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  3. You die now..... Wake Up , Time To Die
  4. do not forget the carbon tax and GST
  5. I assumed its a takeout order , delivery they would add cost..
  6. Thx for sharing nice to learn more of our admins.
  7. Anyways we should have a limit of age to be president or prime minister...to be sure demntia doesnt affect their ruling
  8. are you voting for candidate or its the parties they vote for them??? seem a lot are affraid to run as president...
  9. Trudeau is in minority cant do whatever he wants the other parties cant easily vote against , and Quebec didnt chose him but still we have to live with him (he still younger than the old farts you have to vote for. my opinion older candidate could nt seek the future when their is limited in time
  10. Congratulations and welcome to the clan. @PickleRick
  11. Happy Birthday and have a great day
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