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  1. Past hour
  2. Awesome content! I'll definitely be sharing this with my network. PureRef Torrent https://activatedsoft.com/pureref-crack/
  3. Great read thanks for sharing @Sitting-Duc
  4. Today
  5. XtremeIdiots would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. CW4 (72)FlyingDutch (46)Johnny3Time (58)
  6. I love Macron's wife double take. She looks over starts to turn away then turns back as the video ends. Freaking classic double take. hahahaha First look pausing. . Then she takes a good look. hahahahaha
  7. Yet you're still stuck with Commie Justin Trudeau aka Castro's love child. hahahaha We are all Hijacked by communists.
  8. My daughter and her family live in Japan. In the coming months they plan to travel to Australia so I'll ask her to give this a try and send pictures of her eating one.
  9. Where the hells is the barfing emoji? I was snaking on something and well good thing I have great gag reflexes.
  10. Yesterday
  11. Arby's has 5 roast beef sammiches for $5 Just gotta order online.
  12. WELCOME to the >IDIOT< House!!!!!
  13. this one might be better --> https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b40722f7c2733765&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS971US971&sxsrf=ADLYWIKQM7YQ3Xeq6KIZwMbtC0qU-lCAVg:1718049049978&q=Congratulations+song+for+success&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkjtK659GGAxXF4MkDHf0EOskQ1QJ6BAg5EAE&biw=2262&bih=1098&dpr=1.7#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:cf05e59.742a3dba,vid:w5tWYmIOWGk,st:0
  14. Thank you guys! It's an honor to be an idiot.
  15. Congrats @PickleRick, gotta be nice to you since you rank higher than me now.
  16. Great read Duc. thank you for sharing and for all your hard work here at XI
  17. until
    XI Zoom at PigLo's loASIS (Monthly, Every 3rd Saturday) https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87577473829?pwd=WjhORElSZU9UV0pQbFpRdjEwSlRtUT09 Meeting ID: 875 7747 3829 Passcode: piglorox
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