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6 files

  1. Cod2 Modern Mod by Neon

    This was translated from hungarian so it might not all make sense
    By Neon Mod ^
    New weapon by Hoek & oma.spencer

    What's included:
    -New Cod4 font!
    55-New Level!
    -New hud system.
    -New character models!
    New-secondary weapon (Pistol & Knife)
    -I can only use new weapons!
    New standard-developing system.
    -New map (top left corner!)
    -New Compass (lower left corner!)
    -Unlock menu.
    Statistics ESC-menu!
    And now there's talk money and XP (which is buggy and does not have to kill to be that if you upgrade to a finished imposed XP will immediately upolsz.)

    / rcon xp all - everyone gets +100 XP
    / rcon xp ID - A player can get 100 + XP

    / rcon money is - everybody get 1000 cash
    / rcon penz ID - A player receives Cash in 1000

    This should already be seen how much xp to the next level!

    What has not yet been included:
    * Prestige Menu.
    * Rcon menu.
    * Setup Menu

    * And of course the things you yourself have to do it! *
    * Buy & Music menu and etc etc! *

    * A MOD OUT OF DO NOT wipe the maker's name! *
    * And do not give out as your own work you! *




  2. Extreme+ V 2.7 Joker & Patmansan

    Mod By: Joker, Patmansan and the Extreme+ team
    Website: mycallofduty.com and http://www.patmansan.com/smf/

    - Event controller (_ex_eventcontroller.gsc) to control level and player based "waittill"
    events like onPlayerConnect(), onPlayerDisconnect(), onPlayerSpawned(), onPlayerKilled(),
    as well as level and player based timed events, like rotate-if-empty, mod info, ambient
    effects, player monitors, etc. Basically most repetitive events in eXtreme+.
    - Combined several "self endon()" triggers into one "self endon("kill_thread")".
    - Variable for setting points per kill (gametypes.cfg).
    - Radius variable in chq and hq to decide who gets points for capt/def (gametypes.cfg).
    - Bonus points for defusing landmines or trips (gametypes.cfg).
    - Bonus points for killing the flag runner on CTF, CTFB and RBCTF (gametypes.cfg).
    - Mapvote strict player size (mapcontrol.cfg - ex_endgame_vote_filter).
    - Obits kill range can be disabled or set for snipers only (monitoring.cfg).
    - Suppress inactivity warnings for other players (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Bleeding probability (healthcontrol.cfg).
    - Adjustable radius correction for gunship (wmdcontrol.cfg).
    - Var ex_problemmap to quickly troubleshoot problematic maps (mapcontrol.cfg).
    - Log monitor (monitoring.cfg; experimental).
    This includes line filter, bad language check and GeoLocation.
    - New optional mod: GeoLocation IP conversion tables.
    - FreezeTag game type (FT).
    - Raygun to spice up FreezeTag (not available in other game types!).
    - Class based (smoke)nade loadout now checks secondary weapon too.
    - PIN identification for clan members (clancontrol.cfg).
    - MeatBot waypoint developer mode (enhanced visual designer).
    - Spawnpoint developer mode (phase 1).
    - Jump height settings (ex_jumpheight) in mapcontrol.cfg.
    - Added cl_maxpackets and com_maxfps to forced dvars; optional (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Spawn control to spread code execution (prevents server overload, especially at
    beginning of round) (serversettings.cfg).
    - New crispy font throughout the entire game (menus, HUD, messages).
    old font can be restored by applying new optional mod "font-restore".
    - Quick message anti-spam delay (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Arcade-style shaders, replacing some "in your face" messages (gametypes.cfg).
    - Game type vote only (end-of-game vote mode 7; mapcontrol.cfg).
    - Modern weapons for meatBots.
    - Added 2 "run once" modes to forced dvars feature (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Possibility to cap nades and landmine upgrades (weaponcontrol.cfg).
    - Server connection hub on ingame menu (miscfeatures.cfg).
    - Specialty store (quick menu V-9) where you can buy specials for points, like
    max health, max ammo, bullet proof vest, defense bubbles, sentry and gunship.
    requires new optional mod: "specials".
    - New specials.cfg (called from server.cfg) for specialty store settings.
    - Variable ex_iconalpha to control icon transparancy (miscfeatures.cfg).
    - Variable ex_codhitblip_alert (miscfeatures.cfg) to enable or disable hitblip sound.
    - Protection for player in gunship (ex_gunship_protect; wmdcontrol.cfg).
    - Added option to gunship to set dropzone for parachute eject (wmdcontrol.cfg).
    - 5 levels of sprint (one active), allowing faster sprint on large maps (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Variables for mod and clan message (bottom-right corner) (miscfeatures.cfg).
    - Entity management will also remove single-player entities from maps (mapcontrol.cfg).
    - Variables ex_mbot_timelimit and ex_mbot_scorelimit to restart map (serversettings.cfg).
    - Objective points hud clean-up added to _ex_hud.gsc.
    - Option to restore score for disconnected players (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Option for stance shoot monitor to weaken weapon (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Option to change landmine into bouncing betty (weaponcontrol.cfg).
    - Option to add extra respawn delay for weapon classes or negative points (serversettings.cfg).
    - Black screen on death (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Anti-run: option to allow running while ADS (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Anti-run: black screen on running (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Anti-run: forced crouch on spawn (playercontrol.cfg).
    - Retreat monitor for CTF, CTFB and RBCTF (gametypes.cfg) (thank you ODAWA for inspiration).
    - HITMAN: added vars for setting killpoints (gametypes.cfg).
    - New optional mod: all mp3 files converted to wav so Mac users can hear all sounds.
    - New optional mod: "headicons" for ranks in 100%, 70% and 50% size.
    - New, smaller head icons for HITMAN.
    - New optional mod: "headicons" for HITMAN in 100%, 70% and 50% size.
    - Variable for setting percentage of reflected damage (serversettings.cfg).


