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    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Hoth in Magfed paintball alive and feeling better in the Midwest.   
    @Hoth we played the Navarone several times and even beat them on their home field in 87 in a best of 5 match of CTF 25vs25. But in all fairness they we still so cocky they were using stock Sheridan pumps that heal 10 balls and a 10gr cartridge was only good for about 20 shots before it started not shooting very far. We also played against the Bushmasters as well and they all wore Ghillie Suits but once we started attacking those suits made it hard to move fast enough to avoid getting shot. just hard to find the paint on those suits. Some of your old mags probably have pictures of guys I played with in Manufacturers ads since some of the guys who were single and played way too much became some of the first STARS of the Game. One guy always was featured wearing a dress suit because that was how he played. No Camo for him he just was fast, the left gunner/wing man while i played Right Gunner/wing and he knew he was going to be seen since we were both running top speed as far up the field we could get in an attempt the start the fight on the other teams half of the map. Plus it made the not reach the cover they hoped to reach. So if we could gain that much ground in the first 30 seconds of a 30 minute game it was hard for them to win. Good Times and you are right I was killed so many times with a paintball sometimes at point blank range I knew Real War was not for me because I am not the kind to hide in a cave. I got up and encouraged a firefight because I always had them off guard and made many run away out of fear which allowed me to take more of the side flank to keep them from getting around our main attack forces. Great Memories and I still have my camo field jacket/shirt with my team patches and sponsor patches from 35+ years ago. My first Silencer was a metal tube slightly larger then the barrel and it slipped on and the sight bead held it in place and was drilled with many holes and covered in wading to catch the air/sound and then covered in a think black rubber like material that could be shrunk to fit with a heat gun so it looked sharp and fit in your slide cargo between games so the other team couldn't bitch about them. Plus we had a set screw put in the back of our modified guns in the piece you removed to access to spring and allen wrenches in our pockets. This way we could dial in the speed to pass the crono test as you entered the field and then before they blow the starting horn we could tighten to set screw and gat another 25 feet per second out of our guns and not blow balls in the barrel be gave us a bit more range and didn't need to lob the paint in. I could go on and on. Loved playing that game sofakingmuch
  2. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Hoth in Member Spotlight- Intruder>XI<   
    We just named our animals we planned to eat "Dinner", it bothered our Mom the first time but she figured out she wanted to call it something at feeding time and by calling the Steer each year Dinner kept her from getting to attached and more grounded in the reality of the money the family spent to but it, feed it and keep it healthy and well as the grain we gave it at the end to marble it up. It all worked out and in the mid 70's with 3 teenage boys it was the most bang for our food budget plus we knew the quality of the meat and that it was grass fed and well taken care of and treated in the most humane way possible. Advantage of having 45 acres of grassy ranch land in the foothills of Northern California in the mid 70's. Plus we had horses and even raised a Pig and the property next to my parents Ranch was 5000 acres of BLM land so the deer were also plentiful and in our freezer. Calif had a nuisance law that allowed farmers and ranchers with fenced property to kill deer that got in to their vegetable garden so ours was growing 10 months a year. This gave my Dad the right to remove them and harvest them. Any way to save money and keep us from going hungry. I can relate to your comment about CHANGE. It is the only constant thing in life and something that is hard to fight. When we stop learning is when our brains start to die and then our body follows. Nice read and you are always welcome to play on the COD2 TDM servers. We play every weekend from about 9am your time until 1pm Saturday and Sunday and it is the same group with many long time >XI< members. We always love meeting newer members to the Original >XI< servers where it all started and killing them lol. Look forward to seeing you sometime soon. If you dont have the game I have a few copies of the game you can load using a disk drive including a good key code I could send you from free since I now use Steam, but the game is fairly cheap there as well. just using the version 1.3 so you have to update it after you download. DM me if you are interested
  3. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Streetcleaner in Magfed paintball alive and feeling better in the Midwest.   
    No                  not Magfed                                         But.... very cool !     accuracy through mass volume    \m/
  4. Haha
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Streetcleaner in Magfed paintball alive and feeling better in the Midwest.   
    I hope your Dumb Ass figured it out Brohiem 
  5. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Streetcleaner in Magfed paintball alive and feeling better in the Midwest.   
    Magfed would be more your type of game where accuracy is king, semi auto and limited rounds per clip,(19 to 20). my pistol takes 8 gram cartridges and holds 6 shots....Oh and First Strikes ...Oh yeah, they are that good. My sniper rifle will get headshots at 70 yards easy....My T15  marker has my red dot zeroed at 45 yards....Speedballers hate me on certain fields...lol

  6. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Hoth in Magfed paintball alive and feeling better in the Midwest.   
