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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/22 in all areas

  1. Bamm

    Major surgery coming up

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that I’m probably gonna be offline for a while and tell you a bit about what I’m going through right now. A few years ago I discovered that we have a rare genetic mutation running in the family which causes stomach and breast cancer. I had my own DNA checked and I also carry the mutation. The stomach cancer is the worst part of it, because it is very very difficult to check for it. I’ve been at risk since I was 20. If bad cells would spread at any point beyond the stomach, there is basically nothing the doctors would be able to do for me. Same thing if I would get any physical complaints at some point. So in the past years I’ve been under surveillance by the best specialist in my country and they did find cancer cells. They say the bad spot looks calm (not growing through the walls of my stomach), but because it’s so difficult to check them right and because I’m still so young, they’ve advised me to take action. And the only possible action is to remove my full stomach in surgery (the global guidelines are to do this surgery right away when someone is just carrying the mutation, the check ups are new). And yes, it is possible to live without a stomach. This is what they will do in surgery: So that’s why I’m getting surgery coming Tuesday and I’ll be gone from the server for a bit. I don’t know for how long, because recovery is so different per person, as are the long term complaints. So I either might be back quite soon, being all bored from not being able to do much, or it might take me a while before I have energy to do anything at all. We’ll see. Anyway, as you can imagine it will be a very intense surgery and recovery will take a long time. I’ll have to figure out how much I can eat at once, what kinds of food my body is able to handle after, a whole new rhythm of eating every two hours without any feeling of hunger, and all the symptoms my body is gonna throw at me whenever I make a ‘mistake’ in these things. Etc etc. That being said, I just wanted you all to know. Also, I’m very bad at responding to texts and messages, especially when there are many and I’m not feeling well, so please don’t be offended if I won’t respond to any or I would respond with an emoji only Just know that all and any support is appreciated
    12 points
  2. Dogg

    Custody Case

    A man and his young wife were in divorce court, but the custody of their children posed a problem. The mother gets up and says to the judge that since she brought the children into this world, she should retain custody of them. The man also wanted custody of his children, so the judge asked for his justification. After a long silence, the man slowly rose from his chair and replied, “Your Honor, when I put a dollar in a vending machine, and a Coke comes out, does the Coke belong to me or the machine?”
    5 points
  3. Dear Members, I want to start by saying thanks to those who have been here and know me and how I am. I am going through a really hard time right now because I gt hurt at work and they are trying to claim that my diabetes is the reason for my condition. The pictures I am about to share are what has happen to me and I am trying to heal. Monday I have to talk to a lawyer in hopes that they can help me. This just happened last week and I want to thank those so far for the support it is hard wanting to fight but I feel that all my life that is all I have done. I do not give up but this may break that. This is serious for me and is affecting me very emotionally. I have always try to do what is right and to be a good example to those that have worked under me.
    4 points
  4. Dogg


    Walked into my house Friday night and my wife was gone and a note nailed to the wall said. “We have your wife, if you want to see her again alive, we want £1,000,000, do not call the police, we are very determined. Await a phone call.” l tell you what? They weren’t joking about being determined! Since Saturday morning I’ve had 72 missed calls...
    4 points
  5. bds1961

    Chile Verde

    How I spent my Saturday.
    2 points
  6. Ha surfing real estate deals out there I stumbled on Our HQ 61 bedrooms, 64 bathrooms and 54,101 square feet. $3,800,000 New price: $3,200,000 Ok lets get the funds together for this one https://theoldhouselife.com/2022/01/05/say-what-61-bedrooms-54000-sf-and-500-acres-in-west-virginia-3800000/
    2 points
  7. Merlin007

    DM3 Rotation Change

    The next rotation for DM3 is loaded, server will need restart. Small map rotation map mp_78bathroom map mp_killhouse map mp_opera map mp_shipments map mp_snr_seals_2 map mp_trainingcamp map mp_villa Medium map rotation map mp_anzio_beach map mp_argentan map mp_asylum map mp_ax_dawnville map mp_ax_neuville map mp_beach_redeaux map mp_beertruck map mp_bellicourt map mp_bergsnow map mp_beuvron map mp_bf1942_berlin map mp_bgate map mp_bog map mp_boneville map mp_borisovka map mp_broadcast map mp_burgundysnow map mp_byalistok map mp_canal2 map mp_carentan map mp_warsaw Large map rotation map mp_agxdepo map mp_airfield map mp_altered map mp_amberville map mp_ambush map mp_anzio map mp_armory map mp_assault map mp_assembly map mp_ax_brecourt map mp_ax_simmerath map mp_ax_trainwreck map mp_bahnhof map mp_ballpark map mp_barracks map mp_bastogne map mp_beltot map mp_bentys_depot map mp_lolv2_codwaw Cheers
    2 points
  8. i can put kids at one end and not see them for a month
    2 points
  9. AthenA