    - Disabled ex_indoor_large "1" in mapcontrol.cfg.
    - Script _ex_bleeding (healthcontrol.cfg) now takes values 1-100 (probability).
    - Increased lrhitloc max values to 500 to get one-shot, one-kill for LR rifles.
    - Automatically turn off statsboard in mbot mode.
    - Improved parachute spawning.
    - After napalm airstrike, re-randomize to get either napalm or regular airstrike.
    - Tracers and flak fx code revised.
    - Changed var for range finder units (ex_rfunit) into ex_rangefinder_units.
    - Kill, spawn and disconnect now notify via self notify("kill_thread"), which replaces all
    self endon("ex_dead"), self endon("ex_spawned") and self endon("disconnect").
    - Weapon on back code changed to work in all weapon modes. If secondary weapon disabled, it
    will move old weapon on back after picking up a weapon.
    - Assigning nades on rank promotion or demotion is now linked to rank system settings only
    (you can have fixed nades at spawn, but rank changes are always linked to rank settings).
    - Tripwires in mode 3 (ex_tripwire "3") don't blow up owner in DM style games anymore.
    - Variable ex_gunship_protect renamed to ex_gunship_eject_protect for gunship parachute protection.
    - Moved the LR hitloc detection in game type script to _ex_main::exPlayerDamage().
    - Moved code from _ex_clientcontrol::exPlayerConnect() to exPlayerJoined().
    - Spawn point clean-up is now entity management; variable extended (mapcontrol.cfg).
    - Forced dvar loop moved from player to level event controller.
    - Variable ex_testclients is now capped at sv_maxclient - 1, instead of fixed 32.
    - Internal check for mbots changed from self.isbot to self·pers["isbot"] to survive restart.
    - Arcade points also showing negative point changes in red.
    - Gunship rotation speed normalized, so it doesn't depend on map's radius.
    - Spawn tickets max for esd, rbctf and rbcnq upped to 999.
    - Anti-run: took height out of the equation.
    - VIP: message "x protected his VIP" now above compass instead of center screen.
    - DRM: allow single slash as line ending (ignoring quotation mark) if no leading space.


