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I thought I would help. System settings for better game play


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I got this stuff off this site a long time ago and a few other places as well. I cant remember who posted it but I think it was jack-n-coke or maybe Dread. Hell I cant remember it sucks getting old. Anyhoot there are some setting for Crysis and for the COD games as well. I guess just take what you want and toss the others out or dont use them at all. Its alot of reading but here goes. Also there may be some copied paragraphs. Not sure as I did not read the whole thing myself. Hope it will help someone.

Some of the things I do before ever installing crysis on a fresh rig is:

Go to services by typing in the run command   services.msc

!. turn readyboost off and set it to disable (vista)

2. turn off file indexing by right clicking on the drive/properties and unchecking the box for that. A little box will pop up just click ignore all.

3. Turn off system restore

4. uncheck allow remote assistance

5. in system propeties where the remote tab is located click on advanced. In the preformance settings set that to adjust for best performance.

6. DEFRAG you drive

7. Update everyting...video driver,  windows, Motherboard if needed.

(please note that these settings are at your own risk)

Below you will see the command   r_MultiGPU = 1   used in console for crysis. I use that and noticed a bit of a differance in crossfire.

Now the stuff I got elsewhere:



Well I would first turn off vsync....why you would ask.Vsync is for CRT's that have a refresh rate.LCD's really dont have a so called refresh rate....there for capping your FPS at 30fps or so for each card maxing around 60fps for both.And if your really serious about getting max FPS then lower the the res to about 1280x1024 and run every thing on best performance but postprocessing,sound,motionblur on best visuals and AA off.Then cloaked people will stand out...no mud or dirt flying in your field of view...no blur from explosions to rob you at making accurate kills.I will say this...Crysis is a very pretty game and takes an xtreme machine to play it in all of it's glory but a semi pro/pro player will tell you to turn it down abit in second with any game.With the two cards that you have you should be seeing a min of 60fps.I run 2 BFG GTX280ocx's in SLI and 1 BFG 8800GToc and have seen 250fps on some maps avg 80 to 100+ on others...not that the human eye can keep up with that but makes for very smooth game play when 5 people are trying to kill you all at once.



I thought I would help you out a little,So I uploaded a file where you can place and edit as you wish.
Put the uploaded file in this folder

Go to your Crysis game folder -> Electronic Arts -> Crytek -> Crysis

Here is a link to  Ultimate Tweak Guide! (images included) by MadBoris  very easy to follow.

Heres a link for the uploaded file
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=26b9 … 5672f1b9df

Contents of the file

con_restricted = 0 Enables commands thru console Crysis has over 1600 commands

r_displayinfo = 0  When set to 1, displays a set of useful information about the current scene, including your current Frames Per Second (FPS), how many triangles there are (Tris), which in turn indicates how complex the scene is, and whether the game is running in DX9 or DX10 mode among other things. Note that a value of 0 or 2 appear to disable this display, even though 2 is supposed to provide a more detailed display.

r_VSync=0          This setting controls Vertical Synchronization, or VSync. By default VSync is disabled in Crysis for maximum performance, but if you wish to enable VSync, set this option to 1, or force it via your graphics card's control panel when using the latest drivers. If you do decide to use VSync, make sure to also enable the d3d9_TripleBuffering setting to prevent a drop in performance.

d3d9_TripleBuffering = 0  If set to 1, enables Triple Buffering, which is recommended for performance reasons if you have Vertical Sync enabled. If Vsync is not enabled, there is no need to enable this option, as it uses additional Video RAM for no real benefit. Note that this only works under DX9 mode, so if using DX10 mode, see the link just above for other methods of forcing Triple Buffering.

r_MultiGPU = 0      This option controls whether Crysis enables additional overhead for rendering on multi-GPU systems (i.e. SLI and CrossFire setups). If set to 0 - which is the optimal setting for single-GPU systems - it disables multi-GPU support; if set to 1 it enables multi-GPU support for both SLI and Crossfire; if set to 2 it attempts to auto-detect if a multi-GPU setup is present (system).   

gpu_particle_physics = 1  If set to 1, appears to enable the processing of particle physics on the GPU (graphics card). Since the particle system is already threaded (see e_particles_thread), this setting will likely only improve performance on systems with single-core CPUs and fast graphics cards (system).

The 2 commands below you can bind any key to the command so you can change the q,3 to anything you want

bind q time_scale .3  (Slowmotion) This setting allows you to control the rate at which time passes. Any value below 1 slows down time (0 freezes everything), and any value above 1 speeds up the passage of time. Note that the time of day doesn't seem to change no matter how high you raise this setting.

bind 3 time_scale 1    Normal speed

Autoexec.cfg - Some people recommend creating an autoexec.cfg file in the same directory, instead of, or in addition to System.cfg. This is fine, since any commands in such a file will also be executed automatically when Crysis loads up. However it appears that any commands in an autoexec.cfg file are applied after the game engine has loaded, and not necessarily during engine startup, and this may impact on whether certain low-level commands (e.g. r_Driver) are successful or not. In particular, it appears that due to the loading sequence of .cfg files, that commands held in game.cfg may override those in System.cfg during startup, so if you wish to alter any of the game.cfg commands, use autoexec.cfg specifically for those.

Last edited by gerardfraser (Yesterday 21:11:34)



Tweaks for improved game performance. Call of duty

Console Commands: *Enable Console first in options* then type in the following then hit enter.

*First things first*: (back up your "normal" config) found here for *XP C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Local Settings\Application

Data\Activision\CoDWaW\players\profiles\<playername> Vista is in a similar place

1) Punkbuster Sleep setting: /pb_sleep 500 (tells punkbuster client software to wait longer before awakening and sending info to PB)
Save PB setting to config: /pb_writecfg (makes the above setting permanent so you don’t have to do it each time you log in)

- The above changes the frequency that your PC reports to the server and thus reduced frequency of network spikes and the associated latency.