    New Rotation for OWFT

    Thank you Skuz ! @Biotech and another server with your favorite maps ! It looks like your Birthday wishes are coming true !
    2 points
  10. AthenA

    New Rotation For NamFT

    Thank you Skuzy ! @Biotech, you know where to go if you feel like playing some "little people" maps !
    2 points
  11. TBB

    **Investors Only** >XI< HQ

    If you have to ask - you can't afford it - me neither
    2 points
  12. AusiGirl

    Shows us your rides

    80/ Land cruiser....
    2 points
  13. loaderXI

    Wildthing's work Injury

    Awe man I am so freaking sad to see this dude...I Pray your Doctors work diligently to help you heal up and recover fast with minimal loss of limb...Diabetes may have slowed your body from recovering fast but the injury none the less was work work related.. Keep us updated please because I need to know you are getting better Hoping, Praying for all the Best
    2 points
  14. thanks Skuz, @Crusher, I can kick your ass on these maps.....lol!
    2 points
  15. evo


    ola whats up hi from canada father of 4 grandpa of 3 45years old my work is in manufacturing in injection machines been playing cod4 for many years played in 4 tcc turnys games i play insurg,ats,ets2,cod4,worldtanks,farmsim,risk many games been playng on your server now for couple years and haveing fun tks
    1 point
  16. Timmah!

    Shows us your rides

    Manual gearbox z00m z000m.
    1 point
  17. 5'11" she is 5'4" i think
    1 point
  18. Majbasil

    Chile Verde

    LOOKS YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  19. sirtrojan

    Shows us your rides

    Old good Volvo V70 with 2.4 D5 (diesel) engine. 10yrs in familly . I can fix everything in that car with own hands. I dont need it but cannot forse myself to sell that Volvo. And Honda Accord Tourer VIII 2.0 - my daily
    1 point
  20. P!nk

    Major surgery coming up

    Hey Bammetje, heel veel succes met de operatie. Hopelijk ben je snel weer op de been. Dikke knuffel, hou je goed meid!
    1 point
  21. BlackRose


    yea another canuk!!!!
    1 point
  22. VHS2

    Major surgery coming up

    Hi Bamm! So sorry to hear that you have to go through this surgery. I had a cancer in 2017 and also had a surgery to remove an organ, but a little lower than you. It was very heavy, also with a reconstruction. I stayed around 5 hours in the operating room. Then I stayed for a while at the hospital but the recovery was OK and not too painful. So, I hope it will go as well for you! Very friendly
    1 point
  23. Thumpya


    I'm in eastern Ontario
    1 point
  24. Totty

    Wildthing's work Injury

    I hope you recover soon mate. How did that happen?
    1 point
  25. LaRSin

    DM3 Rotation Change

    Thanks Merlin .....
    1 point
  26. skuzapo

    New Rotation for OWFT

    New rotation maps are map mp_13_townville map mp_82ab_dresden map mp_aa_vosges_fr map mp_amberville map mp_bastogne map mp_canal2 map mp_cw_pacific map mp_downfall map mp_drum map mp_frenchvillagen map mp_gustav map mp_kokoda map mp_lyon map mp_montelimar map mp_opera map mp_ratsbedroom map mp_sps_xian map mp_ugcarena
    1 point
  27. skuzapo

    New Rotation For NamFT

    New rotation maps are map mp_1078carentan map mp_78tokyorose map mp_ambush map mp_db_snowypark map mp_anzio_beach map mp_contra map mp_cw_brecourt_storm map mp_anbinh map mp_ddd_wet map mp_gb_karkand map mp_hospital map mp_hunt_winter map mp_kiev map mp_lao_cai map mp_makin map mp_mohdv2 map mp_radiorelay map mp_ratsbedroom map mp_snr_freedom2 map mp_snr_st_mengs map mp_snr_treblink
    1 point
  28. TBB

    Wildthing's work Injury

    OUCH!! Sorry to see that happen - prayers and thoughts to you - hopefully a quick recovery - stay strong
    1 point
  29. Chris