    - Unability to chat while on parachute (spawn and gunship eject).
    - Counter not being used properly in checkGUID (_ex_security.gsc).
    - Wrong description for range finder units (ex_rfunit) in miscfeatures.cfg.
    - Hopefully fixed range finder runtime errors.
    - Some occurences of "barreta" changed into "beretta" in _ex_weapons.gsc.
    - Ghost nades after defusing tripwire. Enemy nades are converted to own type.
    - Unable to set trip when holding only one enemy frag and smoke nade(s).
    - Ingame rcon fast restart after switching game type will mess up server
    Now code will force game type back to original value when doing a fast restart.
    - Rank demotion not taking away nades (code will take away all nades if it has to).
    - Ingame rcon weapon settings not working.
    - DOM and ONS can cause lag on some maps (caused by "spawn away from flags" loop).
    - Falling from gunship when boarding (pressing USE) in range of ammo crate.
    - Loadout update did not include weapon in virtual slot.
    - Error in map rotation server messages code when playing a map that is not in rotation.
    - Runtime errors when player connected just before the statsboard came up.
    - Change in team_russiangerman.menu to disable russian selection when forcing auto-assign.
    - HTF.gsc having two calls to extreme\_ex_main::explayerkilled().
    - HTF checking for self.flag causing errors whith fast drop + pick-up.
    - HTF allowing to pick up invisible flag.
    - HTF: set points for killing flag carrier and stealing flag now working.
    - Dropping first aid kits when there was nothing to drop.
    - Moved some incorrectly placed hud clean-up code in _ex_hud.gsc from player to level.
    - Player lock-out when activating ready-up without ticketing and grace period.
    - Landmines cannot be planted when planting or defusing bomb in SD or ESD. Player was
    Unlinked from bomb(site) when aborting landmine plant, allowing him to move the bomb.
    - CTFB defend and assist points fixed (set scr_ctfb_flagprotectiondistance "0" to disable).


    - Removed scr_objectiveicon from CTFB (now reads ex_objindicator only).
    - Removed maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_libteamscore.gsc (obsolete).
    - Removed extreme\_ex_scopedon.gsc. This been been moved into _ex_main.gsc.
    - Clan logo TEXT (mylogo system) removed due to HUD element limit (miscfeatures.cfg).
    WARNING: mylogo variables have been renamed for clarity!
    - HITMAN: removed materials [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    and images headiconagnt.iwi, headiconcmmd.iwi and headiconguad.iwi (replaced by new icons).


    - Do NOT copy over scripts or configuration files from older versions!
    - Do NOT enable features in the configuration files that require an OPTIONAL MOD before you have integrated and uploaded the optional add-on!
    Instructions on how to enable the optional mods are included in the archive.
    - If you put more than 64 maps on the server (use the map rotation stacker feature for that), the map name will not display right. It will display the long name, like mp_gob_rats instead of Gob Rats. There is an arena file limit in the game that we have no control over. The server will work though.
    - The helicopter is not perfect. Where recent COD games have built-in chopper physics and map supported heli paths, we have to figure it all out in a script. Not perfect, but quite deadly anyway.
    - If you have a custom Main Menu (ui_mp\main.menu) you want to reapply together with the new font, please make the following changes to it:
    1. Remove all #define statements at the top
    2. Change: boldFont "fonts/boldFont" 30 into boldFont "fonts/extraBigFont" 40

    Hope you all enjoy it!




  3. Zombies by PaulusT\'s

    Mod by: PaulusT's
        Here's the final version of PaulusT's Zombies Gametype for CoD2 with the recently added Last Man Standing game mode. It's got all the fun stuff as the original (see the ReadMe for detailed rules)plus tons of new fixes, additions, and CVars for added server customization ability. Check out the full list of V2 Final features below, and put this awesome CoD2 gametype on your server now! Fixed various bugs: no respawning leftover objective pointers leftover compass pointers team balance problems Added CVars: scr_zom_alliesPointsForMoving scr_zom_axisPointsForMoving scr_zom_alliesPointsForKilling scr_zom_axisPointsForKilling (in place of scr_zom_pointsByMoving) All strings are now 'localized' (less spam and less trouble for Linux servers) Gametype Settings Menu is 'in progress' (currently only game mode is on there - 'Last Man Standing' or 'Infection')




