait, there's more.. order by this time, and we will send you 3 more for free"  There is more covid like viruses that will eventually be released into the population again and become much more worse than covid.  
    Before we put each other down and pretend one is right over the other, try to think in multiple perspectives and outside of the box.  There are bigger things at play and debating each other over stupid shit just keeps us divided instead of hearing each other out and understanding one another.  
  23. Like
    FunStick reacted to StormCrow in AstraZenecz/Covidshield What Is Your Expierence?   
    Meh, what can ya do, I had already explained to this person the week before the exact reasoning behind why I am doing it, still get called a sheep and told to use my common sense after a long ramble about big pharma this and aids pills that and blah blah blah, I finally told them their opinion means shit to me because I am doing what I FEEL I need to do... a couple of friends on my list agreed and blammmo, unfriended and replies all gone from my post, c'est la vie LMAO
  24. Like
    FunStick reacted to Sikon in mRNA Resynchronization Underway   
    I was skeptical,  so I waited. I was approved to get it fairly quickly.  My wife on the other hand was not, which was odd sense she was high risk. She has sense been vaccinated. Kind of glad I did wait.  One has been pulled due to blood clots. The other I've known family members whom have gotten semi sick off shot one and two, then to only still get infected 6 weeks later. 
    I belive I caught it back in March of 2020. But at that point there was not tests readily available. So, who knows. To my knowledge I have not contracted it sense.

  25. Haha
    FunStick reacted to GhostfaceJim in mRNA Resynchronization Underway   
    Rescheduled for Monday!  Can't wait to see if I become a cyborg covid machine or maybe I get implanted with just a boring tracking chip from Microsoft!  Not like I don't carry my phone around with my anywhere that tracks and records every movement already!
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