    @Streetcleaner Thanks for sharing. I have never played that flavor but it does look fun. Long forgotten Tactics, stealth and accuracy jump out at me. You want to see something comical put a pump, 12 gram gun in the hands of someone who has only used a electronic semi auto gun. The have no clue what accuracy is lol. I will say from the tests I've seen First strike rounds shooting twice as far is a stretch :0 I would like to test them and their accuracy though. I started in the late 80s with a splatmaster and shop goggles. Then to Sheridan, bushmaster, f1-illistrator, automag etc to name a few. I was never a big auto cocker fan. I was usually up front applying pressure so it didn't really compliment my game. @PHUCKITMAN seems like you were in the mix when the Guns of Navarone from Cali were one of the top dogs. My brother was building loaders, silencers out of pvc in that era as well. Around 1990 I  started played leagues and tournaments. My last tournament was a nppl 5 man in 97. The last team I was on half were from Ohio the other half from Richmond Indiana. I still have many of the magazines we were in. We were pretty successful. My job was paying little and most of my money went to paint, field and tournament entry fees. I was broke but had some amazing memories and experiences. We picked up a few sponsors the last couple of years that really helped out. Competitive paintball taught me a lot. How to sacrifice and work if you really wanted to be successful at something. Also to respect firearms. You look at how easily you can be shot by a gun that has limited velocity and range. Compare it to guns that can shoot through trees, walls with insane range. It made me respect people in the military that much more. Thanks to both of you for sharing. I want to get my son to the field to play. It may make me get the itch to get back into it at some level.
    Ohio Xtreme Zapp Amateur open 5 man winners In 95 (can't seem to get away from that Xtreme name lol) I'm in the Armson hat by Bud Orr. Armson became one of our sponsors after that win. None of us used their barrels though lol. 
  7. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Unarmed in Member Spotlight- Intruder>XI<   
    Great read, thanks for sharing.
  8. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to lTplkey336 in Member Spotlight- Intruder>XI<   
    Nice read Intruder , Thank you!
  9. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to major-mark63 in Member Spotlight- Intruder>XI<   
    THX 4Sharing @Intruder  Nice knowing about you!!!
  10. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Labob in Member Spotlight- Intruder>XI<   
    I name my food yum yum , Mr potatoes and Mr bacon 
  11. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to WldPenguin in Member Spotlight- Intruder>XI<   
    A good read, Intruder, thanks for sharing 🙂 
  12. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Ruggerxi in Member Spotlight- Intruder>XI<   
    @Intruder  Thanks for sharing, don't name our food lol
  13. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight- Intruder>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? >XI<Intruder - I used to play ww2 combat flight sims is where that name was born.
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Some call me Bull - long story but deep down probably just because im stubborn. And clumsy lol
        When and where were you born? Old guy, 1972 In Middletown Ohio
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I never figured it out and still working on that answer.
        Where have you lived? I have lived in Ohio my entire life, not much of a traveler  but i now reside in New Madision, Ohio only about 30 minutes from where i grew up. Worldly i know.     
        What got you into gaming? Been a gamer since i was young but the people and the adventures kept me logging back in. 
        Your first game you played? First game was a atari but fast forward to the PC world it was FIghter Ace the combat flight sim i mentioned back in 1996
        And what do you play now? Mostly DayZ Standalone, myself and a few XI members host 3 servers. I quit gaming for a few years except for every Sunday i would play cod4 with XI for a few hours. XI servers always had me looking forward to that free time on Sundays.
        Why did you join XI? I officially joined recently in late 2022 maybe ? im not sure i have been part of this group so long im not sure when i actually joined.  
        What do you get from being in this clan? I have made some good friends with alot of XI members and we continue to stay in touch when possible.
        What is your favorite hobby? modding has always been the root hobby i always come back to. I have alot going on with a small hobby farm but i am always thinking of modding servers or games. 
        What is your favorite travel destination? My back yard, i have some acreage and a pool. everything i need is at home so why travel. I'm just not drawn to far off lands.
        Are you married? Yes
        Do you have children? One Son who is grown and gone off to make his mark on the world at 22
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? No pets and we don't name our food 
        Do you volunteer? If so, where? I do volunteer some times, I have a emergency communication group < Ham Radio > that we volunteer for events and disaster clean up. 
        What is an interesting fact about you? Sorry, I'm not very interesting. I work most of the time on something either outside or in the virtual world. 

        Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind? I spent 30 years in the labor pool as a Heavy Diesel Mechanic and later switched over to the management side and have been developing my career in that direction. That has taken me into alot of focused learning classes provided by my employer.
