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Sharpe last won the day on October 17 2022

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  1. Not sure if the spawn on mp_dam on the one side could be moved up to the level of the road, it's a little one sided at the moment.
  2. /cl_maxpackets 100 - For ping. /cg_fov 80 - Field of view. /com_maxfps 125 or 250 I also like /r_gamma to adjust brightness a bit more precisely between maps, rather than the slider in the settings page. Jester also has a few other connection related settings in this post from a few years back: https://www.xtremeidiots.com/forums/topic/89049-cod4-setup/?do=findComment&comment=929220
  3. I see you went into server one the other day. Not sure if you usually have your maxpackets at 100, but if I go into server 1 it puts it back to the default of 30. Check if you have "/cl_maxpackets 100" set.
  4. I love that map, we've played it a ton over the years. I'm reading it was happening with other maps too, so hopefully nothing to do with this one specifically.
  5. Oh man that sucks. He was in the server a few weeks ago. Rip.
  6. In the graphics/settings menu of Cod4, there is a separate option to set the refresh rate, I think the max for this is 144hz (at least it is for me), whatever it is, I would set it as close to your monitor as you can. The one you are talking about is frames per second in the terminal. "/com_maxfps 125" (max 250 allowed on freezetag). I have mine at 125. You can play around with it and see what feels best. Different rates alter the mechanics of the game slightly. To see what you are actually getting is "/cg_drawfps 1" or 0 to turn off.
  7. Another one joins the promised lands! Did you set response time to fastest in the OSD as well? Sweet deal for only $150! Enjoy!
  8. Got a 27" samsung 165 hz monitor coming today! 

    1. Sharpe


      Sweet! www.testufo.com

  9. I looked up the manual online. It looks like there is probably a setting in the OSD to be able to use the full 160hz: https://download.msi.com/archive/mnu_exe/monitor/MAG323UPFv1.0_English.pdf Not sure if you've messed about with that yet. Looks like there is a button at the back of the monitor to access the various menus. It also seems to have a response time setting (similar to my own that I mentioned previously) where you can make it as fast as possible:
  10. Nice, you should notice a big difference next time you play, now that it's above 60hz. What kind of cable are you using to connect the monitor (hdmi, displayport?). There must be something stopping it from being able to reach the full 160hz.
  11. Sweet, enjoy! Did you double check the fps on https://www.testufo.com/ ? When you say 144hz didn't look as good, do you mean the ingame setting (in the graphics menu)?
  12. When is it arriving? Looks decent.
  13. That's what she said.
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