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Everything posted by Sharpe

  1. Don't think so, seems nice and accurate. Guess I should double check the points again, there is a chance another teammate defrosted a little and then you don't get the full point I assume.
  2. Emps sometimes aren't defrosting the teammate fully, is is supposed to be like that? Edit - Defroster crossbow is pretty neat, but not getting a full point if it defrosts a teammate.
  3. Can we swap mp_junkyard for hof_junkyard? Hof is the expanded version and is a lot more fun, had several people mention it last night. Thanks.
  4. Can we get hof_junkyard instead of junkyard, better version ?
  5. Sup Rwinn! Couldn't you get a usb microphone?
  6. Played for an hour or so tonight. The red screen for certain commands is awesome. Tried out the trophy system it's pretty weird lol. Not sure what to make of the different rcxds, I think the one that blows up is a little slower, haven't had a chance to try the defroster one. It's hard to say what effects these changes will have on the feel of the server so to speak, it would be interesting to play a few rounds of freeze tag with a fullish server with them. Not sure I like the warning of an enemy in your spawn, seems a bit of a giveaway. Am I right in thinking that you have different hit damage depending on where you shoot someone? Not sure if that exists on the current server but it seemed more pronounced? Didn't thoroughly test that but if so not sure what to make of that, would definitely add another element to the server making it a little harder. The only thing I'd definitely like to stay like in the current server so far is the semtex. The new one that just blows up when you rethrow after having picked it up takes a way a learned skill. That's what comes to mind at the moment. I think it would interesting to get a bunch of people in one night and thoroughly test it in freezetag.
  7. Ok that sounds good, I will be interested in taking another look once the hopping is fixed. Do you intend to force shadows (sm_enable 1)? I usually prefer playing without them.
  8. Played last night, it was like deja vu, I could have sworn I had played something similar before, oh wait... The biggest changes are very similar if not the same as the ones many people railed against back in August. Here is one of my replies from that thread : "I have seem many in this private message thread speak out about the proposed changes to the hopping in particular. I have not seen one person come to the defensive of the proposed changes to the jump settings. You can call it and exploit or a trick or whatever, but the fact remains the majority appear to like it the way it is. I did suggest on the forums a few months ago that there should be a vote on any major changes such as this, but in the absence of that the current evidence suggests the majority are in favor of it staying as it is. That is the best reason there is. I would say having talked to people that the proposed changes to staying visible while in a killstreak are also unpopular. Fewer people have spoken out about this though, so its more difficult to gauge. I think this will have a large effect on the way the game is currently played though and should be strongly reconsidered. Again this is just my point of view. At the end of the day if changes are made that a majority like but I dislike and as such no longer enjoy playing on the server, I will go and play elsewhere." Played with 7 regulars last night, no one liked the hopping or staying visible while in a killstreak, same as in the message thread 9 months ago. Making major changes to one of the top ranked servers in a 12 year old game, or indeed in any game, seems nonsensical. I would be open to trying some new guns and killstreaks, but drastically altering gameplay because 5 people don't like hopping (but continue to play the server) is not something I'm interested in. @Sixgun @P!nk @Dessy @Timmah! @Giggles @Dukoo @FUNky (although F funky he plays rust now ?)
  9. That's mental when all the places that are big on mask wearing are doing far better.
  10. Sharpe


    Get better soon @Master! Keep us updated.
  11. Have everyone wear masks in enclosed public spaces. Seems to be working well in Czech Republic/South Korea/Hong Kong etc... Not saying its 100% fullproof, but would drastically cut transmission without the need for lockdown and keep the infection rate down so as not to overwhelm hospitals.
  12. Need to keep those mailwomen off your lawn somehow...
  13. @SABRE Looks sweet! Double check you are getting 144hz on this site : https://www.testufo.com/ (use chrome or firefox). Also remember to switch your ingame cod to 144hz in the graphics panel! Looks like a big difference in screen quality, I bet you are seeing a lot better at distance and in darkness.
  14. Aren't you the dude that posted that we were all going to die from meteor impact a few weeks ago?
  15. Can you use an hdmi cable instead of a vga cable?
  16. @SABRE Is it a 144hz ?
  17. Hax! It was a joke lol ?
  18. Forwarded to the admins...they'll be in touch.
  19. I think there will be checkpoints very soon, I believe they have this in Spain/France/Italy now. Can only travel solo. They will be looking for shopping receipts as proof, and if you aren't near work/the shop well there's a big whopping fine and then who knows what after that.
  20. Unless you advocated that everyone start living in a bubble two months ago this is the case. There are several explicit posts in this thread of people saying things that will lead to greater infection, and if hospitals are overrun, potentially more deaths. This isn't a black or white issue though, it's a continuum. Here is a quote from @RobMc (nothing personal fucker) : "I personally cannot understand, especially in the modern world trying to isolate all populations, it is obvious to a blind man that this is not and never will work, let nature get on with it, we'll survive." I know several direct family members that share this sentiment. I can see where it is coming from. I don't believe we should do nothing however, but at the same time think things are going too far. Like @Timmah! said earlier in this thread, "Meanwhile, 25,000 people die EVERY DAY from starvation... every day. Where's the media coverage? Not so much, eh?" While we should try to ease the burden on the hospitals as best we can, putting everyone on lockdown, making millions unemployed, and massively disrupting supply chains in the end may make things worse in the long run.
  21. @6FtUnder was playing last night so he must have resolved it.
  22. What is your screen resolution set to in windows? I take it you have tried syncing the game with the desktop resolution? Are you using steam or a cd version? Did you use a backup of your old cod players folder at all? Edit - Also when it crashes do you have any function at all on desktop, such as using the arrow buttons to scroll any open programs, you just can't open or close anything, or is completely frozen.
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