2) Packet transfer setting: /cl_maxpackets 100

- This setting helps smooth out data transfer and should help if you have a cable or other high speed connection.
This setting works in conjunction with the com_maxfps 125 setting.

3) Send duplicate packets: /cl_packetdup 0 or 1
- Manage whether or not extra or duplicate packets are sent to the server.(1 is default and this sends an extra packet of data in case the first one is lost.
If you enable the lagometer (see tools below), then you can see if you are losing any packets.If yes, then leave this at 1. If no, you can consider changing to 0.

4) Snaps: /snaps This is possibly the most important setting for getting a good connection. Snaps setting determines how many updates you recieve from the server. 20

to 30 for 56K connects in quake series 40 for high speed internet im sure the same for cod. (30 is fine).

5) Enable higher Frames Per Second (FPS): /com_maxfps 125 (Default is 85 so this may help overall FPS. Some say this should be set at or just above your average FPS

to smooth things out)

- This allows your game to go allow higher frame rates than the default. Set it to a value you want based on the capabilities of you machines…
to unlock FPS completely and see what you machine is capable of set to 0, it can go as high as 1000.

6) Field of View (FOV): /cg_fov 80

7)Shadows: /sm_enable 0 Turns off unique Shadows ingame

8)Depth of Field: /seta r_dof_enable "0" Gets rid of the "blur" around you gun and clears your perperipheral vision.

- If you want to widen your FOV (field of view) from 65 degrees to 80 degrees, use this command.
NOTE: This basically “backs you up” to give you a larger viewing area at the sides but it does make user/soldiers/enemies slightly smaller at the same time.
This command does not affect machine performance and is merely a preference to give you the ability to see more.

In game tools:

1) Show framerate on screen so you can see how your PC is performing: /cg_drawFPS 1 (choices are 1,2,or 3 where 0 = off / 1 = on)

- At a minimum, you need to try to be above 60FPS so that you have no visual choppiness. Reduce textures, shadows, lighting etc.

2) Show network connection quality: /cg_drawlagometer 1 (puts a graph just above your grenades icon on screen)

- Top meter on graph. GFX shown in Blue, (or blue with small amounts of yellow) then you system is in synch and your screen/system is refreshing in sync with the

server’s perspective of the game world.
If Yellow, then you are having issues and your screen/system may not be in synch with what the server thinks is happeing.. noticable lag bad hit rego.
The blue shows how well your graphics card is staying in sync with the server as it relates to rendering the gaming environment.
A few yellow items is OK but you want the vast majority to be blue. If you have a lot of yellow, this means that your graphics rendering and server rendering of the

gameworld is out of sync.The smoother the flow on this meter, the better, the faster the higher your FPS is.

- Bottom meter should be all or mostly green. Lots of yellow or red means there are issues. When you spawn or die, you can sometimes see lots of RED , this seems to

be OK. If you are all green, then you can consider changing your cl_packetdup to 0 and you can increase your cl_maxpackets


Performance improvements summary:

*Enable Console first in options*

Punkbuster Sleep setting: /pb_sleep 500

Save PB setting to config: /pb_writecfg

Packet transfer setting: /cl_maxpackets 100

Send duplicate packets: /cl_packetdup 0 or 1

Max FPS: /com_maxfps 125

Field of View (FOV): /cg_fov 80

Draw your FPS on screen: /cg_drawfps 1

Draw your Lagometer on screen: /cg_drawlagometer 1

Shell Casings: /cg_brass o gets rid of the shell casings being ejected

Shadows: /sm_enable 0 Turns off unique Shadows ingame

Notes:*CG FOV :: Field of view, where the value is the angle of the circular arc that is displayed
on your screen. High values will make the game appear "fisheyed".

*MAX FPS :: This command limits your maximum FPS. You may ask why you would want to do this,
and the answer is that it will help the server from having lag confusion when your frame rate
has a sudden rise or fall. Run a timedemo, collect your average FPS and use that as the limit
for when you play on-line.

*MAXPACKETS :: This setting puts a limit on the maximum amount of packets that can be sent to
the server via the client. This setting is useful for people with slower modems. Obviously we
all have high speed connects so set to at least 100. Lower maxpacket settings i.e 30 lowers ping
on screen but at the cost of registration.

*/sm_enable 0: Turns off unique Shadows ingame, it boosts FPS more than most commands.

That's about it for now if I think of anything to add to this I will update the thread with a new reply post.
Enjoy, try it out and give some feedback if things are better.

Check here to see if your machine is up to the task of CoDWaW > http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/activision2?registration_option_id=7974









For the last couple weeks, during beta, I have been digging deep under the hood of Crysis.  I thought it would be fitting that I share my findings and move my guide to the community that I have waited with for Crysis for so long.  I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you with basic and advanced tweaking in the days ahead.  This will continue to be a work in progress.

I will cover both some basic and advanced tweaking.  I'll share the settings that I have found to be the most performance hungry and what you can do to get performance back or increase quality without draining performance too much.  Then we will dig deep into one of the most, if not the most, tweakable games on the planet.  We will also surpass very high settings with ultra for the uber machines as the guide fleshes out.


Basic computer performance:
I don't want to recreate the wheel but their are many things to do to increase performance in games with your computer.  Details on how to do these things can be found by doing a google search for any of the following.

* Latest drivers for your video card, motherboard, sound card can improve things greatly at times.
* Defrag your hard drive.  It's prefferable to defrag 'before' installing so that the files stay close together and contiguous.
* If you only have 512MB or 1GB memory, 2GB is highly recommended.
* Go into your driver control panel to make sure antialiasing(AA) or anisotropic filtering(AF) is not enabled unless you want them to be, they effect performance alot.  Also you can change texture filtering quality to provide more performance in the drivers.
* If you are running Vista make sure to be using the current hotfixes, some effect performance and memory usage tremendously.  Nvidia has a great list of recommended ones here: Vista hotfixes
* A video card like an 8800 GT for $250 will provide tremendous results if you haven't upgraded in a long time.
* Disabling any unneeded running process, especially antivirus, while playing is recommended.