        What is your current job title? Automotive Supervisor i manage 5 shops .
        Where do you work? UPS
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? Being a mechanic came easy to me as i grew up on a farm. It started as a side gig to pay the bills while farming was slow and then became more stable at the time so i made a decision for a weekly paycheck.
        Why do you like your job? I am lucky to have a good career, so many people right now struggle with the day to day.
        How would you describe your career? A never ending story of evolution, from the time i started to current are completely different.  I am always hungry to learn something new.
        Describe a time that your career was rewarding. If its not rewarding why do it, i have always had a deep appreciation for the opportunity's I was given and feel a sense of gratification for the work completed.
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Stay fluid, so many people get left behind as they age. New technology is coming at you every year. Embrace Change. If your Comfortable where your at your not going anywhere. Step out side your comfort zone to grow your self.
        What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? Never think you to important to be replaced.
        What do you hope to accomplish in your career? Retirement some day healthy and on my terms
        What is your favorite sport? Baseball
        Do you play any sports? I used to play A league softball but the ole knees gave up that ghost on that one.
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? I would wish for more wish's lol. Nothing really comes to mind I'm so appreciative of my family and friends, as well as my XI friends and i wouldn't change a thing. Well except those few times I  ...  nvm that's another story.

  14. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight- Roody>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? Roody
       Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? In former times "Ans" later sometimes "FreakFunk"
        When and where were you born? My son claims that I should have met the dinosaurs. Grrrrrr
    But it was 1972 Oct. In a small city named Gelnhausen (Germany)
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Drummer in a rockband, better metalband.
        Where have you lived? My whole life in a small village near Frankfurt. In the middle of the dark woods.
        What got you into gaming? My neighbour and his two COMPETITION PRO joysticks plugged in the C64
        Your first game you played? Xerons
        And what do you play now? Xerons and COD4
        Why did you join XI? The name "xtreme idiots" catched me. My humor! And I was addicted by the freezetag server from xi. Very funny mod.
        What do you get from being in this clan? I can no longer be kicked from a full server. Meet incredible crazy people from all around the world
        What is your favorite hobby? See my son laughing, freezing some old guys, repairing notebooks and personal computers, my dog, mountainbiking
        What is your favorite travel destination? acores, la gomera
        Are you married? Yep. Nearly 20 years now. Hard time for my wife.
        Do you have children? A wonderful son ("Cpt. Rex" on COD4 ft Server)
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? A black cat called "Shadow" und a black dog named "Sky"
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? Hallenhalma and Tabletennis. Timo Boll is my fav sportsman
        What causes are you passionate about? Helping helpless people. For example refugees from ukraine, disabled persons and much more. Respect for all people
        Do you volunteer? If so, where? I'm member in school parents council. And in DLRG (german lifesaving society). There I train swimming for kids
        What is an interesting fact about you? My shoe size is 10
        Did you belong to any professional organizations? yes
        What is your current job title? system engineer
        Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? It's a great swimming award in germany called "Seepferdchen"
        Where do you work? In Frankfurt at a big broadcaster
        What other job titles have you had in your career? Carer for disabled persons, communications electronics engineer spezialiced in telecommunications, sound engineer.
        Where else have you worked? Hanau, Gelnhausen
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? Make my hobby to my job
        Why do you like your job? Money. Canteen. Get to know lots of people. Get to know lots of new technical features
        How would you describe your career? chaotic
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? I'm proud of a Unplugged-CD-recording with Amy Macdonald as sound engineer
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Don't do anything you don't like to do!
        What is your favorite sport? Hallenhalma, etreme couching, Tabletennis, Mountainbiking
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? Let it rain brains for humanity!

  15. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to PainKiller in Upcoming TDM changes   
    I've been busy all week so I have not had the chance to check in on this one. I am glad that the changes we have trialled went well on Sunday, and I am all for seeing how it goes over an entire weekend.
    If anything crops up that comes to attention, I am hoping that it can be addressed swiftly and without issue!
  16. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Streetcleaner in Magfed paintball alive and feeling better in the Midwest.   
    Look,you are never too old to play again....I don't know how old you are but I didn't get back in to it until my two grown sons hauled the paintball guns out of storage 3 years ago hadn't played since about 13 years before that. I'm 58 and not as fast as I was...haha not fast at all and with my gear on.....old slow but still deadly. Magfed today is a lot like playing single pump the way you guys played it.limited ammo but in a different platform, military like with the mags but there are some who run box mags(roundball only)it's a hopper that feed the gun from the bottom like a magazine but not many of those.I like the Milsim aspect because it's really like training with my real AR same platform and well, look at the picture and my rifle.It is very tactical and as you know good communication is key.I have a whole back up kit with my back up marker, a Tippmann TMC Elite and plate carrier vest to hold the mags even a mask...so let me know.... One thing I live by...." just get out there and do it ! "  IT referring to anything you want to do.... 