  4. Extreme+ V 2.5 Joker & Patmansan

    Mod by: Joker, Patmansan and the Extreme+ team
    Website: mycallofduty.com & http://www.patmansan.com/smf/
    Added: arcade style HUD points. Points added will flash on screen.
    Added: end-of-game map vote reverse list mode.
    Added: end-of-game map vote thumbnail system (requires thumbnail pack).
    Added: bonus points for flag actions (CTF / CTFB / RBCTF).
    Added: bonus points for killing spree (6 levels).
    Added: knife only class.
    Added: classes for modern weapons.
    Added: modern long range sniper weapons.
    Added: detailed spawn protection info on HUD (monitoring.cfg).
    Added: fireworks flare type for the holidays.
    Added: camo uniform for each team (optional mod; model limiter 1).
    Added: camping range check. Players have to clear a pre-defined area.
    Added: random parachutes (meaning of ex_parachutes changed in playercontrol.cfg).
    Added: jukebox extension to allow player-specific tracks (now optional mod).
    Added: dead player rise fx (in addition to sink fx).
    Added: automatic auto-assign, optionally with predefined clan team.
    Added: clan versus non-clan mode. Switchable via eXtreme RCON (playercontrol.cfg).
    Added: exclude clan members from team balancing (only clantag 1; clancontrol.cfg).
    Added: nade monitor: nades can trigger tripwires and landmines.
    Added: nade monitor: nades can explode on impact (hold USE when throwing).
    Added: nade monitor: limit smoke nades active on map.
    Added: tripwires can trigger landmines and other tripwires.
    Added: landmines can trigger tripwires and other landmines.
    Added: rank system: option to show chevron only, or chevron and text (ranksystem.cfg).
    Added: ability to add spawn points to a map.
    Added: spawn delay for all game types, except DM, HM, LMS, LTS and SD.
    Added: bonus points for kamikaze (gametypes.cfg).
    Added: ready-up for all game types, except LMS (which is incompatible).
    Added: configurable team balance delay.
    Added: TKOTH: score limit and points for capture, takeover and hold.
    Added: instant detonation setting for minefields (weaponcontrol.cfg).
    Added: MeatBot (mbot) integration (optional mod; serversettings.cfg).
    Added: flag announcer for CTF, CTFB and RBCTF.
    Added: made weapon drop on fall var controlled (ex_droponfall; playercontrol.cfg).
    Added: weapon limiter can optionally limit per team (weaponcontrol.cfg).
    Added: weapons on back when secondary weapon system is turned off (playercontrol.cfg).
    Added: vars to exclude game types from the end-of-map map vote (mapcontrol.cfg).
    Added: nade fest mode (no weapons; only frag grenades).
    Added: ability to skip damage lines in log (serversettings.cfg).
    Added: killing spree ladder sounds (double, triple, multi, etc.) (monitoring.cfg)
    Added: option to include bonus points when ranking up based on kills/deaths.
    Added: variable to control connecting and disconnecting messages (miscfeatures.cfg).
    Added: fully customizable health regen system (delay, rate, heavy breathing).
    Added: option to show healthbar with COD health regen system.
    Added: cinematic intro "powered by extreme+"


    Changed: game type scripts clean-up.
    Changed: reworked weapon menu and loadout handlers.
    Changed: strings from mod.str and welcome.str now in custom.str.
    Changed: welcome messages as hud elements (top center; not in your face).
    Changed: score limit minimum 0 to allow never ending map (with time limit 0).
    Changed: max range for spawn protection set to 999.
    Changed: allowed to swap sidearm when playing pistol-only class (including enemy weapons).
    Changed: ex_forceauto to ex_autoassign (playercontrol.cfg).
    Changed: slightly improved 72% scope overlay for modern sniper weapons.
    Changed: freed 60 localized strings by removing hud ann. for firstaid and spawnprot.
    Changed: kick monitor overhaul: inactive (dead) players to spec, then spec to kick.
    Changed: flag carrier excluded from camping punishment.
    Changed: drop health queue increased to 8 (was 4).
    Changed: differentiate between minefields and ambient explosions (radiusDamage).
    Changed: default settings for ambient fx to optimize out-of-the-box experience.
    Changed: increased number of server messages to 20.
    Changed: removed "waiting for players..." loops from DOM and ONS (use ready-up instead).
    Changed: replaced gtsdelay by ready-up mode 1.
    Changed: more granular precaching of strings to fight the localized string limit.
    Changed: LMS: HUD repositioning. Dead players spawn as spec (able to spec duel).
    Changed: moved GT specific settings from gt_common to gt script to avoid duplicates.
    Changed: removed logopic feature (top left corner) for consistent clock placement.
    Changed: removed grace period in round based game types (use ready-up instead).
    Changed: kick replaced by disconnect for members check, inactivity check and redirect.
    Changed: global weapon drop override when bots enabled.
    Changed: moved testclient vars to serversettings.cfg (scr to ex).
    Changed: eXtreme+ internal debug logging (serversettings.cfg).
    Changed: removed pistols from modern weapons menu. Modern weapons support classes now.
    Changed: if modern weapons active, sidearm will be modern too (no ww2 pistols anymore).
    Changed: replaced self.pers["conquest"] with self.pers["special"] for cnq and rbcnq.
    Changed: renamed most variables in healthcontrol.cfg for clarity.
    Changed: blood and gore are now optional (see optional mod pack).


