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baldie last won the day on May 21 2024

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About baldie

  • Birthday 09/16/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    coventry uk
  • Interests
    Gaming , Golf , Fishing

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  1. Well you can find me look for BaldieXI (Battle.net) or Baldie>XI< (Steam)
  2. Merry Christmas to all
  3. Damn I wish someone would accuse me of hacking I mean yesterday I was playing so bad I got accused of trying to help the other team win
  4. The number of famous people in various fields with Aspergers is amazing. Most say it helps them see things from a totally different perspective. Here is just a few... Elon Musk Bill Gates Tim Burton Anthony Hopkins Steven Speilberg Bob Dylan and Lionel Messi the list goes on and on thats why I have always told my 2 step sons Kane and Jake who have Aspergers that anything is possible if they want it and work hard. There is no limits
  5. Congratulations. With good parenting anything is possible. One of my sons is Autistic has ADD and Dyslexia also suffers with Depression but he has held down a full time job for 5 years now and 2 weeks ago passed his driving test on the first attempt . We have always told our kids anything is possible and never give up, and when they fail we pick them up and help them move forward. So keep up the great work and the world is your sons Oyster. He can achieve anything with you at his side encouraging him
  6. Rest in Peace and my thoughts and prayers to the family
  7. It was a great evening and breakfast. I had a great time and an even better laugh, cant wait until the next time. (sorry I took no pictures too busy drinking )
  8. Sorry i missed it But I played golf at The Belfry on saturday then went to my normal golf club straight after and had one or two too many in the 19th hole. I drank so much that i cant even remember getting home.
  9. All booked up
  10. Ok you can count me in
  11. Great read Wildthing, thank you for sharing
  12. Wishing you a speedy recovery with no lasting effects, and like others have said take time to heal and recover
  13. Great read Duc. thank you for sharing and for all your hard work here at XI
  14. Enjoyed the read. thank you for sharing
  15. Big Congrats guys
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