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Posts posted by Stephanie

  1. 34 minutes ago, FUNky said:

    Ridiculous! I’m a recognized member of The Poarch Band of Creek(Muskogee) Indians and I always find it funny when people get “outraged” on my behalf.  Hey folks, none of us were alive in the 17th and 18th century. People need to understand that their manufactured “outrage” at something that happened a very long time ago isn’t wanted or appreciated by most Native Peoples. I’m perfectly capable of speaking for myself. 

    I feel like people that believe they must defend anything Indian/Native American actually do so because they somehow think they are superior and need to help out the poor savages. 

    I don’t need them, in their arrogance, to speak on behalf of me or my Ancestors. Maybe they need to look inside their own heart and figure out why they think we are inferior to the point we need you to defend us, that’s  what is actually offensive and racist. That being said though, I don’t feel hurt by their bigotry I just think shut up you stupid hypocrite, your racist is showing. 

    I’m not the only person that feels that way, I have talked about that many times with folks. 

    By the way, I call my wife Squaw a lot of the time. Does that make me insensitive to myself?

    I know people are silly!!! ......hehehehehe......But its all good.I've been wanting to change my name anyways. Toooooooo many dang Joes here and it gets kinda confusing in the game.

  2. 3 hours ago, FUNky said:

    Wow! What kind of comments were made?  Sorry you felt harassed to the point you needed to change your name but I’m glad you stuck around. 

    Well........lol...... I was told that i was making fun of the Eskimo people =( I was raised in Alaska but I am not an Alaska Native or Eskimo so I guess that just upset some folks but yet my best friend is and she still calls me her little Eskimo Bunny...lol.....And that was the nicest of the comments. I'm just want to have fun and kill @Angus !! hehehehehe

  3. In the last couple months I have had some pretty rude comments about my old name from members and non members.  I'm not here to start or be apart of any drama just have fun with my friends and escape from my crazy work. So I have decided to just change my name to something simple and hopefully not offensive and if it does than FU (lol) cause this is the name my mama and dad gave me 32 years ago!!!  ?

    I have changed my name from  Mrs.EskimoJoe to Stephanie ,this has been carried out by ROCKAPE>XI<ADM at my request and all records have been updated.

    THANK YOU!!!

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