    Fixed: hud.menu was wrong in initial 2.4 release (already fixed in 2.4 release packages).
    Fixed: extreme game type description on loadscreen (fix available on request).
    Fixed: suicide nades exploding when switching teams.
    Fixed: turrets also had burst mode.
    Fixed: knives not allowed when using weapon classes other than knife only.
    Fixed: range hud element not destroyed when killed.
    Fixed: binoculars had zoom out, but no zoom in (now excluded from zoom code).
    Fixed: never ending IHTF game type.
    Fixed: no compass background when compass background changer turned off.
    Fixed: glock had stock fire sound.
    Fixed: jukebox not compatible with game type start delay (gtsdelay).
    Fixed: teambalancing on balanced teams.
    Fixed: auto-assign not working right sometimes.
    Fixed: game objects tweaks (missing tower on farmhouse when playing CNQ or RBCNQ).
    Fixed: some turrets missing in certain game types.
    Fixed: iprintlnFIXED in RBCTF causing log errors.
    Fixed: weapon limiter not resetting weapon status.
    Fixed: team scored point when player is forced to switch team using RCON.
    Fixed: log errors from unexecuted setweaponarray().
    Fixed: DRM map sizing messed up when playing round based game types.
    Fixed: log errors from LIB game type.
    Fixed: parachuting into the jail when playing LIB.
    Fixed: able to throw a nade when jumping in jail (LIB).
    Fixed: bleeding from friendly fire when turned off or set to reflect.
    Fixed: log errors from LMS game type.
    Fixed: pps42 mode icon overlapped healthbar (now disabled).
    Fixed: consecutive kill not reset when dying from own grenade or ambient fx.
    Fixed: global reload sound for Dragunov and AK74.
    Fixed: map vote memory saving procedure unable to get passed first map.
    Fixed: some HUD elements were (still) misaligned.
    Fixed: small medi kits don't heal (kits heal 30, 60 and 90 health points now).
    Fixed: sound issues in DOM and ONS.
    Fixed: DOM and ONS displaying "Last Round" every round.
    Fixed: bots stuck as spectator when auto-assign was turned on.
    Fixed: weapon disable/enable procedures use wrappers to allow stacked calls.
    Fixed: team points given when healing a teammate (not good for CTF).
    Fixed: rcon actions from one menu could carry over to next on Apply.
    Fixed: rotating motd sometimes not rotating.
    Fixed: built-in nades not removed from maps if restricted.
    Fixed: error when rotate-if-empty time matches map time limit.
    Fixed: CNQ objectives HUD (CNQ requires CNQ maps).
    Fixed: losing weapon when reselecting primary OR secondary (not AND).
    Fixed: bonus points for ihtf made game last only a minute.
    Fixed: picking up secondary weapon on class based maps. Now swaps primary.
    Fixed: overlapping intro music and end-game music/stats music/map vote music.
    Fixed: wrong player in damage logging for friendly fire settings 2 (stock bug).
    Fixed: no attacker in damage logging for friendly fire settings 3 (stock bug).
    Fixed: tripwire progress bar was set to a fixed 5 seconds.


    Do not copy over scripts or configuration files from an old version!

    The Blood (gore) and Jukebox features require integration of an optional mod now.

    If you want to enable the following features, you MUST download the OPTIONAL MODIFICATIONS too:
    - Blood (Gore)
    - Camouflage Uniforms (playercontrol.cfg)
    - Jukebox
    - Long Range Rifles
    - Map Vote Thumbnails
    - MeatBot Integration (serversetting.cfg)
    - Modern weapons (weaponcontrol.cfg)

    Do not turn on these features unless you have the required optional modifications downloaded, integrated and uploaded to the fs_game folder on your server. If you fail to do so, the features will not work properly and (most likely) crash your server!
    Instructions on how to enable the optional mods are included in the archive.

