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jointz last won the day on March 29

jointz had the most liked content!

About jointz

  • Birthday 03/31/1982

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  • Location
    Moncton N.B

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  • Game Alias's
    jo1ntz, jointz

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  1. Elvis tosses a lot of purses too so I second dmans comment about prissy...
  2. I would join but I see you have enough guys already.. have fun though... Go ladies go!!
  3. I can feel the love in the air... Did someone say head?? Is it free?
  4. Wow this turned into much more then I had expected... Lol
  5. Happy birthday weed! Cake looked great!!
  6. Have a good trip sir!!
  7. I'm consistently the worst player on the servers I play on but I have a super great time!! Great entertainment!! In some cases even for the whole family
  8. I just rebought this game on PC. I had played it years back when it was first released on the PS3 then had given it up for atleast 10 years. I'd there any of my fellow idiots or friends playing this game?
  9. Happy Easter to my idiot family and all our friends here!!!
  10. Happy birthday to the others and happy Easter guys!!
  11. Your wingspan is the same as your height
  12. Very sorry to hear the bad new weed, just know they are both smiling down on you from above!!
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