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Posts posted by RealEstufa

  1. 3 hours ago, iboomboom said:

    Those who voted yes, didn't do so for a thank you.

    I was unaware you spoke for everybody across the various games XI plays.


    4 hours ago, iboomboom said:

    Patience while exuding a positive attitude goes a long way. 

    You sound like a real charmer.

    Like I said, I appreciate the people who voted for me and it's really not that big of a deal either way. I figured I might as well rock the XI tags again after some members suggested I play with them in tournies and considering how many years I've been playing with everyone in general.

    As far as lecturing me on patience and a positive attitude well, that seems a bit silly. I've had enough dirt collected through screenshots and recordings of regulars breaking the rules repeatedly for years being absolute fucking douchebags to me simply because of my skill level. Enough information to get people banned that show no level of decorum, class or servility; I let that shit go every time. 

    I come home after busting my ass at work to enjoy an hour or two of cod with XI only to listen to fucking clueless jerkoffs berate me for shit they clearly have no understanding of almost daily (I'm honestly not even that good anymore) with minimal reaction on my end. In other words don't fucking lecture me on "Patience while exuding a positive attitude" guy.

    I'll give thanks to who ever I feel like demonstrating my appreciation to in what ever fashion I deem appropriate.

  2. 3 hours ago, iboomboom said:

    If someone does you a favor by sharing some info privately don't drag it out in public. .


    I was told conflicting options on how to get my tags back, conflicting dates on when it was finished, conflicting information on the requirements, all by multiple different members and you expect me to somehow know the message I received was a 'favor'? Yeah ok.


    3 hours ago, iboomboom said:

    You need an 80% majority to get back in, apparently you didn't make the cut. 


    Thank you for the clarification; the 'cut' ? lol, what is this basketball tryouts? I can see it now " sorry kid, you are simply too good to make the 'cut'." Ok boomboom =P



  3. 2 hours ago, deerejon said:

    I dont know what your saying there.....As far as I know the voting is still going on??

    Now I'm confused, this is the message I received this morning :

    Sorry buddy but you just missed the amount of votes you needed, you are always welcome to try again at a later date. The most concern was that you are an awesome player no one is denying that, but with that comes a lot of people accusing you of hacking. That is the main gripe of the people that didn't vote for you, but like I said you did get a lot more votes for you to come back than not.  "

  4. 3 minutes ago, Merlin007 said:

    I'm not Harry, well maybe in some places ?, but the procedure is this:

    1. If a member drops his/her tag and wants to rejoin the community a pm is made to a senior admin. Senior admin group will post up the fact that someone wants to rejoin and will see if any objections in the server admin forum
    2. If no objections after 24 hours senior admin will vote on reinstatement

    If there are any objections then it will go to admin vote and 80% of votes will be needed to reinstate. this will be 3 days from post.


    Cool thanks!

  5. 15 hours ago, Damage_inc- said:

    ns vid btw what cpu and gpu do u run?


    Thanks =)!

    I7 4790 + gtx titan X (old version).

    I'm actually waiting to build a brand new system/monitor(4k@144hz **the dream**) that can run new games 4k @ 144fps; crossing my fingers dual gtx 2080 ti's can past the test!

    Originally was going to get the 240hz monitors they have now because I like a ton of old fps games that truly shine at 240+ fps, however, I've seen what 4k @ 144fps on a 4k/144hz monitor looks like and it's truly magic =P

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5GVjkL04Kg

    Hi guys, for those who don't know me I was a long time XI server player on cod4/5 and eventually became a member. Due to real life stuffz/traveling I ended up losing my tags but I always loved the community (most of you :stuart:). This is my first attempt at making a montage using a bunch of clips from a normal WaW server but I plan on making an XI version soon. The edits aren't great but I figured I'd give it a go anyways =).

  7. Cons:

    This game is garbage. If you are familiar with other first person shooters designed for console and haphazardly ported to PC, expect more of the same. It's clunky and suffers from a severe lack of mechanical depth; if you are coming from CS:GO or cod4 Promod expect an experience profound in only it's homogeneous feel to that of a toddlers aim assisted shooter. 


    Fun to screw around in the beta weekend for free before heading back to CS:GO/cod4/cod5/whatever other fps you currently play. 

    Ultimately I'd wait for battalion 1944 if you are looking for that classic skill based ww2 PC shooter of old

  8. On 7/11/2017 at 9:26 AM, AthenA said:

    Make sure that you type it correctly for further reference :P

    Real Estufa 



    Yeah I feel like not a single one of these threads has managed to spell my name correctly :ermm:

    On 7/9/2017 at 3:50 AM, Labob said:

    Yea I think in real's past life he was the monthly  period :) sure seems to make people bitchy 

    Oh man if you guys ever had a Halloween based xi fest or at least a costume party :wub:

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