Resolution has a large impact because the game has so much geometry that the fillrate demands of large resolutions is beyond what people are used to.  If you can lower resolution this will help gain many fps and provide smoother play.  If you have an LCD you need to use what is called 1:1 pixel mapping, or otherwise known as disabling scaling.  This allows the image to shrink but the quality of the image stays incredibly good.  Scaling on the other hand, always looks bad if using anything other than your native resolution.  Scaling can be disabled on some monitors.  If your monitor doesn't support this feature some drivers support it.  With nvidia you can disable it like so, image provided.  So shrinking the image while maintaining incredible quality works well for performance, you can always slide your monitor closer you then won't notice the image is smaller.
Custom resolutions can be used by using 'r_width=x' and 'r_height=x'.  See below on advanced tweaking on how to use variables.

In-Game Settings:
The settings that have the biggest effect on performance are firstly shaders.  This game is one of the most shader intensive games on the market.  Going from high to medium shader settings works real well in giving an average of anywhere from 7-10 fps or more, depending on some variables.  Next are Shadows and Post Processing.  Shadows from high to medium looks very good still and provide a good boost of performance.  Post processing has a big effect as well.  The thing that people notice most about post processing is motion blur and depth of field.  These can be easily turned on/off individually if desired seperate from the post process drop down box, as will be seen in the advanced tweaking section.  Textures setting affects video memory usage quite a bit which we will look at next.

Video Memory:
Using beyond the amount of memory that is locally on the video card will produce performance problems like stuttering and hitching due to having to fetch data from system RAM over the much higher latency PCI express bus. In other words, adjust settings/resolution in the game not to exceed your video RAM, otherwise you will experience overall performance issues and the periodic flickering of geometry and LOD's as it streams in.  The game is very video memory intensive.  Resolution and AA effect the amount of video memory the game uses tremendously.  Here is a breakdown of video memory across different settings and resolutions.

* Windows XP
* Nvidia Driver 169.01

1280x1024 medium
* NoAA 184MB
* 2xAA  295MB
* 4xAA  355MB
* 8xAA  395MB

1280x1024 high
* NoAA 315MB
* 2xAA  375MB
* 4xAA  440MB
* 8xAA  470MB
-Texture medium-
* NoAA 300MB
* 2xAA  363MB
* 4xAA  423MB
* 8xAA  445MB

1680x1050 medium
* NoAA 223MB
* 2xAA  375MB
* 4xAA  455MB

1680x1050 high
* NoAA 368MB
* 2xAA  456MB
* 4xAA  535MB
-Texture medium-
* NoAA 340MB
* 2xAA  428MB
* 4xAA  505MB

1920x1200 Medium
* NoAA 240MB
* 2xAA  430MB
* 4xAA  535MB

1920x1200 High
* NoAA 400MB
* 2xAA  515MB
* 4xAA  615MB
-Texture Medium-
* NoAA 370MB
* 2xAA  475MB
* 4xAA  585MB

AA clearly makes a large impact in video memory.  Different game levels may change these numbers.  Changing textures from medium to low makes no appreciable difference since it is still using the lowspec pak.   The devs have made huge advances in optimizing this area since earlier builds of the game, either that or the textures are quite lower in quality, infact these are the numbers medium textures used to give as if high textures are missing.  Final shipping game may reflect differences here, will update accordingly.  The textures setting alone no longer makes the difference it did in earlier builds regardless of high/medium/low setting, which again seems to give some indication higher textures have been removed temporarily or entirely.

Breakdown by video card memory:
256MB Video - 1680x1050 medium without AA or 1280x1024 medium with AA.
8800 GTS 320MB - Handles up 1680x1050 medium no aa, can go to high with some thrashing. Only AA at 1280x1024 looks to be viable with that memory limit.
512MB Video - Comes into it's first wall at 1680x1050 4xAA on high.  Performance and not memory will impact you here.
8800 GTS 640MB - Handles up to 1920x1200 4x AA (All High).  performance makes that out of reach on todays HW.
768MB and above - Memory will not be your limiting factor unless going to 2560x1600 with AA. Your GPU handling the raw processing of the geometry and shaders at that high resolution will be out of reach.  I don't doubt that 1GB can be reached by tweaking Crysis and high resolutions with max AA on tomorrows HW.  I already have found ways to approach 650MB at only 1280x1024.

Basic video memory tips:
* Find your video memory ceiling with resolution and texture setting first. Then adjust other parts of the game that are affecting raw performance like shaders or shadows until you get your acceptable performance. If you don't properly anticipate video memory usage, you won't realize why it is hitching on you, regardless of other settings.
* You don't have to turn everything to medium to conserve memory, textures have the biggest effect by far.
* Remember as more players enter the map this memory will climb a bit, as well as larger out door levels. Also as you stay in the game for a while this number will rise a little. I cached all the outdoors, but not the indoors.
* Adding any tweaks for higher quality, especially along the lines of LOD or view distance, has the potential to raise memory usage even further.
* The higher you go over your limit, the worse performance, texture stuttering, hitching and popping of geometry will become.
* If your resolution doesn't appear just use something close, like 1680x1050 is close to 1600x1200.

Crysis came with two benchmarks to test and compare your performance.  A GPU benchmark and a CPU benchmark stressing physics.  They can be found in the Bin32 or Bin64 folders.  Just double click on them to start.  The game will run through 4 loops of the benchmark.  When it's done it will show you the results, I suggest you ignore the first one since it was just caching the level and assets on the first run.  You can make your own benchmarks but for now these two work well as standard tests.  See the benchmarking tool mentioned in post 3 for an improved benchmarking experience.

Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering in Crysis
First of all AA is a serious performance drain.  More so than other games because of the incredible amount of triangles and polys in the scene.  AA is only recommended for the highest end GPU's and keep in mind high resolutions will be more intensive.  So if you choose to use it then keep in mind the video memory that will be used (shown above).  There is some interesting information starting to come out about AA.    Apparently it is preferred to use the in-game AA settings as the proper way to use AA.  In other words, don't use the driver control panel but control it from in game.

Additionally, HardOCP in their recent 8800GT review had this quote.  "This comes directly from NVIDIA’s James Wang on the use of Transparency Antialiasing in Crysis: ” Crysis handles foliage very differently from normal engines so TRMS/SS won't work. Bit of a shame really. The game has some built-in foliage AA, but it only kicks in in "Very high" quality mode.”"

I am actually pretty sure it can be enabled at high as well, not just very high.  High and very high shader settings are compatible with in game AA, while low and medium shaders are not. Regardless of in game shader settings if AA is enabled, High shaders will also need to be enabled.  If AA is currently enabled, but shaders is set to medium or low, AA will automatically be disabled by the game.  So it will take a good medium to high end card to use AA not only because AA is demanding on it's own but because you will need to run atleast high shaders as well.

As to Anisotropic Filtering, it can only be enabled in the driver settings. Unfortunately there is a bug with the nvidia drivers that makes a white halo around distant bushes and trees.  I believe this bug only shows itself on a particular.  This apparently will be fixed with a future driver.

Vsynch can be enabled in the game with r_vsync = 1.  It is off by default.


Customizing the game:
The in-game settings are like using a paint roller on a canvas, while tweaking is like the fine brush of the artist.  The roller gets the job done but it's not going to be as fulfilling as it could be.  You need a fine brush to make it the way you like.  The developers didn't want to burden you with 20 choices of drop down boxes so they instead made those broad strokes for you.  Unfortunately the difference in performance and quality between low/medium/high/veryhigh can be staggering.  Sometimes a move from high to medium can change 20 variables, but it may not be necessary to change all 20 when only a few really effect performance or quality.  The fine strokes will allow you to get exactly what you want and Crytek has really given us the ability to change just about everything in the game you would want.  You do not have to sacrifice as much quality for performance as you may think.  Sometimes you can keep settings high or medium and change one variable that is the big performance tanker or one setting that brings back some good quality at little cost.  Enough intro lets get busy.

How to make an autoexec.cfg
In the early days of the beta people modified the cvar groups game files because it was the best they knew, if you have heard about this I do not recommend it.  It changes the way your in-game settings work permanently and changing to medium or high won't have the desired effect anymore.  We later learned that you can make an autoexec.cfg file in the "Crysis SP Demo" folder.  Tweaks are made up of Console Variables (cvars for short), a list of the ones currently used by the game can be seen below.  In this file you put in the tweaks you want one by one and the game will use them when it starts up.

View Performance In Game
Place the line r_displayinfo=1 in your autoexec.cfg.  This will show you fps, system memory usage(not video), triangle count, etc.  Also you can use fraps if you wish to show fps as well as take screenshots and make movies of the game.

Enable The Console:
By default the devs have disabled the console unless you learn the trick to enable it.  You can enable it by adding the line con_restricted=0 to your autoexec.cfg and you can then use tweaks while in game in real time and watch with your own eyes the quality and performance changes.  Pull down the console while in game by hitting the ~ (tilde) key.  From there you can type in a cvar, without a value, and the game will tell you the current value.  If you want to test a tweak, just type it in but instead of using an equals sign to put in a value like in the autoexec.cfg, just use a space.  Example in console: r_displayinfo 1
If you have the fps shown in game you will see the performance effect of different settings.

Enhancing on DX9:
It is a very tweakable game.  Crytek have given us the ability to tweak many many things to reach Very High equivalent settings and even far far beyond.  I will give you a break down of every exact Very High setting(used in DX10) for reference.  This is the real list of every setting and their values.  So you can use this list and mimic exactly very high in DX9 to the fullest extent possible.  Just add this list to an autoexec.cfg and you will have very high for DX9. 

sys_spec_GameEffects = 3
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 3
sys_spec_Particles = 3
sys_spec_Physics = 3
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 3
sys_spec_Quality = 3
sys_spec_Shading = 3
sys_spec_Shadows = 3
sys_spec_Texture = 3
sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 3
sys_spec_Water = 3
e_foliage_wind_activation_dist = 25
e_max_entity_lights = 16
e_obj_quality = 4
e_particles_max_emitter_draw_screen = 32
e_particles_quality = 4
e_shadows_cast_view_dist_ratio = 0.8
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = 1.5
e_view_dist_ratio_detail = 30
e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation = 45
e_water_ocean_fft = 1
e_water_tesselation_amount = 10
es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 1
g_battleDust_enable = 1
g_breakage_particles_limit = 250
g_ragdollDistance = 40
g_ragdollMinTime = 15
q_Renderer = 3
q_ShaderFX = 3
q_ShaderGeneral = 3
q_ShaderGlass = 3
q_ShaderHDR = 3
q_ShaderIce = 3
q_ShaderMetal = 3
q_ShaderPostProcess = 3
q_ShaderShadow = 3
q_ShaderSky = 3
q_ShaderTerrain = 3
q_ShaderVegetation = 3
q_ShaderWater = 3
r_BeamsDistFactor = .05
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 200
r_ColorGrading = 1
r_DepthOfField = 2
r_DetailNumLayers = 2
r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 32
r_MotionBlur = 4
r_ShadowJittering = 2.5
r_SSAO_quality = 2
r_SSAO_radius = 2
r_sunshafts = 1
r_TexAtlasSize = 2048
r_Usepom = 1
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 3
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 0.2

In Game Settings:
This chart shows the breakdown of "every" console variable that is changed by the in-game settings.  It color codes every different type of in game menu(textures, game quality, shadows,etc) and shows you what variables actually change, when you change a drop down menu in the game, and what values they change to.  To see more console variables that cannot be changed in game and to see all the definitions of the settings, follow the links below the image.

