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  4. I've recommended your site to all my friends who are interested in [topic]. Keep up the fantastic work!

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  5. What does any discussion about biden have to do with Trump? Have to agree though, about age. There's a point reached where experience is overwhelmed by physical & mental deterioration. If you can't cover 12hrs of workload, you don't need to be in charge of anything. Let people with a future make the decisions.
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  7. Don’t get me started! Price gouging since the Covid 19 excuse……….we’re still paying for that!
  8. Your blog is a treasure trove of useful information. Thanks for making it accessible to everyone!

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  10. Good read thanks for sharing. Didn't know you were that deep into Azure. Working for Bill and the Evil empire lol. Another IT nerd like myself.
  11. Good to hear. Exercising is my 2nd biggest stress reliever. All positive stuff. Taking care of you and the family should be the number 1 priority.
  12. XtremeIdiots would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. LilAcorn (49)Dessy (48)NyxNyxNyx (35)Mindphasr --
  13. Yesterday
  14. I hope everyone is having a good day. It's beautiful here in NE Indiana!!!

  15. Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!

  16. Thanks all. Same Bat time, Same Bat website next year.....
  17. so I have a chance!! /hefe slowly plots his wife's untimely demise!
  18. So ah what country did you hmmmm borrow a tank of gas in ? Did you ever recieve an award in broke it ism's ? Asking for a friend
  19. This guide has been instrumental in helping me navigate the challenges. Kudos to the author for such detailed and actionable advice. AVG Antivirus Cracked
  20. You die now..... Wake Up , Time To Die
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