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Open Club  ·  75 members



About This Club

Survive, Cooperate & Raid. Everything wants you to die. You need to find food, shelter and weapons to prevent it.


  1. What's new in this club
  2. I would like to have a rust server to play around in but if we don't have one then no worries.
  3. We do not seem to have hosted a Rust server for quite some time.
  4. Hello, Sorry I haven't been around life and work has had my time very consumed. But I'm wondering where the Rust server is? I would like to play in it with a few friends.
  5. I would, but I'm playing a game called: "Work 80 - 100 hrs./wk. Will when time permits.
  6. I'm playing Conan too! Come play Conan, or Rust! I'm also playing Empyrion! Come play!
  7. Thought you were playing Conan or something?
  8. I've created a Rust Discord channel in the XI Discord. https://discord.gg/BA8mDTwh7k It is a place where we can all talk about how much fun Rust is and that it isn't toxic at all! Me killing you and taking all the loot that you worked so hard for is going to be good for you in the long run. You don't care that I'm dominating the game and making everyone quit and never come back are you? I'm of course kidding, or am I?
  9. Greetings Rust Survivors and Friends! I couldn't stay away from the most Toxic game to ever darken the door of Steam! I came back and right away I got so frustrated playing on someone else's shitty Rust server that had so many idiotic and unneeded plugins that it made me want to PUKE! Instead I rage quit and spun up an even more idiotic and vomit inducing server, but at least we can call it our own! Welcome my Bastard Demon Spawn into the world! XtremeIdiots >XI< 2x No Raid Server! http://files.facepunch.com/buck2016/June/28/steamhhh.jpg
  10. Thanks, to @Ruggerxi and @Sitting-Duc we have moved the Rust server to a new host. Drop by if you want to enjoy gaming with us but, even if you don't play Rust, Head over to rust-servers.net and vote for and favorite our server. https://rust-servers.net/server/158214/
  11. Calling @Bobby Light interesting is a understatement!!!! You forgot to mention we also feature the making fun of @Sixgun (aka Lucky the Leprechaun) show. That is so much fun and entertaining we should charge admission.
  12. Come join us on the improved XI 10X NOBP Rust Server. Exciting changes are starting with today’s wipe! By popular request, the server now has No Blueprints or Workbench requirements, Remove Tool, Fast Recycling, AlphaLoot and many more new mods. We are also implementing twice weekly wipes to make it more enjoyable for the casual player that cannot devote hours and hours to play. The server will wipe Monday afternoon and Thursday afternoon each week. To steal a term from @Timmah! we are a “Kinda Friendly” bunch. We adhere to XI rules and standards for fair, friendly gameplay but we might shoot you on site as well... We also feature @Bobby Light, The Most Interesting Man in XI. So join us in the server and for the most immersive Bobby experience, find your way down to the Rust Teamspeak channel. If you are a new player, let someone know you need help understanding the game and one of our members or regular players will be happy to show you the basics and get you started on your way.
  13. looks very interesting... but what does that press button here do? lol
  14. Very Cool. Hopefully the mods and map will be available for Community Servers.
  15. @MenTaL
  16. The app is very polished for a first release. I’m sure folks that don’t play Rust are like WTF? Why do you need or want an app. Well Rust is a game that never sleeps. On our 10X server, each “round” lasts for 7 days. Even when you are tucked safely in your bed, your game life goes on and nasty people are always looking to get into your base and take your hard earned loot.
  17. It’s funny that you and I were talking about something similar to this a few weeks back. I tried the app last night and it works. I haven’t tried any of the smart devices yet but I want to tonight.
  18. That’s something I have to see.
  19. He looks like me trying to run water treatment. Lol
  20. picking on the lesser skilled again Mental? LOL
  21. We can show you how. It’s not that hard.
  22. I need to take some choppers down

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