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Everything posted by Majbasil

  1. dumbass... (lol) the pot calling the kettle black looks like to me...
  2. I like what Loader wrote - "I guess the moral here is we do not know who some of these people are and may not even enjoy their lack of team play or skill but despite all that they come back time and time again and in some way we are helping them escape real life troubles of their own and I guess that is all we can be thankful for because one day there will not be many of us left to come back...I get what your saying 100% but just giving my one pence". YES! As for folks being quiet, I have found out over the years that folks will talk when they are good and ready, heck I played off and on with XI group for years before I even got a mic! AND YOU GUYS WOULD KEEP ASKING ME TO GET ONE TOO! I kept thinking, but once you hear I am female you'll be upset, most guys don't like to game with girls, and to be honest, it has taken me years to get a backbone to hear some of the things I have heard while gaming. BUT THIS GROUP, XI is different, better imho, this group is special, what a group of fun characters! What fun most of you are! So leave the non talkers alone, maybe one day they will bite the bullet and get a mic and click to talk and say hello... like I did one day. NOW GET BACK IN THOSE MAPS SOLDIERS! And if I or others talk too much or you just don't want to hear their voice, MUTE THEM or ME, mute is a wonderful thing, I do it all the time if I wanna (hehe)
  3. Tron wrote "Good idea for everyone to keep at least a month's worth of expenses in cash at home in the event we have a systemic banking crisis...the chances of which are definitely not zero. " and to that I can say YES. Having cash in a fire safe at home, and at your bank safe deposit box, etc. is wise always. THIS is something that Tron and I can agree with. Think of it as insurance against SHTF, never ever to be used, just there like an insurance policy. Folks tend to over spend, buy stuff they cannot afford, etc. Pay yourself first, protect yourself and your family. Keeping a healthy emergency fund to be never ever used is a wise investment, you'll be able to sleep better at night just in case the S H T F. As for this banking crisis, I am pleased so far at the govt. responses this Monday, and thank goodness we have an actual grownup as President, whew. Now if we will just prosecute those "evil doers" who run amok breaking laws and ripping off everyone for their own profits. That would make things much more safe and healthier and environment to live in. https://www3.d125.org/aconneen/citizenu/TEXT4.9.pdf
  4. Hang on there, are you trying to blame Elizabeth Warren for this mess? W T actual F! Shesh that is like saying WW2 is Churchill's fault imho. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/12/silicon-valley-bank-fallout-washington-00086662 Nope, this is by Republicans ideology and efforts, as per usual working oh so hard to f^ck things up and deregulate (gotta make white collar crime easier so a few can profit) banks and frankly everything. Now, the S&it is hitting the proverbial fan once again and more banks to crash as well apparently. What did we learn from this, or did we not learn anything and history once again repeats itself and craps all over everyone. PARDON MY dag gone FRENCH.
  5. so........... have we learned anything yet? https://www.forbes.com/sites/mayrarodriguezvalladares/2018/08/22/why-do-republicans-want-to-gut-bank-regulations-even-more/?sh=1bb3bec14279 sigh... history repeats itself... some ideologies are really bad for the world, some aren't. VOTE WISELY (our future depends on it.)
  6. well how sweet is that!!!
  7. OK so.... having grown up near the Smokey Mountains and countless hours in and around that area, may I offer some suggestions... https://smokymountains.com/park/things-to-do/ DO NOT MISS CADES COVE (restored original cabins and tiny village) a drive - might have traffic but you might see black bears, elk, such and what not running around even from the car. I would take a picnic and stop along the drive and have a picnic. Then when you get to the buildings, walk around, it is cool. https://smokymountains.com/park/cades-cove/ Lots of great hiking easy trails, great time to be visiting there, should be great weather and pretty oh so pretty. https://smokymountains.com/park/hikes/ DOLLYWOOD, awesome amusement park, even has a doggiewood (kennel - would have to make advanced reservations for pets) music is GREAT, Dolly sure did a fine job displaying the essence of the area for guests. You probably will get wet on some rides, heads up. https://www.dollywood.com/plan-your-visit/ PIGEON FORGE, omg.. tacky but fun as hell if you like to ride little NASCAR mini racers, putt putt, eat biscuits and gravy... https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Products-g55270-a_contentId.37622924096+714010981-Pigeon_Forge_Tennessee.html OMG ick not recommended, but heck I did it and then had the hangover from hell... doh https://www.tripadvisor.com/AttractionProductReview-g55270-d11482061-Famous_Moonshine_Wine_Tour_From_Pigeon_Forge-Pigeon_Forge_Tennessee.html About staying/hanging out, three types of locations... Gatlinburg, original used to be awesome, but way too many cars and such... cool if you happen to be there "off season" whenever that is. Pigeon Forge OMG too many people, too many cars, but... see what all tacky and stilly and stupid stuff you can do all in one day! lol Then my favorite, Townsend Townsend Townsend is often called the “quiet side of the Smokies” in contrast to the bustling and often crowded tourist areas of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. Townsend offers a different perspective of the area that a lot of people enjoy. Renting a smokey mountains type of log cabin, getting one right on a creek is the traditional way to go, but all kinds of hotels, even a goat farm and you can airbnb in a yurt type thing is there... whatever floats your boat. https://www.vrbo.com/search/keywords:gatlinburg-tennessee-united-states-of-america/arrival:2023-09-01/departure:2023-09-04/filter:64?petIncluded=false&filterByTotalPrice=true Enjoy East Tennessee, and ya'll come back now, ya hear?
  8. bless your heart! OK hurry and get a new headphones, one that isn't made in China (oh, did I type that out loud?) Is there such a thing, anything NOT made in China anymore? Just asking for a friend.
  9. "Damn it Timmmy!" seems I say that alot... so, does new computer then mean we are going to be cursing you even more? bunny hopper!
  10. Yes, so get ready - after the big badda booming, buy buy buy. 2 cents (don't waste money, save save save and invest for future)
  11. way to go, yep, we need things like that you never know... strange times Russia, China, North Korea, old Yugoslavian countries, Belarus, on and on, heck even issues in SOUTH AMERICA are going on. HAM radio is one of those old fashioned, opps maybe we need it cause this happened, sort of handy devices that come in handy if/when needed. And, learning Morse Code, other languages, having hard copies of everything important in a fire safe, etc. etc. etc. doesn't hurt now does it? Bug out bag - keep one, why not? https://www.mddionline.com/rd/how-survive-zombie-apocalypse and this --> https://bugoutbagacademy.com/free-bug-out-bag-list/
  12. I am so sorry! When you are able, seek out support groups, they might be helpful for you as you try to sort thru your emotions and life.
  13. amen to that ! May peace on earth reign, and may we evolve to be wiser, nicer, better than the warlike meanies we seem to be as a species.
  14. oh, I thought this joke was going to be about Trump. No joke, I was really surprised. About the above, folks come in all colors, sizes, beliefs, what some think is ugly is pretty to others. Honestly, isn't everyone a bit of a "freak" to others? Off to look for a freak song --> let's dance! https://www.yorkdispatch.com/story/opinion/editorials/2022/12/19/with-his-trading-card-scam-trump-goes-from-national-threat-to-national-joke/69740496007/
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