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Posts posted by baldie

  1. On 5/21/2024 at 2:05 PM, SnullerDk said:

    Great news Baldie ❤️

    Hi all my wife came home Tuesday and is doing well, She is still in pain but her spirits are high. What has really helped is all the well wishes and yesterday one of her colleagues from school brought her a gift that really made her day.. Get well messages from every child in the school over 300 😊 her teaching and working with kids means everything to her so this was very special. 

    A simple thing like this helps so much with her recovery.

    Well wishing you all the best 

    Baldie 😊


  2. Thank you all for the well wishes and Prayer's. It means a lot to me and my family and I have no doubt it has helped. My wife has seen everyone of your posts and sends her love and thanks to you all.

    With any luck I will have her home in the ext day or so, We know it is still a long way to go before she is fully healed but we are over the biggest hurdle and it only gets better from here 🤞 

  3. 6 hours ago, Labob said:

    WOW how long does she have to go with out hmm # 2 

    Well she had toast first thing this morning and she will get soup for lunch. The aim is to get the bowels moving slowly. Because they were chopped and rejoined they have to take baby steps. But will not be allowed home until she has been for a #2 twice,  we are hoping for Monday or Tuesday. Then the hard work starts trying to keep her from doing too much once she gets home  🫣🫣🫣🤣🤣🤣 it just means she has to put up with the diet they set her and my cooking 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. Hi all as you know a few weeks ago my wife was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer.

    Well yesterday she went into hospital and they carried out a 4 hour surgery to remove part of her lower bowel and intestine that contained the tumour. The surgeon told me it was a lot larger than they expected 15cm across (the size of a large grapefruit). Well they got it all and there were no signs of it spreading. As a precaution they took a few biopsies further up the bowel and intestine to be sent off for testing. Although my wife is in a lot of pain and requires a lot of healing we are all over the moon and she looks better already.


  5. Hi all

    firstly thank you for all your positive thoughts and best wishes.

    We have no news as of yet, the last 2 weeks have just left the whole family feeling Numb. Donna finally had the full body CT Scan we have been waiting for yesterday. Now we are just waiting for the Doctors to look at them, and then hopefully we can finally start to get treatment. Although the chance to just talk to the doctors and find out what the options are would be great, instead we are just in limbo waiting and praying it has not spread and the outlook a positive one.

    Anyway from my family to you all thank you .. You guys are amazing and Donna has read everyone of your comments. ❤️

  6. Yesterday I took my wife for pre booked tests at the hospital. And after having an Endoscopy and Colonoscopy the Doctors discovered my wife has Bowel Cancer.

    At the moment we are just numb and trying to get our heads round it, Donna is a woman who has never smoked or drank to excess (the odd glass of wine) and teaches PE at school. So she has always been fit and healthy. And in ten years has only been off work twice due to illness it just makes no sense.

    We have now told all the family which has been very hard on everyone. This woman is my rock for over 22 years we have only ever been apart 3 times in all those years. I find myself having to be the strong one telling everyone its alright mum will be fine, while cracking jokes and keeping a smile on my face when in reality I just want to scream. 

    It is now a waiting game for more tests and the results from the Biopsy. We have a full body CT scan booked for the 4th of next month to see if it has spread and only after those results will the Doctors decide the next step.

    I do not claim to be a religeous man but I prayed for the first time in a lot of years. Not for me but for my wife who is the most wonderfull kind and gentle woman you could ever wish to meet.

    I only post this to remind everyone, hug the special people in your life , tell them you love them today. Because you never know what tomorrow brings.

    Wishing everyone the best

     Baldie (Rob) 

  7. 37 minutes ago, Snap said:

    May i suggest you go to your electronic store i.e. Best Buy  or other and stare at the monitors to see what you like .  You will be surprised what you choose but it will be the best for you. (PS bring your reader glasses with you) Oh good luck...let us know what you get.

    Here in the uk there is not really any mainstream PC stores we can go to, apart from Currys/PC World and there selection is abysmal and over priced as well as useless sales people who will only recomend the stuff they have been instructed to. My advice research is your best friend. Look for 3 or 4 in your price range and then research the crap out of them. I look for reviews everywhere, Customer reviews are a good indication of people who have bought what you are looking for and reliabillity/ value for money. And then there is the online tec reviews like Cnet , Pc world  and you tube. Good luck @Totty

  8. On 3/16/2024 at 9:19 PM, Cookie said:

    Hey fellow gamers,

    I wanted to share a significant decision I've made in my life and seek some advice and support from this amazing community. After spending the last nine years in the world of IT, the past four of which have been increasingly unhappy and stressful, I've decided to pivot towards a healthcare career. And guess what? My ultimate goal is to become a Nurse!

    At 28 years old, I feel like now is the perfect time for this change. I've just finished my Forensic Psychology BSc, which has been a fascinating journey, but I've realized my passion lies in making a tangible difference in people's lives, especially during their times of need.

    The decision to leave behind a stable career in IT hasn't been easy. I've become increasingly short with people (I apologise if I have subjected any of you to that), and the stress has been taking its toll. But I believe it's time for a change, and I'm ready to take the leap.

    Right now, I'm in the midst of applying for roles as a healthcare assistant with the NHS. It's a nerve-wracking process, but I'm hopeful that this will be the first step towards a fulfilling career in healthcare.

    I know there are challenges ahead, especially considering the shift from IT to healthcare, but I'm determined to overcome them. And that's where I could use your help. If any of you have made similar career transitions or have experience working in healthcare, I'd love to hear your advice and insights.

    And if you have any tips for landing a role as a healthcare assistant with the NHS or just want to share words of encouragement, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your support means the world to me, and I'm grateful to have such an awesome community to turn to during this exciting but uncertain time.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, and here's to new beginnings and chasing our dreams, no matter where they lead us!



    Hi @Cookie I have a son and Daughter working in the NHS my sister worked for 35 years at first as a nurse and worked up to being a lecturer. And there advice would be once in the door and when you start completing various parts of your training. Think about Bank working, now it has its risks (No sick or paid annual leave ) But the upside you pick your shifts to suit you, You will be paid more, You do not get stuck on the same ward you move around so get a better education. And you have free time to suit your learning times. Its only a suggestion but its an option to think about down the road. 👍

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