    If you put more than 64 maps on the server (use the map rotation stacker feature for that), the map name will not display right. It will display the long name, like mp_gob_rats, instead of Gob Rats. There is an arena file limit in the game that we have no control over. The server will work though.

    The cinematic intro is a last minute addition which has not been tested thoroughly. If you experience startup, lockup or timing problems (client side), please disable this feature in miscfeatures.cfg, and try again.

    Some of the modern weapons models are still misaligned. Nothing we can do about it.

    Hope you all enjoy it!




  5. Extreme+ V 2.6 Joker & Patmansan

    Mod By: Joker, Patmansan and the Extreme+ team
    Website: mycallofduty.com and http://www.patmansan.com/smf/

    Added: female model Diana (playercontrol.cfg).
    Added: gunship (like the AC130 in X4) (wmdcontrol.cfg).
    Added: gunship kills and deaths on statsboard.
    Added: gunship status icon (see status icon control for ranksystem).
    Added: mod is sv_fps friendly now. Supports sv_fps from 10 to 1000.
    Added: if mbots and Diana enabled, 25% chance an mbot will be female model.
    Added: variable to move map vote to right (like statsboard).
    Added: crybaby punishment (eXtreme+ RCON player control).
    Added: possibility to run ranksystem without WMD (ex_rank_wmdtype in ranksystem.cfg changed!).
    Added: option to upgrade or downgrade WMD when rank changes.
    Added: switch to enable or disable killtriggers (security.cfg).
    Added: meatbot control in eXtreme+ RCON menu (instead of script control).
    Added: command monitor "switch side" procedure also handles bots now.
    Added: option to allow clan members to select team in autoassign mode 2.
    Added: flag recover time to ihtf (scr_ihtf_flagrecovertime).
    Added: possibility to have knife as secondary weapon on pistol-only class.
    Added: option to turn off voiceover on CTF, CTFB and RBCTF flag events (gametypes.cfg).
    Added: better callvote control, incl. menu blocking if disabled (serversettings.cfg).
    Added: bleeding shock controlled by setting (healthcontrol.cfg).
    Added: ability to save sniper zoom levels into server memory file.
    Added: more cinematic intro control (play once, play on connect only, play always).
    Added: flag captures and flag returns on statsboard.
    Added: intermission time setting (serversettings.cfg).
    Added: option to show/skip statsboard when using cmd monitor "set endmap" (monitoring.cfg).
    Added: drop flag feature (holding MELEE and pressing USE) (gametypes.cfg).
    Added: option to add radio spawnpoints (maps\mp\gametypes\_mapsetup_chq_hq.gsc for CHQ and HQ).
    Added: eXtreme+ RCON can cache the PIN to avoid re-entry after map changes.
    Added: weather effects (rain or snow) on stock and custom maps.
    Added: option to hide objectives when in killcam mode.
    Added: status icon for "in jail" (LIB).
    Added: status icons control for ranksystem (ranksystem.cfg).
    Added: flag position adjustment to fix hidden flag bug on linux.