See the full real size image with definitions and many more settings here
This list is a great starting point for your own tweaking adventure to mix and match settings as you like.  Remember you can try most of them while in game in realtime in the console and see the effect on quality and performance.  Get the original Excel spreadsheet for your own personal use here.  You can copy/paste right into the game console.

How do I do start?: summary
You can start by making an autoexec.cfg in the main game folder.  Add two settings to start.
Just copy/paste them.

Now you can open the console and start trying tweaks that look interesting one by one.  Use your autoexec.cfg and fill it with the tweaks you like.  When you check your in game settings it will show 'custom' if you have tweaks in your autoexec affecting that menu section.  I will detail some of the ones I think are cool here next. 

Quality Comparisons: Some notable settings that effect quality.

r_sunshafts = 1 turns on the hidden feature of light shafts that dance through trees and past objects. Available in game through Very High in-game setting.
The bottom is default all High in-game settings, the top is r_sunshafts = 1.  Comparison pics...

The following 3 settings work along with sun shafts...
r_Beams - Toggles the volumetric light beams. Default is 3, it’s an optimized beam with glow support. 0 disables beams, 2 uses fake beams with probably beneficial performance (performance untested). 1 is the best and uses the real full resolution beams but it is slower.
r_BeamsDistFactor - Distance between slices. Default is 0.01 in meters(likely reserved for Ultra High) and is likely the best setting for beams making it through the densest vegetation. You can try it and see what you like best (currently medium and high use 0.5, low uses 1).
r_BeamsMaxSlices - Number of volumetric slices allowed per light beam. Default is 200 (reserved for very high specs). The max here is 300, so go ultra if you think you can really handle the performance hit.
e_water_ocean_fft - Activates fft based ocean algorithm.  Produces realistic wave undulation for the best quality and most realistic water.  Everything is the same with water except undulation.  This algorithm was used in movies like Titanic and Waterworld so it's very realistic.  Screenshots wouldn't really show the difference but I have a short movie, it hardly does it justice, but atleast you can see the wave difference.
FFA Water movie comparison 4MB

Distant LOD (level of detail) of textures and vegetation is probably my favorite section because it’s most noticeable as you look across the map and walk about.
e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy - Max view distance of terrain XY materials.  This is things like certain cliffs and other materials horizontal LOD in game.
e_detail_materials_view_dist_z - Max view distance of terrain Z material.  This is things like certain cliffs and other materials vertical LOD in game.  This one doesn't need to be raised high, 256 or 512 max.  (In the GPU benchmark when coming in from the sky this setting will show itself on vertical LOD).
A picture is worth a thousand words on how these two work...

Note: For the mountains to appear crisp like this you will also need r_TexturesStreaming set to 0.
r_usepom - Enables Parallax Occlusion Mapping.  A type of relief map that gives raised appearance to textures.  Very cool but costs about 2 fps and can sometimes cause a fairly insignificant minor blurring of terrain textures in distance.  Comparisons...

e_cull_veg_activation - Vegetation activation distance limit, 70 is a good step up from high(50). This is trees setting how far the farthest out can be seen.
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio - Allows changing distance on what vegetation switch into sprite.  Raising this from 1 to 1.5 cost me about 1 fps in that view.  Adds medium tree distance as well as certain near shrubs.  Comparisons...

e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation - View distance ratio for vegetation.  Includes grass and shrubs like ferns and broad leafs, etc.  50 just about eliminates any popping effect with grass and shrubs, costs 1 fps in this scene.  Comparisons...

Controlling Antialiasing with Tweaks
See above section on antialiasing and how it changes shader settings.  These are the cvar settings for AA that you can use in your autoexec.cfg file.  Only for XP.

r_FSAA = 1 - turns on AA

2xAA = r_FSAA_samples = 2, r_FSAA_quality = 0
4xAA = r_FSAA_samples = 4, r_FSAA_quality = 0
8xAA = r_FSAA_samples = 4, r_FSAA_quality = 2
8xAAQ = r_FSAA_samples = 8, r_FSAA_quality = 0
16xAA = r_FSAA_samples = 4, r_FSAA_quality = 4
16xAAQ = r_FSAA_samples = 8, r_FSAA_quality = 2

Additional Background And Things To Know
I just want to share on how these work in the game and some more background info to clear up anything hazy.   
*Make sure you take a look at the full size picture or the spreadsheet for the settings chart, the links are below the chart.  They expose many more tweaks, their definitions, and the values that they accept.

Know your in game settings.  Play with that first to get a comfortable feel of what you like and what is available through the advanced settings menu options.  The way the autoexec.cfg variables work is they build on the in-game settings.  The in game settings are first loaded, which are stored in the game.cfg in your profile.  As the game starts it loads the game.cfg then the autoexec.cfg overrides are loaded with what ever settings you chose.  So for instance, you have in game shaders set to medium down from high.  But medium changes over 20 settings, well maybe you want the perfomance benefit of most of those but you want Ambient Occlusion back on the terrain (it's a global lighting system to provide realistic lighting).  You keep the in game setting at medium but turn on e_terrain_ao = 1 along with r_SSAO=1 which will override the 0 settings in the game.  Or maybe you want better better shaders on terrain back to high(3) so q_ShaderTerrain = 3.  Whether you like water, sky, terrain, vegetation, view distances....it's all at your finger tips for your preferences.  Usually there is only a couple settings that really affect performance alot, the rest can add quality at little cost, the developers just didn't know your video memory, vid card, processor, ram, etc. so they made broader stroke settings than most people needed in certain cases.  The tip to remember is that your configs will override and work on top of what is already set in the game menu last time you ran the game.  If you prefer there is also way to change the drop down boxes from your autoexec.  The sys_spec... settings will change low/medium/high and it will change all the broad stroke settings I color coded in my chart if you change those broad stoke settings.  You will know when your autoexec is working because if you look at the game settings it will show custom instead of low/medium/high.

