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+++ Insurgency Head Admin
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About Barron

  • Birthday 01/09/1996

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  1. I had a similar sort of issue years ago with audio latency were it would slow down music, mouse movement and everything if I had other applications open. I bought new SSD's, PSU's and GPU's and all. I had electricians and all out to the house to test the sockets and they found absolutely nothing. It turned out to be my fucking paid AV ZoneAlarm, I uninstalled it and everything went back to normal, I'm now just using windows defender. If it is latency I used this program: https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon If it goes into the red after several tasks then there is something up and you will need to pin point the problem, it will pinpoint the program causing the latency too. For me it was software and not hardware related but it still did not point to ZoneAlarm as far as I remembered or did it , been years ago I cant remember fully. Anyway it was solved in the end after months of BS wrecking my head
  2. Ethernet cables alone do not explain the drop in 200 odd fps, I had to login to the website just to say that Its too huge of a drop in fps to be internet related as internet doesn't and shouldn't affect fps in game. The only other thing that would drop your fps by that much that I can think of if you are running the games in "windowed mode" by mistake and not realizing rather than full screen. Can you post your PC Specs and tell us are you using any antivirus or are you just using windows defender. (nothing wrong with windows defender ofc) Nah something doesn't sound right with the drop in FPS being that large
  3. Download windows 11 for free here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows11 Select the ISO one to download, then get a blank USB and install rufus: https://rufus.ie/en/ Select the Windows ISO and burn it onto your USB so it will create a Windows boot for you. Then Install Windows 11 and when it asks for activation code you can press skip. You can then purchase a Windows 11 key for like a dollar on any of these key sites and they all work. https://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/buy-windows-11-pro-cd-key-compare-prices/ It will save you hundreds compared to if you were to buy it in best buy trust me.
  4. I just seen this today on the XI Insurgency Discord from one of our regulars who knew Snap well. "Just as a heads up to everyone, Snap XI (Paul) recently passed away on the 14th of November due to Pneumonia and complications with prior conditions, his Nephew currently has access to his discord account and are in the process of putting something together to potentially have a place to leave messages for his wife who is very familiar with his love of the gaming communities he was part of. Paul was 75 and loved gaming right until the end, I'm sure you've all had great experiences with him over the years, you can forward messages to his Nephew via his discord account (snap5285) or hopefully something will be in place soon to put them all in one place. His family will be keeping an eye on the Insurgency discord for any messages or memories to pass onto his wife" RIP Snap
  5. FBI targeting gamers? Meanwhile 8-9 million illegals crossed the US border since Biden entered office, give me a break ffs
  6. https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeckdock The steam dock addon comes with a ethernet port and such to hook it upto displays more easily. I definitively may purchase this next
  7. They still sell the LCD model but probably wont be around for too much longer : https://store.steampowered.com/steamdeck But yeah even if you buy the cheapest model all their hardware is pretty much the same, so a SD card with extra storage pretty much does the same thing. Just make sure its not a 1TB one from wish or something
  8. It can pretty much play any game that is compatible. You can use your mouse and keyboard with it too and hook it up to TV or Monitor. You can play games offline and online once they are downloaded. I will be testing mine out now when it arrives in a few days, should be interesting.
  9. It's totally customizable, its running steam OS which is linux basically but you can install windows and everything on the device. It's a handheld PC pretty much
  10. Just purchased the newer OLED model to try it out. Anyone else own one? and if so whats the pro's and con's you have experienced
  11. Who even took that photo? Your dog?
  12. First time I've been ever called chubby when I am the complete opposite
  13. @MikeB The effects of the amazon spark plugs
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