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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/22 in all areas

  1. T-Rex here.. from NZ. By profession , Database Programmer / Data Analyst in the financial sector. Not a long gamming career but just play COD4 (or sometime COD2). Want to be a Clan member but thing is can't use mic due to some personal reasons.... Always try to respond to the in game chats though.. What else???
    7 points
  2. BlackRose

    my play time

    As some of you know I am having issues with my left hand,,I have osteoarthritis ,,bone on bone in my thumb joint. I have to wear a brace which limits my thumb. I try to play for a bit without the brace,,some days better then others . new pain meds are on the way!!lol I camp alot more so I dont have to hit the spacebar,,and no im not getting a foot pedal!!hahahahah So if I disappear in game it because of the pain. If i sit to long in spec I may be watching the game as I love playing and hate I cant play as much!
    5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. Introducing yourself on the web site is a good first step. Welcome T Rex.
    4 points
  5. Welcome to the forums, enjoy the randomness of the idiots and our friends!!
    2 points
  6. TheLastColdBeer

    Financial markets

    We have a crew in D.C. that can't carry a tune, letting them carry our eggs is guaranteed disaster.
    2 points
  7. Raisin

    Financial markets

    My gut says the market corrections are FAR from over.
    2 points
  8. Tron

    Financial markets

    People often wonder why the bond market is “smarter” than the stock market It all boils down to this: Bond traders read books filled with difficult math and go to AGMs and corporate briefings Equity traders read magazines and go to ball games and strip clubs
    1 point
  9. Can't quite remember the song lyrics, I think it goes "who needs TV when you got T-Rex" Hello there.
    1 point
  10. VHS2

    my play time

    Hope the new medication will ease the pain. Take care!
    1 point
  11. Thanks for the intro and welcome to the forums..
    1 point
  12. I don't put all my eggs in one basket, and panic selling isn't an option. This downturn has one advantage, all the dividend paying stocks & mutual funds can buy more shares at a lower price. If you don't need the money, don't cave in. Crypto was nothing that interested me, but I do look at it. Just not comfortable playing with something that can evaporate over night. Rather go play in the mountains with a washpan & a bottle in my pocket.
    1 point
  13. KaptCrunch

