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About tacobill

  • Birthday 08/27/1976

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  1. Yeah the youtube vid "how to uninstall mcafee antivirus". Looked rough 8 years ago.
  2. I can play. More guys than girls tho? I can volunteer to be a woman for a day
  3. I will be available as a back up for either team I’ll try to pop in the TS channel and see what’s up before it starts
  4. Happy birthday to the other fellow 8/27 birthdays....and thanks for my birthday wishes! Had a nice day so far....poppin in for a lil cod4.
  5. Hope you both have a great birthday.
  6. Hello and welcome. See you on MW server sometime. Good to have you.
  7. Happy for you. Enjoy your new job.
  8. Hope you don't have a shotty birthday!
  9. Have a great birthday.
  10. Hopefully your power supply fixes the issue. (if it was voltage stability issues). If not i had some stupid biostar motherboard before, that would not behave: blue screens, freezes, shutdowns....started acting up and never behaved again until the day i replaced it. (even with different vid card, ram, psu). Wish u the best of luck, that crap can be frustrating.
  11. Take care of that sucker, let it heal so we can shoot you and not feel like i shooting a one armed man. lol.
  12. Ya. Is normally a good program, but the first thing i always did was turn off auto update and monitoring. Filehippo has other versions if u want an older one. LOL it goes from 5.32 to 5.34 skipping 5.33. Thanks for the info.
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