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  1. What's new in this club
  2. Probably have to sell both Kidneys and a nipple to afford a better video card.
  3. on pre order £36 https://www.instant-gaming.com/en/6690-buy-game-origin-battlefield-2042/ no system requirements known yet
  4. Gameplay footage will be at EA PLAY i beleive
  5. Battlefield 2042 Will Feature a Level Editor !! https://mp1st.com/news/report-battlefield-2042-will-feature-a-level-editor maybe yes?? But i think no. Let us see what is coming.... should we have a BF 2042 Open Club?
  6. Now need a vid of ACTUAL game, not the opening title or single player,the system requirements should be fun though,wonder how many going to need a upgrade like COD did,been looking forward to it but after BF1/BFH/BFV hmm,but as this is going mutli platform is it going to be like COD Warzone etc, they run the servers no Rentals?..if so wait for the hacker central to invade and spoil it
  7. it's 2021 not 1930.i need real time shit to play ..you see dying light 2 that's going to rock. we love you too W/G
  8. Why didnt play BF V ?? There are waepons includet for your age !!!!
  9. Sorry, since I've stopped working at night it's too late or too early for me. How you take it. But at some point I'll see your ass and kick it. I miss you so ...
  10. we are still waiting on you to stop in on Saturdays nights ..so we can shoot you in the face ..2042 looks good we will see what they have to offer .about time they came back to the real world .
  11. BF V are not 2 bad. I played over 1000 hr on it and its mutch fun. But i cant wait 2 play BF 2042 2 kick TSW and Cobras Ass......
  12. IT BETTER KNOCK OUR SOCKS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.techradar.com/news/battlefield-6-release-date-trailer-news-and-rumors
  13. Anyone who plays, and wants to add more people... let me know. I will play. Also interested in firestorm or cod warzone . Thanks.
  14. I mentioned to a couple people, i have a system for sale at cost really. If anyone needed a new computer. I built it to be a streaming PC, but I don't need it now. My internet will only stream at 720p, and i built it to stream 4k!!! So i have no use for it, after spending 1300 0n it. Thanks. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/581583962725726/
  15. Nope.... Still don`t like it as much i as did BF4, and thats an understatement ;-p. I hop in every now and again, but after a couple of rounds i`m done....
  16. I play BF V from day to day. My Origin Name are WoodyGer_XI
  17. I'm on the west coast so by the time I get there you east coast people have quit for the day but I'll give it a try. I've been setting in BFV all afternoon (about 3 hours) while I watched hockey and aside from getting kicked for being idle I had no other action except one player stopping in. Sad because I really like BFV and would like a break from WAW.
  18. a lot of us still play BF4 .on Saturday night .stop in
  19. I do from time to time. I play under the name 4tyMike
  20. I hated this game when it was first released but have been playing the shit out of it recently. Was wondering if anyone still plays?

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