    Major surgery coming up

    I hope all goes smoothly and I'm killing you online again soon!
    1 point
  30. prayers, looking forward for your return .....
    1 point
  31. Oh My God BLESS YOUR HEART!!! A good friend of mine, her dad had that cancer in stomach and similar surgery to you, he did change his eating style and habits afterwards, then kept on being the doctor he was before like nothing different. Still kept playing tennis, still kept doing his normal stuff. He did die but not of cancer, I think he had a stroke/bad heart issues - it was sudden and unexpected and I did not ask questions, only listened, pretty sure he had a bad, unfixable heart. Hell of a thing, I am so so sorry! You are such a sweet heart. OK now. Cancer meds have made such progress, they are in the process of making, evidently, a pill that cancer patients can take every day and that will keep the T-Cells (thyroid blood cells) up to date on what type of cells they should be seeking out to stomp out, so modern day beefing up of the immune system to fight the good fight. Have you been told yet that this is treatable, doable, and that you should, with monitoring, be able to get on with your life? The key is getting diagnosed so that treatments can begin and those stupid cancer cells can be zapped and outta here. Apparently, cancer cells or cancer like cells run around in our bodies all the time and it is the T-Cells that find em and kill em for most of the time. (Disclaimer, I am not a doctor, but I did sleep on a great mattress last night and do think I know what I am talking about.) Here is a link for and example of that new T-Cell type of treatment being worked on and some folks can use now, lots and lots more to come soon too, apparently. https://www.envita.com/conditions/integrative-oncologists-providing-holistic-cancer-treatment-options You wanna message me, I give good advice - I help out with survival groups, some of them cancer survivors, I hear all sorts of stuff like - great breakthrough news for cancer patients, major breakthroughs happening now, great success on this and that trial, for example. One thing about surgeries, don't forget to be proactive with pain meds, I would always tend to take half of whatever they prescribed pain wise, but at least 30 minutes early, that way the pain would not settle in and become a problem, then by using only half of the pill at a time, I would not have any risk of getting addicted or needing pain meds later on, that is just what I have done has worked OK for me, everyone is different though with different pain tolerances and healing processes. (I tend to get hurt and need surgery alot oops.) TAKE CARE and hopefully we will see you in the maps soon!
    1 point
  32. Girl! That is intense. I'm so sorry you have to go through this but so thankful the doctors were able to catch it early! Praying for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery! Love you girl, you got this!
    1 point
  33. Biotech

    New Rotation For NamFT

    thank you Skuz ( also for the little people map )
    1 point
  34. Biotech

    New Rotation for OWFT

    thank you Skuz and wooohooooo a little people map
    1 point
  35. Labob

    Wildthing's work Injury

    WOW which one broke the rule and went to the market . THink about 8toes for a new handle
    1 point
  36. major-mark63

    Chile Verde

    you need to invite with that much...
    1 point
  37. rexbowan

    New Rotation for OWFT

    Thank you.
    1 point
  38. lazymarcky

    New Rotation For NamFT

    Thanks Skuz!
    1 point
  39. lazymarcky

    New Rotation for OWFT

    Tkank You Skuz!
    1 point
  40. Rotation #12 23 maps by Sally put in rotation 11/19/22 by Pengy map mp_al_jabal map mp_aquadukt2 map mp_convoy map mp_4hanoi map mp_athena map mp_caen map mp_cassino map mp_e_streetstation map mp_sc_hangar map mp_selo map mp_toujane_beta map mp_trainstation map mp_urban map mp_vac_2 map mp_beta map mp_moh_sfrance_b1 map mp_4t4scrap map mp_arkona map mp_doomed map mp_hollow map mp_jarak map mp_lobby_fsd map mp_dawnville_rota1 Server restarted @ 12:06 p.m. EST by Pengy Enjoy!
    1 point
  41. evo


    Hunter1948 i am in cow town aka calgary alberta
    1 point
  42. TBB


    WELCOME to the forums - just what we needed - another Canadian (just kidding)
    1 point
  43. Rotation #2f 25 maps by LOCO put in rotation 11/19/22 by Pengy map mp_dedust map mp_construction2 map mp_ravine map mp_wallendar_4 map mp_vil_blops map mp_northport map mp_summit map mp_crash3 map mp_uprise map mp_gb_sharqi map mp_roundup_day map mp_remontna map mp_rusmata map mp_hollow map mp_tibongal map mp_slums map mp_pic map mp_warehouse_13 map mp_crossroads map mp_fallen map mp_novoutpost2 map mp_tobruk_4 map mp_lake map mp_streetsofacc map mp_vukovar Server restarted @ 11:56 a.m. EST by Pengy Enjoy!
    1 point
  44. 18 feet 10 inches but it's all relative
    1 point
  45. Magnus_1

    Shows us your rides

    Here's one of mine. Sweeeeet.
    1 point
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