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Slackernet last won the day on January 3 2021

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  1. instapot website says they have an app with 2k recipes and a facebook group as well https://www.facebook.com/groups/InstantPotCommunity
  2. I would try the properties button on the right there and choose a default program to open / view the .jpg files if it is not in properties do a search for default and you you be able to open a whole list and choose defaults like web browser, pictures and stuff like that The thought is: associate picture to program to view then windows will allow preview with the right program that opens it seems legit in my so so brain LOL
  3. I have always used intel + Nvidia and I cant say they ever let me down in windows or a linux environment although opinions are great i always compare the cpu's and gpu's as there are many benchmark sites out there to prove the point... then i decide for myself what specs are worth the cost of the hardware. you will be surprised how little the gain in perf is from an I7 to an I9 but the price differences are crazy here is one website you can compare cpu and gpu at...and do some side by side comnparisons https://www.cpubenchmark.net/singleCompare.php then make your decision based on specs + price + budget. You may even decide to build your own PC on specs you desire....that is always fun but not always the cheap option
  4. USED OPTION car-part for zip code 95444 has some used ones for 100 or less. its best to enter your exact zip on the site. Since they are plastic IDk if you want used or not since yours prob cracked right https://car-part.com NEW OPTION.....Double check fitment the page has oem part numbers that fit https://www.amazon.com/Manifold-Compatible-Econoline-Excursion-Expedition/dp/B088MLKQSV/ref=d_m_crc_dp_lf_d_t1_sccl_3_3/135-1037262-1001768?pd_rd_w=8YQ5D&content-id=amzn1.sym.5d471845-5073-424b-b27b-c0676f48a016&pf_rd_p=5d471845-5073-424b-b27b-c0676f48a016&pf_rd_r=PVYRS8GYS0G6VS88C2Y5&pd_rd_wg=yy3GM&pd_rd_r=af104123-378b-490f-9b28-3146bd6f0e89&pd_rd_i=B088MLKQSV&psc=1
  5. Happy Birthday have a good one
  6. That smoke is pretty bad. We have the same situation / conditions here in the Pocono Mountains, PA....and yes it is the smoke from those fires in Canada not any local fires. Those fires must be huge
  7. Nice work that must have taken a lot of time money and patience to build
  8. Merry XI-Christmas Everyone
  9. IDK I am an Intel and Nvidia guy..amd just never cut it for me the 5900X (387.00)is not much faster and cost 100.00 more than the Intel i7-11700K (267.00) Xray is right i have not tested the 12th gen new intel processors. they changed alot on the core layout...kind of what amd does....i would steer clear or them you can get a 3080TI evga 12GB g card around 1k (919.00) that leaves about 600 for mobo, ram, ssd drive and a decent 750W power supply...you could get away with a 600 but WHY LOL assuming you can reuse the case that's tight but doable all the prices I found are from amazon and I currently run the above setup for over a year now on an asus rog strix mobo and have no complaints the I7 keeps on chuggin even after hours of gaming. I run my rig on Air cooling anymore the power control on todays pc's you don't need overclocking, fancy water coolers and hi heat to get an edge
  10. We decided to spread out a bit and add some servers in an attempt to increase player interest SERVER 1 MC 1.7.10 pack = The 1.7.10 pack back by multiple player requests pack version= 0.10.4 https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/the-1710-pack.453902 recommended pc specs: 8-12GB ram Dedicated Video card 4GB ram java version= Java 8 64bit launcher ram setting 4-6GB Minecraft Launcher = Technic https://www.technicpack.net/download Whitelist is on it is best to request server access on the XI discord DISCORD = https://discord.gg/HVgnSYz IP is listed on the discord or DM me for the information SERVER 2 MC 1.18.2 pack = All The Mods 7 pack version= 0.4.9 as of 6-5-2022 https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-7/files/3817830 NOTE: This pack has frequent updates check the discord for the current version recommended pc specs: 16-32GB ram Dedicated Video card 6GB ram java version= Java 17 64bit launcher ram setting 8-10GB Minecraft Launcher = FTBAPP https://www.feed-the-beast.com/app Curesforge / Overwolf https://www.overwolf.com/app/Overwolf-CurseForge download button is at the top right of the page Whitelist is off you only need the IP address it is best to request server access on the XI discord DISCORD = https://discord.gg/HVgnSYz IP is listed on the discord or DM me for the information SERVER 3 MC 1.16.5 pack = FTB OceanBlock pack version= 1.12 https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpack/91_ftb_oceanblock recommended pc specs: 16-32GB ram Dedicated Video card 6GB ram java version= Java 8 64bit launcher ram setting 8-10GB Minecraft Launcher = FTBAPP https://www.feed-the-beast.com/app Whitelist is on it is best to request server access on the XI discord DISCORD = https://discord.gg/HVgnSYz IP is listed on the discord or DM me for the information
  11. there are better versions to be seen
  12. Microsoft is forcing anyone with an old mojang account..aka minecraft account to migrate to a new Microsoft account. If you do not do this soon you will loose access to the game Information Link: https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4403181904525-How-to-Migrate-Your-Mojang-Account-to-a-Microsoft-Account
  13. be quiet brand cooler has an inline pump and a refill port https://www.newegg.com/be-quiet-liquid-cooling-system/p/2YM-0069-00004?Description=water cooling&cm_re=water_cooling-_-9SIA68VBZU7750-_-Product&quicklink=true
  14. Welcome to XI
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