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Member Spotlight- MHsDaughter >XI<

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Let start with your clan name? MHsDaughter

    Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game?  In game: Daughter or D

    When and where were you born? August 22, 1998. I was born in Oregon.

    When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A baker! I always wanted to open up my own bakery. lol

    Where have you lived? Oregon, Washington, Iowa, Minnesota, and Ohio.


    What got you into gaming? My dad and my brother. Loved to watch them play.

    Your first game you played? Alias or The Hobbit on the OG Xbox.

    And what do you play now? Mostly Call of Duty MW III and Warzone.

    Why did you join XI? I grew up in the world of call of duty with XI. Started playing with my folks on Ace mod in my early teens, has always felt like my gaming family.

    What do you get from being in this clan? A great community of people to play and laugh with!

    What is your favorite hobby? Photography.

    What is your favorite travel destination? I haven't traveled very much, but my favorite place so far is Nashville.

    Are you married? Lol no.

    Do you have children? Nope.

    What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? I have a beautiful puppers named Callie!

    Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? I don't sport.

    What causes are you passionate about?

    Do you volunteer? If so, where?

    What is an interesting fact about you? I can play piano by ear!

    Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind?

    Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college?

    Did you belong to any professional organizations?

    What is your current job title? I am a manager at a local micro brewery.

    Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education?

    Where do you work? At a local micro brewery.

    What other job titles have you had in your career? Photographer, Social media manager, Barista, Bartender, Product display specialist.

    Where else have you worked?

    Why did you choose to work in your industry?

    Why do you like your job? I work with great people, a positive environment, and the money isn't bad.

    How would you describe your career? I serve local alcoholics and enable their behavior.

    What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career?

    Describe a time that your career was rewarding.

    If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Don't be afraid to try something new and step out of your comfort zone.

    What is your favorite thing about your career or industry? The people.

    What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? How to properly pour a beer.

    What do you hope to accomplish in your career?

    Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations?

    What is your favorite sport?

    Do you play any sports?

    If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? Good health and happiness for my friends and family.




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DAUGTHER!!! Love seeing this girl! And the puppies are so cute, as are you ;)

But..You gotta get your ass back in the game! It has been wayyyyy too long since we've been able to drive the guys crazy with our banter 😜

Edited by Bamm
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Who are you again - oh yeah FU! 🙂  If you start playing freeze tag again I might drop back on too. Maybe pick a day or something - let me know and I'll join. I promise I'll be nicer - ish, alright probably not. 

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Thx for sharing D!!!

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Daughter! So good to see you here. As Bamm said, we certainly miss you in game. But I understand MWIII and Warzone. Different generation of gaming. I'm glad Bamm is too old for that stuff. But I digress . . . loved reading your story and the pub looks epic. That caught my eye more than the puppies TBH. Thanks for sharing, young lady.


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You don't sport huh....  We'll have to fix that.. lol .  Hope all is well, Thanks for sharing.

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Nice read. Thanks for sharing 🙂

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Thanks for sharing some info about yourself and what makes you special. It is really wonderful for a old timer here to see the younger members think about XI like a part of their Family. It is something that many of us hoped would be a strong and lasting part of what we joined to have fun and fuck around. Having members who are young enough to be many of the members children who say what you did and have fun here makes it all worth while. @Ruggerxi had a dream about making a place where adults could just be themselves and that could have gone very badly when this all started but every member who has joined us has been someone we enjoyed playing with and talking to and sharing laughs. We are all here for each other and always will be so please @MHsDaughter remember if you ever need anything somebody here is there for you as best as they possibly can be. Don't drink anymore but the food looks great so if the Wife and I ever get down your way we will make sure to pay you a visit and leave a big XI Tip and get some pictures for all the single guys here lol... Have fun 

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I'll take four beers and a double cheeseburger! kthanks! :)

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Thanks for sharing.

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@MHsDaughter always a cute kid but sassy lolol! Like the others said it’d be nice to see you in the game again. 

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Doooooooodddder lol



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This woman has always scared me on COD ... she used to slice my throat, hand me a scarf and say, "Deal with it". Also, she shot me a lot.

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I'll fight her ... I can bunny hop now like a sunofabeeatch! lol


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