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Posts posted by HarryWeezer

  1. I am inspired by this turnabout New Rob because I, too, had little use for some kids growing up in the '50s (that would be the 1950s for those of you still sucking at the teat.)
    We had a few "sissies" in our neighborhood and when we'd see one, we'd kick the shit out of him so he'd grow a pair.
    One day a fat boy (there weren't a lot of fat boys then because we were all outside playing instead of sitting on our asses staring at a screen) asked if he could play kick-the-can with us. We kicked the shit out him for daring to do so.
    One day we saw Johnny watching us jumping on our pogo sticks. Johnny was a retard. We didn't tolerate no retards so we kicked the shit out of him.
    As to girls, well, we kept our distance - unless they agreed to show us their's if we showed them our's.
    Anyway, I, too, have decided to make a major change in my life. I still kick the shit out of sissies, fat boys and retards but I've decided to start kicking the shit out of snowflakes because more than anyone else, they need a good ass-whooping.
    So thanks New Rob for giving me something else to do as I await the Coming of the Covid which, at my age and with my pre-conditions, will sure as shit put me down. It's just a matter of time. 

  2. Congratulations!

    Thank you for putting your life on the line for us every single morning you left the safety of your home to hit the streets. It's appreciated by more than you know.

    Most Americans support and respect our police officers just as we do our military and others who put themselves out there on our behalf. The bullshit comes from a small minority of absolute assholes who don't know shit from shinola; it's beyond belief how stupid these people are. I could say much more but that would turn this into a political statement.

    Enjoy your retirement. You have earned it more than most and I wish you all the best!!!  

  3. You're aware of the formal process to become a member. But there's always two ways to skin a cat. Just let us know which of the following you prefer:

    - Membership sometime in 2020: Six cases of Molson Canadian delivered to Clan Chief Rugger and 25 tubes of K-Y Lube to the XI Corporate Masturbatorium in Walla Walla, Wisconsin.

    - Membership within the next three months: The beer and lube plus a blow job for Rugger and you must do clean-up after the monthly Circle Jerk at the Masturbatorium.

    - Immediate membership: Blow every member of the Senior Admin team at which time and place it becomes convenient to do so.

    (This offer is contingent upon your never speaking of it to anyone other than members at annual XI retreats but on no occasion can there be any mention can be made as to the equipment - as it were - of any senior Admin.)

  4.    A face mask decreases your risk of infection and, if you have COVID-19 and don't know it, of infecting someone else. If you don't want to wear one, all well and good. But I'm at high risk of dying if I catch this coronavirus due to age and health conditions. Why would you hope that I increase my risk by not wearing a mask? Why would you hope others increase my risk by not wearing masks?

       Are you in the city? If so, is your family running around New York without masks? I seriously doubt it. 

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