    my play time

    Rose try a ball mouse oops a left hand mouse
    1 point
  14. codpiece

    Financial markets

    I love the Bond Market. It's where I park my money when the market is bad. However, when I want to make money, well stocks are the place to be. "Smart" comes into play with the investor. He or She needs to make good choices about where and when to put their money. Sometimes it's stocks and sometimes its Bonds. History shows that the return on investment is far better with stocks. History also shows that the bond market is a good way to protect your investment. I guess it boils down to one's personality and tolerance to risk. Best of luck out there to those investing!
    1 point
  15. Thank you Harry, I have returned especially to congratulate you on your common sense and wisdom, all the best Rob. See you up there my friend
    1 point
  16. What are you complaining about - it costs @BUDMAN twice that to fill up on beer for Friday night!!!!!
    1 point
  17. This has been a great conversation. Time for some further thoughts. The core problem with gun violence in the U.S. has little to do with access to weapons. It has little to do with crazy people. We've always had guns and crazy people. What's changed is the nature of society and more than anything else, what's changed the nature of society is hate. When I grew up in the peaceful, safe 1950s, I hated the kid who always bullied me on the way to school. I didn't hate anyone else; had no reason to. My father also hated somebody, the president. When Kennedy was assinated, my father said, "There, that son-of-a-bitch got what he deserved." It was the first time I ever heard my father swear. But he hated Kennedy for getting us involved in Vietnam. I don't think he hated anyone else. Today, we hate each other with a passion and you're seeing the result. Between 1982 and 2011, a mass shooting occurred roughly once every 200 days in the U.S. However, between 2011 and 2015, that rate accelerated greatly with at least one mass shooting occurring every 64 days. You may not believe it but to date in 2022, there have been 246 mass shootings in the United States. Why? What happened? I'm no expert in sociology but as a journalist for 52 years who continues to write editorials and columns for several newspapers, I've been watching societal evolution up close for a long time and in my view, two factors are responsible for turning us into a nation of hate: the Internet, and the dishonest and corrupt media. Before the Internet, people, generally, found their place in society and generally, stayed there. Their sphere of influence was very limited. They associated with each other over the lunch table at work, at the club, the baseball game, the tavern, etc., and argued about pretty much everything and went back to work the next day and life went on. Then came the Internet. Suddenly, an argument over a bar table became an argument for the masses. Suddenly, people who had little knowledge of anything and didn't much care about anything except perhaps their family, had a worldside audience and, long ignored, found they could use their voice and get a reaction. Suddenly, they could bring attention to themselves and we all crave attention. The world had always been broken down into tribes. That's why we have many different nations, many different religions, and people associated by custom, etc. But with the Internet, we started to separate into more and more tribes, tribes based, for example, on but one particular view of but one subject because there were so many of us in the room that we could always find new people to agree with us and join our tribe. And when we're all in the same room, you've (your tribe) got to yell to be heard. With more yelling at each other came more animosity and we began to learn to hate those in the other tribe. But how could society become so damaged, so quickly? Blame the corrupt media. Time was when the purpose of media was to expose truth. It used its free speech protections to help keep politicians honest. But the Internet changed things. Primarily, it took advertising dollars away from print and broadcast media and moved them to the Internet. To survive, media found that it had to appeal to as many tribes as it could. It moved away from writing about what it thought people should know, to what the people wanted to know. It started selling opinion, rather than news. The two largest tribes in the U.S. are Republicans and Democrats. Media chose sides. It wrote one side or the other to keep audience. Today, instead of supporting America, media - all of it - is a threat to the health and welfare of the nation. Those on the left are lied to every day by leftist media, those on the right get much the same. All national media lies to keep audience. Worse, much worse, it hides truth. Their audience does not watch or listen to any other media because they don't want to hear other opinion. And so, they have not a clue what's really going on in the world. A recent example: Fox reported on the attempted assassination of Supeme Court Justice Kavanaugh. CNN, CBS, MSNBC, the New York Times - every leftist media, you name it - have said not a word about it. Because to do so undermines their political platform. Their audience is brainwashed, which is why we have such absolute bullshit going on as allowing men into women's restrooms, as telling children they can be any sex they want, and, well, let's keep to the point. Which is: Americans hate each other intensely over political issues because they don't know the truth of them and that hate has fueled increasing violence and will continue to. One last point. Because of this hate-filled societal evolution, over just the past several years, in my opinion, all of the tremendous progress that we made on race relations in this country has been largely destroyed. Because hate breeds hate. And I have to blame the left for this. The race riots manufactured by racists and the corrupt media, and the destruction of our history which resulted, have done incredible damage. (NOTE: As an XI member, you are well aware of our prohibition on any demonstration of racism so please be careful if you touch on this topic in further discussion.) Thanks for listening... Your thoughts are welcome!
    1 point
  18. Lol, it was our last day, we were headed home. Had just done our last run down the dragon and hit the open road around the river and just got on ruby a little bit with my friend behind me when I saw something off the shoulder, by then to late.. I was going 23 over and knew it.. Long story short I was honest and he was cool, just a warning.. Funny thing is, we had been pushing it all weekend all over that area and could have gone to the pokie if they had gotten us for some of our other indiscretions.. But it was a awesome time..
    1 point
  19. MtDeW

    my play time

    you may have to try out another key layout like i do so the only time i use my thumb is to move backward and i press the space bar with my pinky finger.
    1 point
  20. jointz

    my play time

    We miss having you on more often. Sucks to hear how bad it truly is. The pain is not easy I'm sure. Hopefully your meds help u enough to come join in the fun once and a while
    1 point
  21. loaderXI

    my play time

    I know the feeling dear but it is in both hands...Burn, hurt and cramp and swollen (can't close hands no more) So here is a thing...I have had folks ask about "trolling" and streaming to youtube again maybe that is something you might want to do as well...I will be working on it here soon just have to get my ISP back on track to support it COX Cable sucks arse here at the new place
    1 point
  22. oil price is ruled by markets not presidents , putin has an indirect effect on this cause the war in Ukraine and all these gas boycott from russia pushed the oil pirces up thats it Now is the time to switch from your huge suburban truck to a normal size car or SUv.
    1 point
  23. tsw 8.5

    pulled pork my way

    let soak in the good stuff for 2 days then slow cooker for 7 hours add some bbq sauce at 5 and a half hours it is so good
    1 point
  24. I blew up so many damn speakers jamming this shit.
    1 point
  25. Need to be registered on the website for 1 month and have 20 posts. Your in-game identity (such as GUID) must not be banned by anti-cheat services such as pbbans.com You must not be in another clan Your game name and forum names must match Have read, understand, and agree to abide by the XI Code of Conduct Need to have and use either Steam, Origin, TS, or Discord Need to be 18 years old ** We have recently dropped our requirements to have a set amount of hours on our servers. im pretty sure this means i can have my tags back??? all and all i have been gone many years .... i recently purchased a new computer after not having one for the last 5 years or so.... and the first thing i did was download cod2 and cod4 great memories here... i will not say it has not been with a heavy heart after reading the fallen members list... man i cant explain how it feels to know how many we have lost since i first joined in 2012... i hope they are all hanging out together.. and im so glad to see things still going smooth here... maybe i should download cod radiant and try to remember how to do that... haha well hopefully ill be seeing you guys in game!
    1 point
  26. KaptCrunch

    Financial markets

    nice way to make a shed there TLCB LoL
    0 points
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