Basically, many cvar values are often just a on/off setting for features [0/1] 0 is off, 1 is on.  Others may have values that are based on different ranges, the definitions will tell you what most of the limits and ranges are.  Some ranges maybe in meters, where others are clearly larger or smaller units of measure.  If you see a pattern of numbers like 512/1024 then extrapolate that it's best to stick with the pattern, like those just mentioned for texture sizes and shadow maps.  Sometimes you have ratios (as seen in some cvar names), which seem to affect more than one thing and they are likely multiplied internally in the game against some value so they are more broad sweeping.  I expose some of the cool cvars with pics above but don't let that keep you from trying new things.

Performance of these settings depends on your resolution, your video card, and the complexity of the scene you are looking at.  If you are tweaking vegetation find the densist vegetation to see what the hugest impact will be.  Same with terrain view distances and textures.  In certain scenarios things combine where you are looking through the dense jungle up at the mountain this is good to test combined foliage/texture/view distance tweaks as it will show worst case scenarios.  That is the balancing act, but most of the time you in buildings, in water, in vegetation, so you can pretty much raise them irrespective of each other to a degree.  This is the point I am at in my configs in perfecting that balance of taking quality to the farthest point where it can mix well with the others.  I also like long view distances on objects, I like seeing vehicles, enemies and buildings afar off so you can trade something else for that if you prefer.

It's great to use the console and see the settings changed in real time.  Just be aware that not all settings can be changed in real time.  Either the value will not change and that will be clearly shown in the console, or it appears to change the value in the console but nothing in the game actually changes.  In those cases it will be necessary to put the setting in the autoexec.cfg so that the renderer will be able to properly utilize that setting during startup when rendering the scene.  There are a couple features restricted to DX10 but mostly they are time of day and geometry shader functions (GS in the cvar), not many at all.  Enjoy the playground.  More soon...

Crysis Performance Reviews: See how different hardware and settings perform.

Crysis (Demo Performance)- LegionHardware
Crysis Demo Performance Analysis- Tweaktown
Crysis demo performance in-depth - TechSpot
DirectX 9 performance with the Crysis demo on 10 different cards - AMDZone

To be Continued...

Last edited by MadBoris (17-11-2007 23:54:33)







Thought this guide may be useful for some of us here. You can also visit that link to see this same guide.







How to Properly Configure Your Computer for GAMES/PROGRAMS


Hello everyone,

I am constantly seeing people, all over the internet, with problems running their programs/games on their computers. They ALL are experiencing slow boot times, in game lag, freezing, OOM Errors (Out of Memory), low FPS and numerous other "issues". They are also, consuming A LOT of database space asking the same questions. I will try and consolidate those questions and answers here.

So I am writing this "CHECK LIST GUIDE" of common problems and solutions. It contains basic/mandatory system configurations, as well as advanced techniques; thus improving your game play, software development/designing and overall computer performance. All while maintaining the best possible visual experience.



So let's begin...

First and Foremost!

Please update your Motherboard, BIOS, SMBus/USB/Memory/Video/Audio/Storage Controllers (<--System), Video, Sound, Human Interface Device (HID) Controllers (<--Your Joystick/Gamepad), Mouse and other such drivers. Also run a system Defrag, to defragment your hard drive. This should be done at least monthly; as all of the afore mentioned will resolve 99.9% of the issues experienced by users!


Also clear your Temporary files


1. - Click Start..>.."Run.." (Vista Users may not have this enabled <by default>, so the shortcut is "Windows Key+'R')


2. - In the "Run" Box type: %Temp% Your Temporary File Folder will come up. Select ALL, and delete them. Don't worry, they are TEMPORARY FILES. Some programs do not clear these when they are finished, so you have to go manually delete them. This then makes it easier for other programs to store temporary files needed for execution.



Getting rid of the stuff you didn't even know was there... O.O(<--BTW I am writing this in notepad and transferring it to the forums; so my smilies my not show up -.-)


When you download and install commercial products - Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, Google Earth, etc, etc - , you have to be mindful what the installer is asking you...



This is a common mistake by users. They want the program, but either don't realize that there are other programs "Piggy Backing" in, or don't care. This is where problems begin.


"Well, what's wrong with the Google Toolbar?" 8-/ The answer to that is simple: EVERYTHING!


These programs seem harmless, and have a very small file size: .4 - 2.5MB. But that is not where the problem lies. Programs like this, and Toolbars especially, are constantly TRANSMITTING data to their prospective authors. This includes where you surf, what you buy, where you live, what time you access the internet, who is logged into the Operating System (<-- BETTER BELIEVE IT! >:-{ ), your ISP, etc, etc. Consequently, this is not only eating up the processing power and RAM of your computer, but now you are losing crucial bandwidth.


Ever wonder how "that guy" can come around the corner and just kill you, in FPS games? Because he has a CLEAR connection to the server, and saw you LONG before you knew he was there!


"But I like my Toolbar (Google, or other)!" Why? IE7 and FireFox has a Google Search built right into them. They have Pop-Up Blockers, and Auto Complete, as well. Why have redundant software running?


So let's get rid of ALL that crap, and free up some drive space!


1. - Click start..>..Control Panel..>..Add/Remove Programs(XP)/Programs and Features(Vista).

2. - Go through the list, when it populates, and remove ANY "extra" programs that you do not use. If you accidently remove something you need, you can certainly get it back.


