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  2. Happy Birthday and have a great day
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  4. XtremeIdiots would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Dirk Diggler (56)KillingmanXI (59)
  5. It's been 35+ years since I had a good Rhubarb pie or cake. My grandmother used to make it all the time and it was absolutely Killer especially with home made ice cream. Me and my 2 brothers and sister used to be "in charge" of making the ice cream. All we did was turn the handle and add ice. I think it was to keep us out of Grandmas hair lol.
  6. My wife and I had a fantastic weekend out on the boat with family and friends. But Monday was for honoring and remembering those that paid the ultimate sacrifice for our Freedom. Always remember....
  7. 34" for $200 https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16824011505
  8. Yesterday
  9. So, the first house is now full. Depending on interest levels and a firm commitment from additional attendees, we could possibly reserve a 2nd house located a few doors down from the first one, or we could go with some of the nearby hotels, average 10-15 minute drive or less. Please let myself, Rugger, or Yaccster know if you are interested in attending. We can also add you to the Branson XI Fest Club here on the website so that you can be included in all of the planning and details, see who's going already, etc.
  10. oh i think its time to dump my CRT 14 in monitor.....im a way outdated
  11. There is 3 dm servers Dean. You just have to check to see where people are. Ace Mod you start with 50 % life so it is really hard to knife in there.
  12. Wrap in a square of panty hose
  13. Fishing Planet on Steam is free to play. Might scratch that fishing itch from time to time.
  14. There's that much sugar and butter in that cake and the cinnamon, brown and butter in the topping you wouldn't know there was Rhubarb in it lol!
  15. Really like my 34" Alienware https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/alienware-34-curved-qd-oled-gaming-monitor-aw3423dwf/apd/210-bfrp/monitors-monitor-accessories?tfcid=91049735dgc=opl&gacd=9684992-1104-5761040-266906002-0&dgc=ST&SA360CID=71700000117208888&&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgdayBhBQEiwAXhMxthumdzTvuufwAGxqRQ5EmBBXT1I6sFLtEcHGi8zBl4-ekU_qTM8zKhoCYTAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  16. That would be interesting Budman going from 3 displays down to one curved. Let me do a search on this. I wonder if the curved would be better. OK found lots to choose from. Some of this may help. The Best Curved Monitors for 2024 I like this Samsung. Heck this wide of a display.. heck yet it has to be better than three displays. @TBB needs three of these to make a circle so he can be surrounded by his porn collection. https://www.pcmag.com/picks/the-best-curved-monitors Ultrawide vs. dual monitors: Which should you choose? https://www.pcworld.com/article/395110/ultrawide-vs-dual-monitors.html Here is something that may or may not be an issue with a ultrawide display. I guess Window management. Someone with one can confirm or deny this one. That being said... I like this verdict.
  17. You doing any noodling? I've been playing 2 of N64 fishing games They are quite fun. I have no place to fish around here otherwise.
  18. They need to add a dull knife mode so it take two slices just to mess with you. hahahaha If your hands are like I, I can not play like I use to for more than 20 minutes before I become stiff as a board and not in the good way. I consider it the rewards for playing the game. It is fun though to jump in a game or two and have a blast. Agreed. Get a duller knife and I'll take a slick of your arse.
  19. That looks so good. I'm out of Ice Cream. The cake looks good as well. hahaha jk That cake looks hellofalot better than the ice cream. Happy Birthday Weed!
  20. That's what's wrong with me. All I know my folks and I loved to watch Solid Gold as a kid and they ended up buying Boy Georges Album and a few times I caught myself wondering what he was. 1986 to 89 I think I was wondering.
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