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Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is a Vietnam War-themed tactical first-person shooter video game developed by Antimatter Games and Tripwire Interactive and is co-published by Tripwire Interactive and Iceberg Interactive


  1. What's new in this club
  2. It's ok i found it, had to scroll through all the servers, not ideal but at least i got it eventually.
  3. That don't help me because i see nowhere to input the IP, i'm sure we had an easier way of finding the server?
  4. Make sure you max your field of view out or at least put it higher than the default, the default makes the men seem like they are struggling to run, putting it up means they move much better but of course they don't move like COD and Battlefield games where they can run at top speed and jump with heavy packs on etc this is more like it would have been, they start puffing and panting for breath and have to slow down and also trying to aim when you are out of breath is harder too,i usually put weapons on single shot unless i am quite close to enemy...again more realistic because if you go fully auto when you are far away gun just rears up in the air, hope you enjoy it m8.
  5. Done and DONE, brother! I will see you on there next week after our trip this weekend!
  6. Should snap it up for that price, it is a very good game....more serious and realistic than most fps.
  7. FYI! https://www.instant-gaming.com/en/883-buy-key-steam-rising-storm-2-vietnam/
  8. Do we have an IP address for this or do we find it another way, i can't remember to be honest?
  9. just waiting on tech to get back to me and everything will be up and rdy to go
  10. Is it back yet....the Vietnam war actually finished in less time than this has taken
  11. never got a pm back from u? @Ruggerxi
  12. Server is created just need some info from @Stringer to get things going
  13. I will get this server added shortly
  14. @Ruggerxi can we have an update please Rugger...thanks.
  15. I was responding to the original post...
  16. Are you answering me or Sammy? if it's me then if you mean how many XI players show up to play...i predict not many, or not many after a week or two, i hope i am wrong, as Sammy said it's hard to get people around here to try different things, they are out of their comfort zone if there is no bunny hopping or jumping off small buildings with a parachute involved or freezing people in a little Blue bubble, if people are not prepared to sit in a server and get it started the result will be no different.
  17. Oh really? We will see how many show up to play....
  18. You mean just like every other new game....how much trouble was there with BF4 and all the hit registration crap etc, there were many fixes and updates to try and get that right, they never put that release date back did they? and you can guarantee this new Call of Duty will be exactly the same, every new game is the same now, i would have thought that Rising Storm Vietnam was more prepared than most games considering the many Closed/Open Betas they had before it's release....biggest problem i saw, there wasn't enough maps on release and it will still be a problem if it has not added to that since.

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