What you are looking for: (not in any particular order)

Adobe Updater *Nothing like losing bandwidth, then getting kick out of game because Abode thinks it's more important!
Apple Updater
Google Chrome *Transmits data continuosly
Google Desktop *I would love to slap the guy who invented this! ;-)
Google Updater *Big process eater! Transmits data constantly!
Google Toolbar
MY SEARCH - ANYTHING! *Big process eater! Also Installs Viruses and Malware automatically!
Java Updater
Yahoo Search
Yahoo Mail
Yahoo Toolbar
Windows Live Installer
Windows Live SkyDrive
Windows Live Photos
MyWeb - ANYTHING! *Big process eater! Continuosly running.
HP/Lexmark/Cannon/Kodak - Anything you don't use. As long as you don't delete the driver, your printer/camera/scanner will still function!
Dell/Acer/HP/Gateway/eMachines, etc, etc Pre-Installed Manufacturer Programs *These programs are "extra" and cause your system to run slow. Most of them duplicate Windows built in features!


Also, look for anything that you don't use or that looks suspicious. Once again, if you remove it, and find you need it, you can get it back! So don't be afraid; Don't be overzealous, either!


Now for the real stuff! Processes and Services!

These are the real KILLERS! When programs install, they generally write their own rules; as most users don't really know how to respond even when asked! The problem with this is they ALL FIGHT to be NUMERO UNO! They ALL think they are the greatest thing since crawling out of the sea, and growing lungs and legs! :-D


So we have to go tell them ALL who the real boss is! YOU, the user!


1. - Click Start..>.."Run..." (Vista Users may not have this enabled <by default>, so the shortcut is "Windows Key+'R')


2. - When the "Run..." Box opens, type: MSCONFIG (<--not case sensative)



3. - When the "System Configuration" window appears, click "Selective startup".


4. - Click the "Services Tab".


5. - ***THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP! PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING HERE!*** Click ONLY the "Hide all Microsoft Services" box!


6. - Now the window will only show you 3rd party services that start when Windows starts. However you NEED some of these! Like your Norton/McAffee/AVG Anti-Virus and Internet Security services. Display Drivers/Software, Storage Drivers (i.e. RAID), etc, etc. Trial an error may be the best approach on this tab. Turn a couple off, see where that gets you, then try a couple more.

7. - Now click the "Startup" Tab. You can turn ALL of these off if you want. Once again, READ what you are doing! In the picture below, I leave my RAID, VIDEO and Sidebar on, because I use that to monitor my system. (Vista Users - In the picture below, the 2 "Microsoft® Windows® Operating System" items you see, are for the Sidebar; they are not crucial!)


8. - When you have finished, click "Apply", then "Ok". ***IF YOU DO NOT WANT THE CHANGES TO TAKE AFFECT OR HAVE MADE A MISTAKE, CLICK "CANCEL"!*** The configuaration utility will then prompt you with the following image:


9. - Press "Restart" (Pressing "Exit without Restart" will not reboot your computer. However, when you manually reboot the system changes will take affect!), when the system starts back up, YOU WILL RECIEVE A "SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MESSAGE". Just Check the, "Don't show this again" box and click "Ok".


***IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS, REPEAT STEPS 1 AND 2. THIS TIME SELECTING "NORMAL STARTUP"*** Then click "Apply", "Ok", "Restart". This will return all Services and Startup options back to the original settings!



OK... Almost there... O.o Now let's get some memory back....


1. - Right-click My Computer(XP)/Computer(Vista)..>..Choose properties.


VISTA USERS ONLY: The "System Properties" Window appears. Click "Advanced system settings".



XP USERS: Click "Advanced" Tab.




2. - Click the "Settings" button in the Performance row, to open the "Performance Options" Window.




3. - Select the "Advanced" tab, then click the "Change..." button in the Virtual memory row.





4. - Uncheck the box for "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives" if it is checked. ***The next step requires a judgment on your part. In the above image, I have my "Intial Size" set to 4096MB (<--That's 4 GigaBytes!), and my Maximum size is set to 6114 (<--That's 6 GigaBytes!). HOWEVER! I have a 400GB in RAID 0 "C:\" drive! In other words, I HAVE ROOM TO SPARE! Most of you will want to set this to approximately 2048 Init/3072MB Max; ROUGHLY!


***NOTE: XP Users can only set a MAXIMUM of 4096MB for their Paging Files!***


5. - Now click "Set". You will be prompted, after clicking "Ok", that you have to reboot, so... Reboot.


What did I just do!?!? O.O Good question! You are very smart! ;-)


In simple terms...


This is going to expand your "Paging File". Windows uses the "Paging File" as "secondary memory", by writing "chunks" of data to the Hard Drive. This way it can recall information faster than searching the rest of the drive. This data is not permanent and is constantly changing.


Ever wonder why your hard drive light flashes, even when Windows is idle? Windows allocates (or reserves) RAM and Virtual Memory (<--Paging File) for it's own greedy use; whether or not it actually needs it. This reserve is for system processes and what not. When the size of this is SET by the user, you free up the constant size changing, increasing or reducing, that windows can and will do to make more or less available; consequently allowing more room to write to the drive = freeing up valuable processing threads and RAM. In turn increasing performance.


...and, Lastly... Is the DREADED OOM!!!!

This next tweak will prevent the Out Of Memory (OOM) Error. This is EXTREMELY effective when working with Adobe CS Series, AutoDesk Products and Games (Microsoft Flight Simulator Pilots, I am looking in your direction!) that are both Graphic and Processor/RAM intensive.


Before I begin, let me briefly descibe what happens here:


Windows thinks its the greatest thing since fire! So, on your PC it will block ALL programs from accessing what it thinks, is it's! I.E MEMORY; both RAM and Virtual!


Once again, you need to go into the OS and tell it who's BOSS, and only give it what it NEEDS; NOT WHAT IT WANTS! XP needs roughly 512MB, while Vista needs about 1GB to function flawlessly with RAM! About 256MB - 512MB of Virtual for BOTH. It has a "Safe Guard" that will flag programs that try to use more than 2GB of either. When this happens, it sends an error message, "Out of Memory...".


