you know i will step out on a limb and say that manthis was someone who desired attention. And maby this gave her the sort of attention that she lacks in her live i don't know this is just a thought. I enjoy my xi family and have developed feelings of friendship and loyalty to the members of this clan. I treat the clan members as extended family. For thoes who have ever lost a love one from any means or have ever delt with any form of cancer weather the outcome be positive results or not knows how bad it makes you feel when someone you know like this suffers from this and then to hear that a life has been lost to this just twists my guts. ALWAYS remember live has a funny way of sorting this sort of inhumain injustice out. It might not be today or tomorrow it might be 5 years from now but it will always sort itself out. I just hope manthis and union jack never ever have to sit next so someone with cancer lying in bed waiting to die. I hope you never have to live that day. BUT if you do---- think of all of the wonderful people from the xi clan that would have held your hand and stood beside you to lean on that you may never ever have the privilage of knowing again. Manthis and union jack all people want is an apology and you can keep your reasons for yourself no one ever needs to really know why you did this. My prayers go out to any one who had to re-live the horrors of loosing a loved one after finding out about this hoax .