  17. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Streetcleaner in Magfed paintball alive and feeling better in the Midwest.   
    Looks like a load of fun was had by all. I started playing Paintball in So. Cal. in the mid 80's on some old TV Show locations like M.A.S.H., "A" Team and Baa Baa Black Sheep/Tour of Duty. Those fields were cool and each was different. MASH was in the hills near Simi Valley on the same Canyon Property that was used to film the Lone Ranger, Cisco Kid and other westerns and was know for lots of house size or larger granite boulders and lots of trails and scrub brush. The A Team property had lots of sandbag bunkers and downed aircraft and wooden towers and huts and exploded cars and was in a canyon outside of Burbank in the foothills that probably have homes on them now. The Tour of Duty/BBBS field was my Favorite because it was alike the A Team one but with more Structures, no cars, and palm trees and was in a canyon in the Malibu area so the ocean air kept you cool even in the heat of summer. We started out using Nelspot Markers and wearing whatever and only old shop goggles for eye protection. Single shot pump action with 10 rounds and a 12gr cartridge. CTF games and lots of missed kills or shots at point black in the back. It was fun but it was a lot of hiding and then someone grabbing the flag and sprinting since hunting players was tough with that equipment. Then we figured out that we could get camo cheap at surplus stores, better eye, face and body protection in motocross magazines and found the Sheridan Markers and that frame changed it all for us. A guy who was on our team that formed at the MASH field "my first" and made props for the movies learned how to replace the barrel with a 24 inch barrel that was just a C hair smaller than the balls and added a shoulder stock that held a 10oz Co2 canister and for a few of us he even made noise suppressors that made the pop a little puff. These guns changed the game since you could hit almost anything you aimed at up to about 100 feet and with the added hopper feeder you didn't run out of paint in a fire fight. I still always carried a stock Sheridan in a shoulder holster because it stayed out of the way, protected my forward chest area and if I had a ball bust in the barrel I could still fight since my pockets were filled with 8-10 10 balls tubes of paint to reload the hopper or pistol on the run. The Team at MASH field was called "Havok" and I was the right flank gunner so my job was at the start of each game to run as fast as possible up the right boundary and get to at least mid field before engaging the other team and hold that edge and push. We were featured in a magazine that came out in 88 all about paintball and products since we were the second best team in Calif and 4th in the nation even without going to Nationals. We were even sponsored by Oakley and O'Neil and they provided us with eye wear, gear bags, clothes, and footwear as well as paying our fees for games and paint. Several of my teammates went on to become stars in the game and did endorsements and were in the mags. When I moved to No. Carolina in 90 I found a team that had a great field and a good group of guys who couldn't play worth a damn. I asked about joining the team after a few weeks and they said go out on the field and wait for 3 guys to find you. Once the first shot is fired you have to live for 5 minutes to make the team. I found a old Deer stand about 15ft up and hid there and soon the 3 guys walked down the trail toward me only 1 after the other with very little spread  in a straight line. I rose up slowly and shot the one in the back of their line and the middle guy and finally the lead guy all before they even knew where I was. I went up to the staging area and someone told me I was supposed to run after that first shot and avoid the other guys. I went to my truck and pulled out my old Havoc Field Jacket with my patches and put it on and explained to them if you kill the other team you win and walk the flag back. That started the run that Allied Special Forces enjoyed for years after we won our first State title that year after they finished last the year before I showed them how the game was played. The game had changed many times since then and will continue to change but the RUSH is still the same and the lesson is still the same. If you are in a situation where you can get shot you will and if you get shot you will die. So I avoid real guns but still love playing bang bang and knowing when I have hit something instead of hearing my little brother claim I missed lol. Thanks @Streetcleaner for sharing your current set-up and how the game has changed since the humble days when I remember it getting started on a bigtime scale aka the olden days
  18. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight - SweeperMan>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? SweeperMan
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Boner, AssBlaster
        When and where were you born? Northern. Illinois, USA
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Paleontologist
        Where have you lived? Mutiple places in Northern Illinois, Upper Peninsula Michigan (Yooper). Yellowstone National Park, Denver Co., Oklahoma
        Your first game you played?  Doom, then Quake, the one with Gordon in it...
