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  1. Haha
    CW4 reacted to MtDeW in Movies?   
    what movie makes you think of XI every time you see it?
    for me it is Blazing Saddles and just watch this clip and tell me you can do better!  
    xifest is what this clip says  
  2. Like
    CW4 reacted to Lovyan in Happy birthday   
    Happy Birthday LilMordJR !! Cant believe your 18!
    Just remember your mum and Dad Loves you! And be kind to others hahah

  3. Like
    CW4 got a reaction from PimpedOutPete in Abbey Road   
    Been there... Walked that.... 1978......
  4. Haha
    CW4 reacted to TBB in Hey :)   
    So both of you are watching your home movies?????  
  5. Like
    CW4 got a reaction from JoeCamel in Gen Colin Powell   
    Flew General Powell once when I was in support of the Hurricane Andrew relief back in 1992.  Busy man, but took time to briefly to talk to us, the crew, and ask how things were going.  Best General we have had in a long time.  RIP Sir. 
  6. Like
    CW4 reacted to b1n0gHo5t in I'm ALIIIIIVE!!!!   
    Sorry for such a long delay only just got my PC over here
    Sooo i survived Heart surgery and recovering well
    haha hopefully be up n about on Freezetag soonish
    Hope ya'll are doing well

    From ShotgunPOWAH
  7. Like
    CW4 got a reaction from GHO5T in Gen Colin Powell   
    Flew General Powell once when I was in support of the Hurricane Andrew relief back in 1992.  Busy man, but took time to briefly to talk to us, the crew, and ask how things were going.  Best General we have had in a long time.  RIP Sir. 
  8. Like
    CW4 got a reaction from Hunter1948 in Gen Colin Powell   
    Flew General Powell once when I was in support of the Hurricane Andrew relief back in 1992.  Busy man, but took time to briefly to talk to us, the crew, and ask how things were going.  Best General we have had in a long time.  RIP Sir. 
  9. Like
    CW4 got a reaction from Icequeen in Gen Colin Powell   
    Flew General Powell once when I was in support of the Hurricane Andrew relief back in 1992.  Busy man, but took time to briefly to talk to us, the crew, and ask how things were going.  Best General we have had in a long time.  RIP Sir. 
  10. Like
    CW4 got a reaction from Majbasil in Gen Colin Powell   
    Flew General Powell once when I was in support of the Hurricane Andrew relief back in 1992.  Busy man, but took time to briefly to talk to us, the crew, and ask how things were going.  Best General we have had in a long time.  RIP Sir. 
  11. Like
    CW4 reacted to PimpedOutPete in Mandated   
    Lol, you may need to re-read what I said Laz. I mentioned 400 millions “doses” not individuals injected. You have to consider each dose as a potential health risk. A patient may have no adverse reactions once and then suffer from myocarditis or similar events the next time.
    There has been 403 millions doses with 8638 deaths which gives you a 0.0021 % mortality rate per dose. What is not included is the underlying health issues theses 8638 individuals may have had prior to vaccination that maybe have contributed to their untimely deaths.
    As for your data, please provide information on where those numbers are from, not news organizations but from health organizations.
    If you are playing the odds Laz, that’s 8600 deaths compared to 740,000 deaths to covid.  I do agree we don’t know what the long term effects this vaccination has. We do know this technology has been around and involved in cancer treatments for the past 15 years, so the odds are we should be ok.
    What you omitted was the adverse long term reactions to Covid to the 740,000 who have had it, most will be ok. 
  12. Like
    CW4 reacted to PimpedOutPete in Mandated   
    Laz, we have known each other for the better of 12 plus years, please don’t visit those sites. I won’t go into all you  posted for honestly it’s not my field of medicine and the Internet is no ones fiend if you want to post facts or lies.
    All I can tell you what I see with my own eyes. I work in a medical centre of 1200 beds and a private medical company as well.  85-88 percent of our cases are non-vaccinated patients. Of those patients, they make up 20 percent of the entire adult population who can be vaccinated but have chosen not to. Of those patients in ICU over 95 percent of them are non vaccinated. In my 32 year career I have never seen our ICUs over flowing. I have never seem so many double pneumonia’s ever. Yes, there are cases time to time but the majority are single lobe, double of occasion or an entire single lung but not this many double pneumonia.
    You know me, I have no reason to mislead you or lie to you. I can only tell you what I see with my own eyes. Things are improving, as vaccinations rates climb, our  numbers gone down.
    As for the blood sample in the pic? No one draws blood in a 5 cent plastic syringe, it degrades the sample very quickly. Plus arterial blood is always well oxygenate and will look bright in color while blood that are dark can potentially be veinus. The hue of blood can vary naturally due to a number of factors. This includes minor variations in individual levels of chemical compounds carried by plasma, or variations in oxygen, iron, lipids and red blood cells. Vaccination has no effect on  blood color.
    Good Chat guys. 
  13. Like
    CW4 reacted to PimpedOutPete in Mandated   
    This really is a mute point. Either you wish to error of public safety or you don’t.
    I certainly wouldn’t want anyone to infringe on my freedoms as well, but with vaccinations comes privileges. You wish to fly, enjoy a meal at your favourite restaurant or go to a movie?…you will have to be vaccinated like it or not. If you want your freedoms, then companies and business should have Freedoms to not serve you or accept your business. Freedom is not only for you and I. 
    As for healthcare? We in the field expect that we should and must be vaccinated. We serve the public health and everyone should feel safe that we are giving them the best of care.
    Thx guys 
  14. Like
    CW4 reacted to StormCrow in Trip Of A Lifetime!!!   
    Just got back last night from a trip out to western Canada. My Father is 74 years old, terminal cancer, and never seen the mountains. It started out as just myself my wife and my mom and dad going. We booked everything, then the next day my Dads specialist called with new CT scan results, the tumor in his back is pressing against his spine, 2 choices, 9 hour operation with a 10% survival rate or 10 heavy doses of radiation and being paralyzed in 6 months to 1 years time. While my parents were talking it over the Dr called back, he talked to the surgeon, he refuses to do the surgery as he is 100% sure my father would not make it off the table. With this news in mind I talked to my brother and sister and they joined in on our trip, 1st full family trip in 30+ years. We were out there Saturday till Tuesday. We got a whole lot of sight seeing and family time in. Mom shed happy tears, Pops literally said "Holy Fuck" when we came around 1 corner to a huge mountain in our view. It was an amazing trip filled with memories! 
    People, get out there and do shit with your life now! Dont be like my pops and wait for grave medical news till you start to do things cool in life. You never know what life is going to toss your way, so live it to the fullest while you can! 
    Any Canadians on here, if you have never been to Banff, get your ass out there! We got so much beautiful country within our own borders to see, GO SEE IT!!!!
    Here are some pics, you may not believe me, but, all these pics are taken with my android cell phone.... NO FILTERS!!!
    The Murphy Clan

