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BUDMAN last won the day on April 5

BUDMAN had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 05/29/1957

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  1. My mom used to make strawberry and rhubarb pie fresh from the garden...
  2. Sunco 260...
  3. While making it...
  4. I enjoyed the evening, good being able to put names to faces. missed, @Ruggerxi @AthenA and of course that fooker @TBB just to name a few...
  5. about what time??
  6. Happy birthday !
  7. That's what they all say... Lol
  8. I'm too old for that crap!! lol
  9. Puff,puff pass...
  10. News just reported 180 mph winds...
  11. The average refresh rate for a TV is 60 Hz, but some TVs have a higher refresh rate of 120 Hz or even 144 Hz:
  12. Beautiful... Thanks for sharing born and raised in upstate New York
  13. Too many chiefs not enough indians...
  14. Thank you for the reply...
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