        And what do you play now? COD WAW freeze tag, COD 4 freeze tag,
        Why did you join XI? was playing on our servers for years and finally decide to become a certified IDIOT
        What do you get from being in this clan? fun,fun,fun and lots of stress relief!
        What is your favorite hobby? Judge KCBS BBQ competitions, gaming, riding Harley, camping, shooting real guns, car shows and cruise nights, ebiking
        Are you married?  No...I'm allergic to it...
        Do you have children? No
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? 1 cat named Bella...I really want a Black Lab!!!!
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? Greenbay Packers (Shareholder), Chicago Cubs, Rockford IceHogs hockey team
        What causes are you passionate about? Salvation Army, Mission Zero helping sucidial veterans out
        What is an interesting fact about you? I was an outlaw biker once and then become a cop
        What is your current job title? Mechanical Senior Designer, design the world's oldest street sweepers
        Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? High honors in college, finished 1st in my police academy class
        Where do you work? Elgin, Illinois at Elgin Sweeper
        Where else have you worked?  Union Special designing and making industrial sewing machines, Sheriff dept, Milkman.
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? Because I know the CAD software and they paid money!
        Why do you like your job? Cleaning up the world one street at a time
        How would you describe your career? It pays for play time!
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? Designing the 1st all Electric street sweeper
        Describe a time that your career was rewarding. When customers are happy with thing sweeper and when I do CAD demos for prospective customers and explain our design process
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Learn a trade or skill. finish school, hang with like minded people, be an IDIOT!
        What is your favorite thing about your career or industry? Purpose and cleaning the world up abit
        What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? Work is a means, enjoy life
        What do you hope to accomplish in your career? Retire!!!
        Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? Master Judge for Kansas City BBQ society, County chair of county zoning/planning commission, Chapter Prez of local motorcycle rights origination ABATE
        What is your favorite sport? Real football, ebiking, playing pinball, Freeze tag
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? more wishes!!! no wait peace, lower taxes, no corruption, more gaming time, Twix bars were healthy for me, more camping time, not to be dyslexic, cure for dementia.

  19. Haha
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Ruggerxi in Member Spotlight - SweeperMan>XI<   
    @SweeperMan Thanks for sharing, its was a great read except for the Packers part lol(Vikings fan here)
  20. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to window in Upcoming TDM changes   
    Today, on the TDM server it worked well as we discussed.  Our hope is that it works better for all on the server.  It will make a big inpact for the CTF maps for sure.  Of course there may (will) be people trying to test the will, but as we said there will always be recourse if needed.  Nice work Pain!
  21. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to PainKiller in Upcoming TDM changes   
    Good evening folks, 
    Just passing this your way but I am going to try a couple of things in the server as a trial

    I want to look at fixing the issue we have with Auto Balance. Currently, the server sets people into teams as soon as they join the server, and then scrambles it again in the next map; auto selecting peoples teams, even the spectators. What this means is that the server will try to auto balance spectators.
    The idea that I propose is to turn off the team auto-select, meaning that you can now choose your own teams. This stops the server from giving you a team automatically, and it should then stop the auto-balance not moving people around. However, there is a down-side to this; this will invite team stacking. People want to play with their mates, which is great and all but it can end up with teams being 6-4 etc. I would like to think that people have the decency to still choose auto select. 
    To combat this inevitability, the server will check every 15 seconds if the teams are balanced and if not, it will move someone. Again, if it moves someone and they move themselves back to where they used to be, I will warn you. If you do it again, I will kick you. It may end up moving people all the time, but this is something I want to try out at least. 
    This will be live for tomorrow, and will run for tomorrow to see how it goes. 
    I have also added some new sniper maps to the server, which will break it up a bit more because I was using old maps from old rotations. 
    Hope to see you all tomorrow!  
  22. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to ROCKAPE in COD2 Ban Appeal   
    Moved from cod2 appeal to cod5 appeal by me.
  23. Haha
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to ROCKAPE in COD2 Ban Appeal   
    Moved to cod5 ban appeals by me.
  24. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Totty in Advice on a new monitor   
    I just did 2 different reaction tests and very happy to say that at my advanced age I posted a 241ms and 232ms. So when I am playing COD2 tomorrow morning I will will be comforted in the knowledge that I suck not because of my PC or Monitor or Reaction Time. I just suck because I can't hit anything I am aiming at. Enjoy your new Monitor. I am having a blast with the 35 inch curved wide screen monitor my Wife bought me for Christmas 4 months ago.
  25. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Goldorage in COD4 Ban Appeal   
    You did warned me than my bad i didnt saw the message so i wont do it again
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