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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/23 in all areas

  1. Let start with your clan name? Flying_Dutch Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Not overly – though Raven has taken a liking to Flying_Crutch – read into that what you will When and where were you born? So I was born at 05:40 on the 11th June 1978 in a recently made City of Colchester in the UK When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I didn’t really have an idea of what to be as an adult Where have you lived? Colchester, Chelmsford, Brighton, Exeter, Scunthorpe, Plymouth, Stevenage, Camborne, Penryn, Manchester and Liverpool What got you into gaming? My brother used to play Medal of Honour so I followed him. Your first game you played? Pong – very old game And what do you play now? COD4 Why did you join XI? I found the server and joined up ten years ago and never looked back. What do you get from being in this clan? It’s a lot of fun. The players are good fun and its always good escapism. What is your favorite hobby? If I had the time I’m sure I could evolve it past wine. What is your favorite travel destination? Anywhere with a beach and hot men. Are you married? Not yet, but if Wildthing is reading this – you know where I am. *wink wink* Do you have children? No What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? So I have a cat called Kit. Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? I enjoy what I fondly call spectator sports. Sports that can keep my occupied visually. So diving, running, football. What causes are you passionate about? I’m passionate about any cause that puts people and their success first Do you volunteer? If so, where? I am a non stipendiary Priest What is an interesting fact about you? I would guess being a Priest and a gay one is quite interesting. Its unusual for it to be public knowledge. Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind? Well I guess not overly work related. Gained my intermediate amateur radio license, qualifications for taxi licensing and alcohol licensing. Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? Well no Did you belong to any professional organizations? So I belong to the Institute of Licensing and the Licensed private hire car association. What is your current job title? Well I have a couple. So I’m a director of my Taxi firm and a Diocesan Bishop Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? Sadly not. Where do you work? So I work within my taxi firm and within the church as a whole What other job titles have you had in your career? I was an educational officer for a wildlife park and I have also run pubs and clubs Where else have you worked? Zoos, Pubs and clubs. Was a DJ for about 8 years Why did you choose to work in your industry? Well Taxis made it easy to study theology for my Priesthood because I’m self employed I can stop and start. Why do you like your job? Well both can be rewarding and tiresome equally. However the ability to grow with others is a huge plus point How would you describe your career? Tangible. Its where it is and jumps when it needs to. If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Its your life and what you decide today may not be what you want tomorrow, but that’s ok! Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? So within my denomination I am a Diocesan Bishop which is basically an area manager. If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? I guess I would love people to accept others more. I find the world is full of people who struggle to understand others and then use that as a barrier for acceptance. You know none of us understand everything, but a smile and acceptance goes a long way! So to give you guys a bit more on me - I've attached some pics - my desk - where I write sermons and kill people. My cat, My beautiful taxi - Mercedes S350d Long AMG Line. Me out at gay pride. Thanks for reading and as always. If i'm AFK on the game its because i'm on grindr as well. Thanks to all of you for making the ten years so far be amazing and I love each and everyone of you!!
    7 points
  2. WldPenguin

    Another Funstick Update

    Got a message from Funstick a few hours ago - he said the surgery went well and he was in the recovery room. In his words, "You guys are the best!"
    7 points
  3. Hello, everyone - please keep Funstick in your thoughts & prayers as he prepares to undergo back surgery tomorrow. He seems in good spirits, and he is hopeful that this surgery will help alleviate the pain associated with his spinal cord compression. He said he could use all the blessings that come his way, and he's very thankful for his XI family's support
    6 points
  4. Ruggerxi

    2023-11-15 Birthdays

    XtremeIdiots would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Darth Revan (38)Tyntje (35)
    2 points
  5. Timmah!

    Another Funstick Update

    Glad ro hear it!!! Please tell him 'FU' for me. (He'll know what it means.)
    2 points
  6. Merlin007

    COD5 Ban Appeal

    Holly, Es scheint, dass Sie verstehen, warum Ihnen der Aufenthalt an einem Ort verboten wurde, an dem Sie nicht sein sollten. Dies wird als Glitch bezeichnet und ist auf unseren Servern nicht zulässig. Wenn Sie aufgefordert werden, von diesem Ort wegzuziehen, müssen Sie dies tun. Wir heißen jeden herzlich willkommen, auf unsere Server zu kommen. Wenn Sie also auf unseren Servern spielen, tun Sie dies mit Respekt und verursachen keine Störungen, sonst sind Sie verschwunden, dazu gehört auch, Spieler als Hacker zu bezeichnen. Nach einiger Diskussion wird das Verbot aufgehoben. Bedenken Sie, dass dies Ihre letzte Warnung sein wird! Dies ist eine Google-Übersetzung. Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie diese Nachricht gelesen und verstanden haben. Dann wird das Verbot aufgehoben. **English** It seems you understand why you were banned, from being in a place you shouldn't. This is what is referred to as a glitch and is not allowed on our servers. If you are asked to move from that place, you must do it. We welcome everyone to come to our servers so if you are going to play on our servers, you will do so with respect and not create disruption or you will be gone, this includes calling players hackers. So, after some discussion, the ban will be lifted and consider this will be your last warning! This is a google translation so please confirm you have read and understand this message, then the ban will be lifted. ***********
    2 points
  7. Lost my fav link to visit the site so I googled us. Found this I'm impressed that they say were in the top 500000 sites in the world Very cool if its true. Plus were 17 years old how time flys wow https://www.statshow.com/www/xtremeidiots.com
    1 point
  8. glad to hear is out of surgery! Nnow lets hope he has less pain , so he can play long hours with us..
    1 point
  9. Great, I bet he’s going to enjoy the hospital food Mmmm
    1 point
  10. TBB

    Another Funstick Update

    1 point
  11. alongs hes happy life too short to be sad
    1 point
  12. Only an >IDIOT< would believe that!!!
    1 point
  13. not bad for a bunch of idiots
    1 point
  14. Now thats pretty cool.
    1 point
  15. LOCO

    mw2 146b9 map rotation #16a

    MW2 Rotation #16a By LOCO Added 11/09/2023 By LOCO map mp_beltot map mp_construction2 map mp_aquadukt map mp_argel map mp_atp map mp_shipment44 map mp_lumberyard map mp_roundup_day map mp_cluster map mp_tigertown_v2 map mp_ammaedara4 map mp_fritzberg map mp_garena map mp_mohdv4 map mp_goodtimes map mp_salaambad map mp_hangareturn map mp_homelandsecurity map mp_insurgency map mp_lapatrouille map mp_northport map mp_fr_street map mp_thunderville map mp_anchorage map mp_tibongal Server Restarted 7:18PM PST Enjoy
    0 points
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