    Lake Louise

    Alberta Beef steak dinner with the fam

    Bow River

    Bow River

    Elk Selfie

    Contemplating life at Moraine Lake

    Bow Falls Trail

    Sunrise from downtown Banff

    Last but not least, getting high way up high!!! Smoking a joint on top of Sulphur Mountain! (Its legal here in Canada!!!) 

  15. Haha
    CW4 reacted to McGrim in Mandated   
    This to me is more about a choice of freedom!  I chose to get vaccinated because I weighed my options and was able to make a choice without someone telling me to do it. Its my choice to do it or not ( not the government or any person ) 
  16. Like
    CW4 reacted to major-mark63 in Mandated   
    for my opinion its common sense that a business that work with people , like hospitals , schools and public or private transportations , asked theirs employees all been vaccinated ; its for safety of the workers and also for all users.
    Your liberty stops when you are affecting my liberty , i want to be free and go where i can be safe and virus free .
    In my place all these masks stuff and restrictions are still in effects because of the amount of sick poeple in hospital ICU who are close to 100 % non or not enough vaccinated...
    hope this will end soon ...
  17. Like
    CW4 reacted to George :) in Hi everyone It's George   
    Hi all I'm George who you see on cod4 freezetag, been playing the game for 15 years, and still crap at it..lol
    I enjoy and have a laugh playing with you guys, i don't get involved in negative  comments but i enjoy watching you guys stir each other up in a fun way.
    My favorite line in the game is Wildthings "return your game you have been knifed by the shittest player" something like that, it make me laugh great line, also everyone blaming Frenchi for everything even if he not playing...hahaha
    Besides that Pretty quite guy i have no social media at all, so you wont find me on any major platforms.
    From Australia so mainly play at night for a few hours unless i'm watching a movie or reading a book..
    And I also play Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes as a pass time..
    See you guys in the game and try not to kill me to much 🙂
  18. Haha
    CW4 reacted to bds1961 in What career are you in?   
    I’m the Batman. 
  19. Haha
    CW4 reacted to Timmah! in WeednFeed and Granddaughters Modelling Our New XI Shirts!   
    My first thought: What adorable grandchildren!
    My second thought:  Holy Shit!  Henry Kissinger plays freezetag!  

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  21. I have read this post
    CW4 reacted to Mule in 12 Years Tags   
    Got my 12 Year Tags ty @ROCKAPE HeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW!
  22. Like
    CW4 reacted to KaptCrunch in Great song played....for you guys that like the map from The Good, Bad and Ugly!   
    great western with Clint and others in movie 
  23. Like
    CW4 reacted to BlownAwaybyLewinski in Great song played....for you guys that like the map from The Good, Bad and Ugly!   
    Love this song in the COD2 maps that I play in and thought you all would like a listen!!
    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - The Danish National Symphony Orchestra (Live) - YouTube (360p).mp4
  24. Like
    CW4 reacted to BlownAwaybyLewinski in BlackBart's wife!   
    Some great news I found today for people that knew BlackBart - Roger Bartlett who had passed away a few weeks back. Message I got from Roger Bartlett Jr. I had ask how his wife was doing since they both got covid and he told me she has fully recovered and doing well.....good new for once!
    Thanks All
  25. Like
    CW4 got a reaction from MtDeW in What is your favorite Quote?   
    Stupid is as stupid does.....
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