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About This Club

Left 4 Dead 2 is a cooperative first-person shooter video game developed and published by Valve Corporation.


  1. What's new in this club
  2. For those who are waiting for Left 4 Dead 3...it's coming out under the name of Back 4 Blood. It will be available on Steam (early downloads available now). Happy Kills, JN
  3. The LFD2 Last Stand Update has been released today; https://micky.com.au/left-4-dead-2-the-last-stand-update-goes-live-today/
  4. lets get together and play!!!!
  5. if anyone is up to it, i am gonna play right now! steamaccount is: bokse1306
  6. I got you now. iam in the group, since last year march
  7. i cant find you,,join the XI group and you can find ppl there
  8. play it too Steam: cheyenne1977
  9. I have both of them but I suck at it. I had a bad habit of going Rambo on zombies and getting killed like a mile away from the group lol.
  10. if your in the XI group we are listed there..i play almost every day latly
  11. I'm up for some Zombie Killing this afternoon!!! Find me on Steam. JohnnyNashille_XI
  12. Steam: -Draco->XI< Got my butt kicked last night by them zombies...
  13. ok lets do it!! Crusher i may be under Elite sniper corps...lol
  14. I bought both last night. 3.00 for 2 fun ass games! I can handle that!
  15. hey PainKiller, Drop me a friend request through steam. says 420 possible WhiteRaven possibilities
  16. I got the game for free years back so I'm always up for some good ol' zombie smashing. Steam is WhiteRaven
  17. I just bought it off steam for $2.19 Canadian...a lot of fun
  18. Game is on sale right now, is the community dead or should I buy it?
  19. What's your Steam names? Black Rose? WSMFreak? Expedition?
  20. Love the series as well. I love the sound the Stratocaster makes when hitting zombies. fu2crusher is my steam name, so hit me up sometime! I am off work until the start of 2018 so I have all day!
  21. no idea how to ping lmao really don't have much time at the moment as running 2 Ark survival evolved servers and playing BF1 but im sure i could go stomping on zombies at some point :-)
  22. "Ping"? how do I do that?
  23. Nor have I played in a long time. You, I and JohnnyNashville need to get together and kill some Zombies !!! Although, someone needs to teach me how to "Ping" someone when needed... :/
  24. Got is and accepted!! Ping me when you want to play JohnnyZombieSlayer

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