To prevent this from happening, and crashing your programs, you need to set this limiter to a higher value. Here is how you do it:


On VISTA: (You have to run the command prompt with elevated privlages)


1. Click the Start..>..All Programs..>..Accessories..>..Right-Click the "Command Prompt" and choose "Run as Administrator".


2. At the command line type the following:


BCDEDIT(SPACE)/Set(SPACE)IncreaseUserVA(SPACE)nnnn (nnnn = the amount you want to increases by! I have mine set for 4096MB)


3. Hit enter, and get the confirmation.




5. Confirm that it worked by running the command prompt, typing: BCDEDIT, hit enter and you will see the /userva switch now.... It will be under the "Windows Boot Loader" as increaseuserva = {value you set}


On XP:

1. Right-Click the My Computer..>..Choose "Properties".

2. Click the "Advanced Tab".

3. Click the "Settings" button in the "Startup and Recovery row.

4. click the "Edit" button in the "System startup" row. Now you'll see the boot config. At the very end type /3GB so it looks like this:


*** Do Not Copy as your own Boot file


[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn /3GB


5. - Reboot

Well Folks, there you go! It will take most of you longer to read this than it will to actually complete these tasks! O.O I hope that this helps!




Please feel free to ask questions here, if I was not clear on something...


Happy Gaming/Programming



ADMINS WILL YOU PLEASE STICKY THIS :) ive had numourous people asking me past few weeks about where my config post went and no one can find it....  Thanks........ ... NOW... on to the config.... FIRST.. COPY everything i paste below the line and open up NOTEPAD on your computer.... PASTE IT INTO NOTEPAD AND SAVE AS CONFIG_MP.CFG  .... YOU HAVE TO USE THAT FILE NAME!!!!! Save to your desktop..... now.... make a COPY of your current config.... put in a safe place.... replace the old config with your new one in your cod4 profiles folder........ OPEN GAME...... now i have weird controls... SO SET THE CONTROLS TO WHAT YOU WANT TO USE!!! AND CHANGE THE NAME!!!:) thats all you have to do.... your ping will drop 10-30 .. your fps will increase by 30-50... and you will move faster.... hit more accurate.... ....




// generated by Call of Duty, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+gostand"
bind 3 "openscriptmenu quickpromod 2"
bind 4 "+smoke"
bind 5 "+actionslot 3"
bind 6 "+actionslot 4"
bind 7 "+actionslot 2"
bind 8 "openscriptmenu quickpromod 5"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind A "+moveleft"
bind B "mp_QuickMessage"
bind C "gocrouch"
bind D "+moveright"
bind E "+leanright"
bind F "+activate"
bind G "+frag"
bind H "ufo"
bind K "ufo"
bind N "+actionslot 1"
bind Q "+leanleft"
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bind S "+back"
bind T "chatmodepublic"
bind U "noclip"
bind V "+melee"
bind W "+forward"
bind Y "chatmodeteam"
bind Z "+talk"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
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bind F2 "vote no"
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bind KP_PGDN "toggle cg_thirdperson"
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bind KP_DEL "toggle developer"
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bind KP_PLUS "toggle cg_thirdpersonrange 120 350 600 800 1024"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+toggleads_throw"
bind MOUSE3 "+frag"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
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con_hidechannel *; con_showchannel dontfilter error gamenotify boldgame subtitle obituary logfile_only console_only gfx sound files devgui profile ui client server system playerweap ai anim physics fx leaderboards parserscript script

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Cool.. I've copied and pasted into word. This will be gone before you can snap your fingers...lol

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Cool.. I've copied and pasted into word. This will be gone before you can snap your fingers...lol


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Cool.. I've copied and pasted into word. This will be gone before you can snap your fingers...lol



I think Bama meant it will get buried under other post...SmileSmile

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good job WiZ Cool 

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Good to hear MarkOff.That is what I used to do with my old 9800GTX + now get your 10 hrs. in.

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If not a thank we should at least give him longest post medal. LOL    TY

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I know it may seem like alot of info and most of it I do not use as I dont play the cod servers or have it installed any more. So instead of just helping with Crysis as I have the info saved in the same file. I just posted it all. Really some niftfy shit. If anyone wants help with Crysis setting I can walk you through it in vent. Now even thoe I have a screaming system I turned the eye candy down quite a bit. It help my game play a bit. Hell I get 4th place sometimes. Not bad for someone that does not take the game serious as ITS JUST A GAME.

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Holy crap that was a long post.


BTW lcd's do have a refresh rate. Mine is 60hz, and that what I lock it at. 60fps is fine, I run everything with max settings ingame, then driver level because I am a pleasure pig.

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I never said any of this worked or was right. This is just stuff that I haved save over time. All in 1 text file so use what u need, dont use what you are not sure about or maybe read through it and at some point you might get a clue from someone else about a system setting and you might say...."oh yea I read that some where and go back to the list and find it. I just noticed a few post that were asking about system settings so I thought I would post a few mine and some crap I saved.

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HOly MOzy what a list!

Very nice but I don't have to use them(im spoiled with the nice 5770 :) ). Maybe some on the server though :)



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Hey WiZiD I found all that information has helped me a lot. My pc is running alot smoother now  and have managed to get rid of a lot of shit that i didnt even use. i was having a lot of trouble in game when a map had finished and downloading the next map and the info you have posted has stopped a lot of that....Once again cheersSurprised

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can one of you fix my internet????? please? hahahaha




Holly shit Wizid.. i had to take three wizes reading that. WOW!

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Wizid should get a medal for longest post on XI.


Problem is then someone would try to top it with some useless drivel.

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To bad you're not playing COD , I don't understand these settings and would like to give Slow fry a run for his money , hehe

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To bad you're not playing COD , I don't understand these settings and would like to give Slow fry a run for his money , hehe

 what part are you stuck on mate?, i have played around with my config file [cod4 ] a lot still a crap playerLaughingbut perhaps i could help?

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