    Changed: wmdcontrol.cfg cleanup; moved rank system related settings to ranksystem.cfg.
    Changed: interface enhancements rcon menu.
    Changed: general code and cfg cleanup; better weapon precache management.
    Changed: add to favorites now visible after connecting (not only after spawning).
    Changed: default setting for damage log lines is now OFF (serversettings.cfg).
    Changed: removed code that blocked switching to spectators in esd, lms, lts, rbcnq, rbctf, sd.
    Changed: auto-pickup of dropped weapon when drop is not allowed (sidearm or enemy weapon pickup).
    Changed: default MaxAmmo restored for all weapon files. For 999 MaxAmmo, apply the maxammo mod.
    Changed: possibility for pistol-only class with knife sidearm (not vice versa).
    Changed: frag and smoke randomizer does not give a minimum of 1 anymore.
    Changed: ranksystem demotion can now take away (some) nades and landmines (ranksystem.cfg).
    Changed: improvements in mbot code.
    Changed: replaced cl_stance command and menus bind, stand, crouch, prone, redirect by clientcmd.menu.
    Changed: moved _landmines.gsc to extreme folder (now _ex_landmines.gsc).
    Changed: moved _redirect.gsc to extreme folder (now _ex_redirect.gsc).
    Changed: moved _switch_scopezoom.gsc to extreme folder (now _ex_longrange.gsc).
    Changed: combined _ex_longrange.gsc and _ex_longrange_hitloc.gsc.
    Changed: combined _ex_mbot.gsc and dumb bots code (maps\mp\gametype\_teams.gsc) in _ex_bots.gsc.
    Changed: moved a couple of procedure calls from game type scripts to _ex_varcache and _ex_main.
    Changed: removed bleed message HUD elements and localized strings (only iprintln/iprintlnbold now).
    Changed: removed MW from sniper zoom levels, because they took LR settings anyway.
    Changed: new memory system, combining all memory files into one (added _ex_memory.gsc).
    Changed: enhanced command monitor "set endmap" (now displays scoreboard).
    Changed: ex_endmusic_time obsolete. See intermission time in serversettings.cfg.
    Changed: firstblood.str incorporated into obituary.str.
    Changed: removed gweapon.str. Now works with usingAn() function and weapon.str.
    Changed: HTF waypoint and objective management.
    Changed: renamed maps\mp\gametypes\_mapsetup.gsc to _mapsetup_dom_ons.gsc (DOM and ONS).
    Changed: renamed maps\mp\gametypes\_mapzones.gsc to _mapsetup_tkoth.gsc (TKOTH).
    Changed: status icons control defaults to NOT show rank system icons on specific game types.
    Changed: map and playarea dimensions are now in game[] vars (no recalc on round based games).
    Changed: all wait statements now have their time value checked for FPS adjustment.


    Fixed: obituary missing BAZOOKATK_MSG_1 (was duplicate BAZOOKA_MSG_1).
    Fixed: obituary "using a brick" message on WMD team kills.
    Fixed: default setting for ex_hqpoints_playerneut and ex_hqpoints_playercap in cfg wrong (2).
    Fixed: default setting for rank system related vars from wmdcontrol.cfg.
    Fixed: preset rank max in _ex_security was 12 instead of 8.
    Fixed: mbots respect nade settings now.
    Fixed: mbots weapon g43_sniper_bot had adsOverlayShader set to "70%"
    Fixed: wrong message when changing mbot speed ("skill" instead of "speed").
    Fixed: invalid soundalias for bleed sounds "generic_pain" (mode 1).
    Fixed: pain and death sounds not always playing (randomInt base 0 instead of base 1).
    Fixed: ammo hud always red, indicating low ammo (related to MaxAmmo setting; see maxammo mod).
    Fixed: weapon class enabled without sidearm: secondary to primary swap gave full ammo.
    Fixed: ex_bleedmsg mode 2 and 3 were mixed up.
    Fixed: got rid of some localized string errors.
    Fixed: blood-on-screen errors when pop helmet enabled and blood on screen disabled.
    Fixed: mbot mode will stay ON in developer mode on unsupported maps.


    Do not copy over scripts or configuration files from older versions!

    If you want to enable the following features, you MUST download the OPTIONAL MODIFICATIONS too:
    - Camouflage Uniforms (playercontrol.cfg)
    - Blood (Gore)
    - Female model Diana (playercontrol.cfg)
    - Gunship (wmdcontrol.cfg)
    - Jukebox (jukebox.cfg)
    - Long Range Rifles (weaponcontrol.cfg)
    - Map Vote Thumbnails (mapcontrol.cfg)
    - MeatBots (serversetting.cfg)
    - Modern weapons (weaponcontrol.cfg)

    Do not turn on these features unless you have the required optional modifications downloaded, integrated and uploaded to the fs_game folder on your server. If you fail to do so, the features will not work properly and (most likely) crash your server!
    Instructions on how to enable the optional mods are included in the archive.

    If you put more than 64 maps on the server (use the map rotation stacker feature for that), the map name will not display right. It will display the long name, like mp_gob_rats, instead of Gob Rats. There is an arena file limit in the game that we have no control over. The server will work though.

    The cinematic intro is a last minute addition which has not been tested thoroughly. If you experience startup, lockup or timing problems (client side), please disable this feature in miscfeatures.cfg, and try again.

    Some of the modern weapons models are still misaligned. Nothing we can do about it.

    Hope you all enjoy it!




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    Call of Duty 2 SRM1216




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